Austin Freenet

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

April 2017




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Posts Tagged: '%23+username:+crackerjackattack'

Apr. 11th, 2016



SENT FROM: shadowed
TYPE: public post
TIME: 4/2/19, 6:47PM

Who doesn't love a good conspiracy am I right? This place I crash has what's easily Austin's biggest collection of books on the topic of secret government projects, the Illuminati, and anything to do with aliens that you can imagine. No seriously. You would not believe some of the crap that people actually dreamed up and tried to sell as the truth.

So here it is, today's winner:
The CIA has a secret space program. And yeah they totally have space-treaties with extraterrestrials, who may or may not live on Mars. Or it might be that we have a secret base on Mars. The author isn't sure of anything except that something hinky is going on over on the red planet next door. The proof? Well that part seems to have been left out. But c'mon it's always aliens, man.

... Y'all know I don't actually buy any of this BS right?

Mar. 26th, 2016



Sent From: Crackerjackattack
Type: Public post
Time: Early morning hours of 3/8.

The worst part about doing what I do is that your sleep schedule gets fucked. 26 hours of no sleep, I'd kill for a sedative right now.