Austin Freenet

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

April 2017




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The freenet is a city-wide wifi network -- sans the Internet as we know it -- that survivors use to communicate via message board, call, or text. Freenet users create their own usernames to log in with when they sign up for the Freenet, so a character does not have to post under their real name if they don't want to.

When posting to the Freenet, please specify whether you are posting a text or a public/private message board post.

Posts Tagged: '%23+username:+withaneedle'

Apr. 18th, 2017



Private messages all sent 4/6, evening

From: cherryontop
To: bellagio and ricochet



From: cherryontop
To: codemonkey

I got into Illinois!!!


From: cherryontop
To: fireinthehole, withaneedle

Just found out I got into the college I wanted!! I guess my days in Austin are numbered for now.


From: cherryontop
To: chiefkulseth

I got accepted back into college, and for some reason I thought you might want to know. No, don't send this

Mar. 9th, 2017



From: burgerking
Type: Private post to the Greenbelt
When: 3/1/20, 8:30AM

We just got notified that one of our employees was arrested last night as a suspect in the fires. Apparently he had been using a fake name this whole time.

I don't know any more than that, but that's really freaking scary. I just wanted to see if everyone was okay / had heard?

Feb. 14th, 2017



From: cherryontop
Type: public post
Sent: 2/5/20, 3PM

I mean, we all make mistakes but this is a little embarrassing for the new flower shop, isn't it?! Not that I'm not super amused by everything!!! I mean, Max obviously got me something and it went to someone else, and he didn't forget


From: cherryontop
To: fireinthehole
Sent: 2/5/20, 3:05PM

I think I received the gift you put together for Bunny. Are you around the Capitol today so you can pick it up and take it home to her?


From: cherryontop
To: bellagio
Sent: 2/5/20, 3:10PM

Thanks for the gift! xo Did you get mine? Something weird is going on!

Feb. 10th, 2017



FROM: burgerqueen
TO: the greenbelt
WHAT: private post
WHEN: 2/4/20, 6:30am
Saw another fire - already called AFD. Hope everyone is safe.

FROM: burgerqueen
WHAT: public post
WHEN: 2/4/20, 7:30am
Thanks to AFD for quick response.
No thanks to whoever keeps doing this.

Feb. 9th, 2017



From: yolo
To: the greenbelt only
Sent: 2/3/20, 7PM
Type: private post

good news all is that rickey's back home. injuries weren't too bad in the end, couple of bruised ribs and some puffiness more or less but by this point he ain't got much to worry about.

he can't remember much about what happened but he said it was a few guys who beat him up. two or three, he ain't sure. didn't have a car or bike or anything, they left on foot after.

everyone stay alert and keep an eye out for things.

Dec. 30th, 2016



From: skiff
When: December 10, 11AM
Type: Public post

I hear what's left of US is better off than Austin, but to this guy it seems pretty damn sophisticated. We managed okay enough back home in Johnson City, but we didn't have anything like y'all do here.

I guess the first thing to check off my new-to-the-city list is 'get a job.' Anyone have any leads? I got most of my experience farming but that ain't the only thing I could do, depending.

Dec. 27th, 2016



From: burgerking
To: The Greenbelt
Type: Private post
When: 12/9/19, 6:45AM

Um, I know not a lot of people are probably even up right now... but is that the bonfire that's still going out west, or is something else on fire?

Dec. 7th, 2016



SENT FROM: firebird
TYPE: private message to yolo and withaneedle
TIME: December 3rd, 11am

so when's the threesome?

Oct. 16th, 2016



From: yolo
Type: public post
Sent: 10/6 4PM

got a call from downtown telling me i got something to pick up so i went and drove down and here's what it was

guess i can't return it by this point cause i already signed the papers.

Sep. 30th, 2016



SENT FROM: soaring
TYPE: public post
TIME: October 1, 9:45am

so i guess this stuff was supposed to arrive last month but we finally got our shipment of vaccines at the umcb!!! make your appointments to get them and if demand is greater than supply we're def going to be restocking asap!!! definitely recommend a flu shot at the very least bc winter is coming (but not in the game of thrones kind of way) and the flu is different than your common cold, especially affecting children and the elderly. plus, we're living through a zombie apocalypse so i'm pretty sure none of us want to be that person who died from the flu...

ANYWAY!!! make your appointments and i'm looking forward to seeing you at the clinic! happy october and here's to a healthy austin <3

Sep. 12th, 2016



From: mcdreamy
Type: Public post
When: 9/4, 9:25AM

Hey so I know the rain was just rain, pretty obvious since nothing else but water fell from the sky but I haven't smelled marshmallow this strong since before June. I also know we're governed by Austinites again instead of power-tripping dictators but... Does anyone smell that as strong as I am smelling it right now?


From: mcdreamy
To: withaneedle
Type: Private message
When: 9/4, 9:26AM

How's things going?


From: mcdreamy
To: legallyblonde
Type: Private message
When: 9/4, 9:28AM

You guys got rid of all the gas right?


From: mcdreamy
To: thorns
Type: Private message
when: 9/4, 9:31AM

How's that new old place treating you? Can you smell the marshmallow over there?

Aug. 10th, 2016



From: burgerking
Type: public post
When: 8/3/19, 7PM

I've talked to a few of you about starting a book club here in Austin, and we'll be able to begin meeting at the Lending Library at the beginning of next month. With this in mind, I've been looking for a book to discuss. To my great chagrin, the only books available in bulk in the local bookstores (enough for us to begin a book club, I mean, quantity-wise) is Twilight. I guess no one really wanted it for their shelters back before things changed.

The next book we'll be reading, if you want to order it from the catalog, will be The Great Gatsby. But if you want to do something with your free time now, we have several copies of the first Twilight book available at the Lending Library for anyone who wants to pick it up. Maybe we can hate-read that one.

Jul. 18th, 2016



SENT FROM: fireinthehole
TYPE: Public post
TIME: July 6th, 3:45PM

Don't know about the rest of you, but I met a real charming reporter today. Guess not all of ‘em are as pushy as the posts on here would lead a person to believe.


SENT FROM: fireinthehole
TYPE: Private post to Greenbelt Residents
TIME: July 6th, 3:47PM

If anyone of you end up having trouble with the reporters, let myself or one of the other officers know. I ain’t going to let these people nose about in the Greenbelt if it’s disrupting any of you.


SENT FROM: Bishop Coldiron
TYPE: Group text to Vic Scherbatsky, Arthur Jenner and TJ Greenling
TIME: July 6th, 3:40PM

You have (3) new messages )

SENT FROM: Bishop Coldiron
TYPE: Bunny Dolan
TIME: July 6th, 3:50PM

You have (3) new messages )

Jul. 4th, 2016



From: yolo
Type: public post
When: 7/1, 8pm

took my official id card n everything earlier today. i look like a fuckin potato

guess it could be worse. besides, i got a real house and everything now. ain't gonna complain too hard.


From: yolo
Type: private post to the Greenbelt as well as jurisdoctor, journeyman, and paced
When: 7/1, 8:10pm

before any rumors get outta hand yes it's true. about twenty of our patches up and left earlier. were gonna keep on keeping on in the meantime but anyone who sees these turncoats you let us know. abandonment ain't something to take lightly and they'll be answering for it as far as im concerned.

Jun. 8th, 2016



SENT FROM: legallyblonde
TYPE: private post to LBJ and Dog Park
TIME: June 3rd, 2pm

I'm writing to people of the Library and Dog Park to get out the truth -- it's true that I've been returned to the library by my kidnappers. As I'm sure you've all seen on the Freenet, I was taken by the US Government. I still don't approve of the drastic measures that were taken (as I was literally ripped away from my brother's side while out for a walk with our dog) but I think that their intentions are genuine.

Olinger was holding our city hostage and President Hemings has zero experience in negotiating a situation like that. It took them a long time to figure out how to resolve it, but thankfully our city was spared and Olinger has been brought to justice. I've been assured that he and those closest to him will pay for their crimes. I'm also relieved that his successor is someone I trust and whose moral fiber is stronger than just about anyone I know: Nina Clarke.

I know it's going to take time for the US Government to earn our trust, but I am cautiously optimistic that this will be a good turn for Austin.

SENT FROM: Savannah Posey
TYPE: text to Nina Clarke
TIME: 2:08pm

you have (2) new messages )

SENT FROM: Savannah Posey
TYPE: text to Lita Singh
TIME: 2:10pm

you have (3) new messages )

SENT FROM: Savannah Posey
TYPE: text to Pete Whelan
TIME: 2:12pm

you have (3) new messages )

May. 24th, 2016



From: yolo
Type: Private post to the Dog Park
Sent: 5/7, 5:15PM

hey y'all. our traveling docs aren't gonna be able to come round for a little while, so during this period i don't wanna hear about anyone taking any dumb risks and playing at stupid shit when they're out in austin. we can't risk anyone coming back bit or with an injury we won't be able to handle on our own. i don't care what kinda shit the apd or patrolmen're pulling. basically don't be a dumbass. keep yourselves clean and healthy cause no one's gonna be able to come take a look at you if you come down with something either.

From: yolo
To: thomasine
Sent: 5/7, 5:20PM

there's something going round as far as illness goes. what's our stock looking like as far as cold and flu shit goes?

May. 20th, 2016



SENT FROM: Noa Bellamy
TYPE: Text to Sasha Whittaker
TIME: 5/7/19, 1:30PM

you have (2) new messages )


SENT FROM: Noa Bellamy
TYPE: Text to Cherry Chan
TIME: 5/7/19, 3:30PM

you have (2) new messages )


SENT FROM: withaneedle
TYPE: Private post to Dog Park residents
TIME: 5/7/19, 4:00PM

if you need anything ink related talk to Sasha, he'll sort you out. I'm taking a break for a few.

May. 17th, 2016



FROM: dontshoot
TYPE: private post to dog park
WHEN: 5/4/19, 6pm
an announcement )


FROM: tj greenling
TYPE: text to marina scherbatsky
WHEN: 5/4/19, 6:30pm
you have (2) new text messages )

Mar. 12th, 2016



SENT FROM: firebird
TYPE: public post
TIME: March 4th, 3:48pm

i finished my latest cross stitch

anyway so i was out raiding the michaels, looking for more pattern and came across the grossest fucking thing


dorogoy, now we know what to do when dozor sheds so much

[private to dog park]
and i made something for all the officers too. vic'll bring them to chapel

we ride together, we die together )

Feb. 8th, 2016



Type Public
When January 8

Hey Sonny, or should I say Gun? Found some information about you. Got anything you want to say now before I end you? You coward...

For the rest of the Hellhounds. I never betrayed you. Heard you got out of La Quinta. I am sorry about Tesla. I loved him. I know you don't believe it right now but someday you will.