Austin Freenet

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

April 2017




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The freenet is a city-wide wifi network -- sans the Internet as we know it -- that survivors use to communicate via message board, call, or text. Freenet users create their own usernames to log in with when they sign up for the Freenet, so a character does not have to post under their real name if they don't want to.

When posting to the Freenet, please specify whether you are posting a text or a public/private message board post.

Posts Tagged: '%23+username:+lickmyglock'

Sep. 28th, 2015



Type: Public
From: @LickMyGlock
Time: 9/10/2018

Seeing as how the city is overrun with monsters and all...

Is it too late to inform everyone that I'm a werewolf?

Jul. 14th, 2015



from: LickMyGlock
Type: public

After things get a little settled back down around here, i'm thinking about taking a road trip up a little further North.
Maybe we can find some deer. Or supplies.

Would anyone be interested in venturing out to do something like that with me?

Figured it would be a little easier with an extra pair of hands or two.

Jun. 8th, 2015



SENT FROM: parts
TYPE: Public Post

I know we're not supposed to touch the blobs, but is it just me or does anyone else want to try and see if it's flammable? And, if it is, exactly how flammable it is?

Jun. 3rd, 2015



SENT FROM: Parthenogenetic
TYPE: Public post

Good afternoon, Austinites!

Due to the unsettling nature of the recent forecast, I will be extending my office hours and available appointment times through the weekend. For those who are unable to schedule an individual appointment or don't wish to arrange a one-on-one session for whatever reason, I am considering starting a group support program. Perhaps with a mailing list! That would be better to reach those in quarantine, wouldn't it?

Speaking of which, my condolences to those infected by the storm. Our weather monitoring systems really aren't what they once were, but at least we had some warning this time.


Dr. S. Handsel
MD-PhD, PsyaD