Austin Freenet

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

April 2017




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The freenet is a city-wide wifi network -- sans the Internet as we know it -- that survivors use to communicate via message board, call, or text. Freenet users create their own usernames to log in with when they sign up for the Freenet, so a character does not have to post under their real name if they don't want to.

When posting to the Freenet, please specify whether you are posting a text or a public/private message board post.

Posts Tagged: '%23+username:+houdini'

Mar. 17th, 2017



SENT FROM: houdini
TYPE: private message to sewwhat
TIME: 3/3/20, 7:45AM

Happy birthday, Paige! I reckon you might still be asleep, but I wanted to say it before I got busy.

Feb. 14th, 2017



SENT FROM: houdini
TYPE: private message to @daddy_daycare
TIME: 2/5/20, 3:15PM

Y'all didn't send flowers as a joke, right? Like some Santa competition call back? I mean, I know I'm real good looking, and all but...


SENT FROM: houdini
TYPE: private message to @mcdreamy @paced @journeyman
TIME: 2/5/20, 3:22PM

Know of anyone that should of gotten flowers with a strange message about the state of the union? One of y'all ain't responsible for 'em, right?

Dec. 29th, 2016



SENT FROM: callahan
TYPE: public post
TIME: December 9th, 1pm

Attention party people, this is a friendly reminder that there are still a few tickets for the New Year's Eve party happening at The Bar tomorrow night.

The party will be open to the public until 6:45, and once those leaving to make curfew have departed, we will be locked in for the rest of the night, ringing in the new year at midnight! Overnight rooms are limited so reserve one before you're stuck ringing in the new year passed out in a booth.

Leave a comment here or stop by The Bar if you're interested in purchasing a ticket.

Dec. 12th, 2016



SENT FROM: sewwhat
TYPE: public post
TIME: December 4, 11:49pm

Well ladies and gentlemen, after three days of nonstop painting, wallpapering and assembling, I think I've finally put the finishing touches on my new retail space -- Clothes Encounter (See what I did there???)!!! I don't think I've slept at all and my blood might consist mostly of coffee (thank you sweet girl who makes the most delicious coffee and doughnuts for making sure I didn't starve to death) but oh my gosh it's done!!! I feel like I've conquered the world!!! Though I might just be delerious and exhausted.

So I'm off for some well deserved rest but come by and see me tomorrow at [address]! Christmas is coming and clothing makes a great gift.

Dec. 6th, 2016



SENT FROM: houdini
TYPE: private message @paced & @journeyman
TIME: 12/2/19, 3:23PM

So. Elves. Y'all think the decision was based on height? 'Cause I'm kinda thinking it was.

But I know someone that could probably hook y'all up if you're looking for elf costumes.


SENT FROM: houdini
TYPE: private message @mcdreamy
TIME: 12/2/19, 3:27PM

Hey, Santa! Don't feel bad when the LBJ wins, man.


SENT FROM: houdini
TYPE: private message @sewwhat
TIME: 12/2/19, 4:20PM

I'm sorry in advance if Nick or Luc come looking for elf costumes.

I made a comment and then I couldn't take it back... I know that's not really what you do.



SENT FROM: callahan
TYPE: public message
TIME: December 2nd, 2:30pm

Thank you to all who nominated and voted in the very important Austin's Battle of the Santas. After a round of nominations and an even more exciting round of run-off voting, the people of Austin have spoken! Here are your selections:

Capitol District:
Santa Claus: Isaac Callahan
Mr. Claus: Kāne Van Dale
Elves: Nina Clarke, Kevin Clarke

LBJ District:
Santa Claus: Beau Waites
Mr. Claus: Nathan Posey
Elves: Nick Choi, Luc Flores

UMCB District:
Santa Claus: Pete Whelan
Mrs. Claus: Shelby Thomas
Elves: Lita Singh, Rose Montgomery

Greenbelt District:
Santa Claus: Max Mendelson
Mrs. Claus: Violet Holladay
Elves: Pikachu Garcia, Ryan McCormick

Congratulations to all. Don't forget that the Battle of the Santas will be happening at the LBJ Community Center on December 5th. Photos will be $10 and all money raised will go towards Austin's new orphanage foundation.

From the desk of Isaac Callahan,
Department of Justice Commissioner
Interim Mayor of Austin

Two additional notes:
1. I swear on the Texas State Constitution that I did not stuff the ballot box to win the role of Santa Claus.
2. If for some (absurd) reason you wish to withdraw your candidacy, please send me a private message.

Oct. 31st, 2016



SENT FROM: houdini
TYPE: Public post
TIME: 10/10/19, 8:45PM

haappy halloween y'lal. thanks for wa damn good hgit.n and watch lout for zomibies!

SENT FROM: Nathan Posey
TYPE: Text message to Paige Goodall
TIME: 10/10/19, 8:47PM

you have (3) new messages )

Sep. 12th, 2016



SENT FROM: houdini
TYPE: Public post
TIME: 9/4/19, 9:15AM

Ran into a couple ladies in the UMCB district about ten minutes ago, and they seemed really panicked about S'mores gas. Is that still a problem? 'Cause the district does kinda have that smell...

Just wondering if everyone should be heading indoors.

Sep. 5th, 2016



TYPE: public post
TIME: 9/2/19, 8:45 AM

omg it's RAINING. like, actual real rain. not a single blobby horror falling from the sky as far as the eye can see. i mean, god, remember how much that sucked? i never thought i would be so happy to look at rain and not have to worry about whether the landscape outside was about to turn into an infectious wasteland, but let me tell you I AM THRILLED TO PIECES ABOUT IT.

if it's still raining when i get home from school this afternoon, i am totally going to go out in the backyard and just ... idk stand out in a for a while and really really appreciate how normal it all is.

Aug. 30th, 2016



SENT FROM: legallyblonde
TYPE: public post
TIME: 8/10/19, 3:25pm

Today has been such a good day. As I was leaving the Capitol building I ran into the office clerk for the commerce department and she told me that my application for the community center has been approved! I managed to get the paperwork before I left for the day which means I can start working on development and construction immediately.

Since it's an old grocery store the place was entirely picked over and the US Government took all the salvagable appliances, but the bones are good. I think once it's fully cleared out and fixed up it's going to be a really special place.

There's a lot of work to be done but I'm so excited! Think I'll head over there tonight to get a head start. The building is on 31st & Guadalupe if anyone wants to stop by and take a look!

SENT FROM: Savannah Posey
TYPE: text message to Art Jenner
TIME: 8/10/19, 3:55pm, after this conversation with Maizie and Olivia

you have (2) new message )

Aug. 25th, 2016



FROM: burgerqueen
TYPE: public post
WHEN: 8/9/19, 11am
Hello Austin! From the minds and cooks who brought you Burger, She Wrote, I'm pleased to announce the opening of a brick and mortar restaurant that can be found in the Barton Creek Greenbelt: Rest in Peas.

With more than a truck at our disposal, we're able to offer a greater menu variety. Feel free to stop by the grand opening today! Or come on by another day - we'll be here. This doesn't mean the end of the truck, but it won't be out full time anymore. We are still open to requests, as we're here for you. If you want us somewhere, we'll see what we can do to make that happen. Don't be afraid to ask.

Come visit Rest in Peas! We would love to feed you.

smoked jalapeño poppers;
bacon, spinach, and four cheese-stuffed mushrooms;
cajun shrimp guacamole bites

roasted tomato soup (with optional grilled cheese crostini);
rotating soup of the day (today's is a corn bisque with beef brisket "croutons")

wedge salad with gorgonzola and bacon;
couscous salad with roasted butternut squash;
mexican street corn salad

regular burger;
cheeseburger - cheddar, swiss, or provolone;
chili pepper burger;
green eggs and ham - has a fried egg, bacon, basil mayo;
sweet potato black bean burger.
*Add beef brisket to any burger to do it up Austin style!*

french fries, onion rings, roasted vegetables

spiced apple pie;
toasted s'more milkshakes (limited supply!)

Aug. 17th, 2016



From: 5K181232
Type: Public post
When: 8/6/19, 7:30PM

It's my birthday!!! Savannah ordered a cake mix and frosting from Oklahoma as a test of that catalog thing and we had a family party thing, no big deal. Here's a video she took of me

I can't believe it's been another year but life goes on and stuff and even though people try to bring us down with super rude negativity and like bombs and stuff our spirits cannot be contained!!! So suck on that, outlaws!!!!!!


From: 5K181232
To: mayz, soaring, heykitten
When: 8/6/19, 7:35PM

OMG i cannot wait to celebrate for real with you hot skanks!

Aug. 3rd, 2016



SENT FROM: shadowed
TYPE: public post
TIME: 8/1, 2:47 PM

So the graffiti that popped up in a couple of places around the city is something I heard about a few times, but today I actually ran across the one in the Capitol district. It looks pretty bad ass up there with those bold colors. Maybe I'm missing something though because I just don't know what the hell it means. If somebody out there is revering handcuffs, man, you're doing it so wrong.

It's just been the two so far, right? I looked around the artwork a minute to see if there was a signature or anything hidden in the design but didn't see one. A patrol came along pretty quick after that so I had to split before they got the idea that maybe I was behind it. And I started thinking -- remember when crop circles were a thing? Popular theories said they were made by aliens landing out in the fields or secret government testing of some classified project, but all the skeptics said that it was just a group of people playing a prank. Maybe this graffiti is Austin's version of crop circles. Could be anyone is responsible, and it will stay a mystery forever.

(But c'mon it's always aliens, man.)

Jul. 19th, 2016



SENT FROM: blooddiamond
TYPE: public post
TIME: July 6, 5pmish

What asshat is trainin these shit-for-brains sweep crews? For the record, I don't make a habit of saving fifty year old ex-accountants from gettin their face chewed off just to get barked at for the trouble.

Ruined my favorite boots. Only boots

Least I got a nice parting gift. Would've made a nice birthday present for my brother.

I need a smoke.
Happy early bday, B

Jul. 17th, 2016



SENT FROM: legallyblonde
TYPE: public post
TIME: July 6, 6:30 am

Couldn't sleep and decided to finally get around to clearing out the closet in my bedroom. Course none of the clothes fit me and I swear the man had more clothes than the woman because there are so many suits. She had good taste in jewelry though.

This got me thinking about all the other people like me with houses full of clothes we can't wear... We should start some kind of community clothing drive seeing as I don't see the Gap reopening in Austin any time soon. Would anyone else be interested?

Jul. 15th, 2016



SENT FROM: captaining
TYPE: Public
TIME: 1400, July 5th

Why are there reporters here? And why do they want to talk to us? The last I checked, I'm just a nurse.

Also, they get testy when you say you've got more important things to do than take pictures.

Jul. 12th, 2016



From: houdini
Type: public post
When: 7/4/19, 9:15PM(ish)

happy 4txh y'axll. kiss a servicemen if you see on.e yor me, if you see me. am at the barr.

Jul. 10th, 2016



From: captaing
Type: public post
When: 6/9, around 8pm (BACKDATED)

My dog is missing. His name is Kaleo, he's a brindle pitt/mastiff mix with tags. He is approachable and trained. If you see him, please send me the location.

Jul. 8th, 2016



From: burgerking
Type: public post
When: 7/3, 6PM

Hello Austin! This is a notice that Burger, She Wrote will be closed for Independence Day, 7/4 tomorrow and indefinitely after that. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, especially those who had planned to stop by for holiday food.


From: burgerking
Type: private post to the Greenbelt
When: 7/3, 6:05PM

I need an explanation now for why your gang held up our truck, stole our supplies, and injured my best friend.


From: Ryan McCormick
To: Jackson Everett
Type: Texts
When: 7/3, 6:08PM

> Thank you for stepping in today.
> I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't been there.

Jul. 6th, 2016



From: mcdreamy
Type: public post
When: 7/2, 8AM

Woke up in the middle of the night to this, bricks in my living room and kitchen, Hellhounds and zombies and soldiers duking it out in the front lawn. I mean it's not typically how I'd repay someone who put his ass on the line to help but i guess we all have our own way of saying 'thank you'

And now I have to go to work so here's hoping when I come home there aren't zombies living in my house.