Austin Freenet

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

April 2017




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The freenet is a city-wide wifi network -- sans the Internet as we know it -- that survivors use to communicate via message board, call, or text. Freenet users create their own usernames to log in with when they sign up for the Freenet, so a character does not have to post under their real name if they don't want to.

When posting to the Freenet, please specify whether you are posting a text or a public/private message board post.

Posts Tagged: '%23+2019+%5B08%5D+august'

Sep. 2nd, 2016



SENT FROM: Art Jenner
TYPE: Group Text
TO: Current Hellhound Officers/Close Friends
TIME: August 10th, evening

you have (5) new messages )

Aug. 31st, 2016



SENT FROM: Bishop Coldiron
TYPE: Group Text
TO: Vic Scherbatsky, Marina Scherbatskaya, Noa Bellamy, Bunny Dolan, TJ Greenling, Arthur Jenner, Pikachu Garcia, Cherry Chan, Willa Davidson and Max Mendelson.
TIME: August 10th, 2019 - Early Morning.

You have (5) new messages )

SENT FROM: Bishop Coldiron
TYPE: Group Text
TO: Savannah Posey and Nina Clarke
TIME: August 10th, 2019 - Early Morning.

You have (4) new messages )

Aug. 30th, 2016



SENT FROM: legallyblonde
TYPE: public post
TIME: 8/10/19, 3:25pm

Today has been such a good day. As I was leaving the Capitol building I ran into the office clerk for the commerce department and she told me that my application for the community center has been approved! I managed to get the paperwork before I left for the day which means I can start working on development and construction immediately.

Since it's an old grocery store the place was entirely picked over and the US Government took all the salvagable appliances, but the bones are good. I think once it's fully cleared out and fixed up it's going to be a really special place.

There's a lot of work to be done but I'm so excited! Think I'll head over there tonight to get a head start. The building is on 31st & Guadalupe if anyone wants to stop by and take a look!

SENT FROM: Savannah Posey
TYPE: text message to Art Jenner
TIME: 8/10/19, 3:55pm, after this conversation with Maizie and Olivia

you have (2) new message )

Aug. 29th, 2016



SENT FROM: inthemiddle
TYPE: Public Post
TIME: August 10th, 2019 - Late Morning

Hello Austin! Erase whatever it was you might have had penciled into your calendar for tomorrow night, because The Bar is hosting Austin’s very first speed dating night! You read that right, Austin’s #1 bar is branching out to help anyone and everyone looking for love to find that special someone.

Come out and be bitten by love! If nothing else we promise it's better than a zombie bite!


SENT FROM: Demi Rafferty
TYPE: Group Text
TO: Bishop Coldiron, Arthur Jenner, Pikachu Garcia, Noa Bellamy, Sasha Whittaker, Bunny Dolan, Ryan McCormick, Violet Holladay, Nina Clarke, Savannah Posey, Pete Whelan, Lita Singh, Kitty Gilmore, Nathan Posey, Luc Flores, Nick Choi, Dani Diaz, Mina Kulseth and Bea Rodriguez.
TIME: August 10th, 2019 - Late Morning.

> Cancel whatever plans you might have tomorrow night because this is an official invitation to come out and be bitten by love!
> There will be booze, attractive people and hopefully good conversation.
> If there’s not don't blame us, we can’t control every conversation.
> Cherry and I would love to see your bright and smiling faces at The Bar on September 1st.
> Scratch that, they don’t even need to be bright and smiling. We just want to see you there!

Aug. 25th, 2016



From: Olivia Jensen
To: Sasha Whittaker
Type: Text
When: 8/9/19, 12:11PM

> hi
> what are you doing?

From: Olivia Jensen
To: Savannah Posey
Type: Text
When: 8/9/19, 12:13PM

> do you know anything about business/

From: Olivia Jensen
To: Maizie Wolfe
Type: Text
When: 8/9/19, 12:18PM

> how serious are you about this whole quiet librarry thing?

From: Olivia Jensen
To: Bea Rodríguez
Type: Text
When: 8/9/19, 12:22PM

> if we had a training center or gym in austin would you be interested in doing something with that
> you could learn how to teach zomba or something bc i sure as hell am not gonna be teaching that



FROM: burgerqueen
TYPE: public post
WHEN: 8/9/19, 11am
Hello Austin! From the minds and cooks who brought you Burger, She Wrote, I'm pleased to announce the opening of a brick and mortar restaurant that can be found in the Barton Creek Greenbelt: Rest in Peas.

With more than a truck at our disposal, we're able to offer a greater menu variety. Feel free to stop by the grand opening today! Or come on by another day - we'll be here. This doesn't mean the end of the truck, but it won't be out full time anymore. We are still open to requests, as we're here for you. If you want us somewhere, we'll see what we can do to make that happen. Don't be afraid to ask.

Come visit Rest in Peas! We would love to feed you.

smoked jalapeño poppers;
bacon, spinach, and four cheese-stuffed mushrooms;
cajun shrimp guacamole bites

roasted tomato soup (with optional grilled cheese crostini);
rotating soup of the day (today's is a corn bisque with beef brisket "croutons")

wedge salad with gorgonzola and bacon;
couscous salad with roasted butternut squash;
mexican street corn salad

regular burger;
cheeseburger - cheddar, swiss, or provolone;
chili pepper burger;
green eggs and ham - has a fried egg, bacon, basil mayo;
sweet potato black bean burger.
*Add beef brisket to any burger to do it up Austin style!*

french fries, onion rings, roasted vegetables

spiced apple pie;
toasted s'more milkshakes (limited supply!)

Aug. 24th, 2016



SENT FROM: Littlebird
TYPE: Public post
TIME: August 8th, 2019 - 6:00PM

Fair warning to anyone thinking they might want to visit Walker’s. You may want to be prepared to see some walkers in the process. Who knew that a trip to the grocery store would require you were up on your cardio. That was definitely not the early evening activity I had in mind for my day off.

Also I hate calling people out publicly so I won't use your name, but to the woman who became my running partner, I hope you're doing okay.


SENT FROM: Ria Otieno
TO: Amanda van Eeden
TYPE: Text
TIME: August 8th, 2019 - 6:15PM

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SENT FROM: Ria Otieno
TO: Delia Wallace
TYPE: Text
TIME: August 8th, 2019 -6:30PM

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SENT FROM: Ria Otieno
TO: Yvie Devkopa
TYPE: Text
TIME: August 8th, 2019 - 6:35PM

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From: burgerking
To: burgerqueen
When: 8/8/19, 7:45AM

Hey. You awake?

Looks like we're going to have to start emphasizing that we're the first food service business in Austin. And that we serve more than just sugar.



SENT FROM: Demi Rafferty
TO: Isaac Callahan and Cherry Chan
TYPE: Group text
TIME: August 8th, 2019 - 5:00PM

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SENT FROM: sweet-tart
TYPE: Public post
TIME: 8/8/19, 6:00AM

Good morning Austin! All your coffee and sugary doughnut needs have been solved!
The Doughnut Hole in the UMCB district will be open for business starting this morning!
So, if or when you’re on your way to or from Walker’s you should stop in!


Chocolate Old-Fashioned & Assorted Cake with Sprinkles

Passion Fruit Poppy Seed (Raised) & Boston Creme

Every purchase of a doughnut comes with a free tall drink of your choice today.

Aug. 20th, 2016



TO: Savannah
TYPE: Text
DATE: August 7th, 7:45 pm

>how much do you know?

TO: Bishop
TYPE: Text
DATE: August 7th, 7:46 pm

>what's going on?



From: mayor_clarke
Type: public post
When: 8/7/19, 3:15PM

Citizens of Austin,

I write to you today to provide clarification on today's events.

Many of you in the LBJ and UMCB Districts have reported hearing faint gunshots within the last hour, coming from the northern portion of unincorporated Austin. This was the result of a clash between our police force and the remaining rogue outlaw suspects who purported a continued association between themselves and the Hellhound motorcycle club.

We are pleased to share that the Austin Police Department successfully contained the suspects and they are now in custody within La Quinta.

Please note that our administration has once again confirmed that the members of the Hellhound motorcycle club, who are all registered citizens of Austin, Texas, are committed to upholding the law and are well aware of the consequences they -- or any other lawless citizen, Hellhound or not -- would experience should they step outside the law.

We continue to advise precaution on our city streets, though we express optimism that for now, the sole threat remains the undead.


The Government of
Austin, Texas


From: mayor_clarke
To: chiefkulseth
When: 8/7/19, 3:20PM

Are you available for breakfast tomorrow morning, Chief?


From: mayor_clarke
To: shadowed
When: 8/7/19, 3:30PM

Still job hunting?



SENT FROM: Bishop Coldiron
TO: Vic Scherbatsky, TJ Greenling and Pikachu Garcia.
TYPE: Group Text.
TIME: August 6th, 2019 -- After this text from Amanda van Eeden.

You have (3) new messages )

Aug. 19th, 2016



SENT FROM: Amanda van Eeden
TYPE: Text to Ria Otieno
TIME: the afternoon of 8/6, after Amanda finds an injured Art
You have (3) new messages. )

SENT FROM: Amanda van Eeden
TYPE: Group text to Bishop Coldiron, Nina Clarke, Joel Kulseth, Savannah Posey, Jane Rusten, Willa Davidson and Isaac Callahan
TIME: the afternoon of 8/6, after the above text

You have (2) new messages. )

Aug. 17th, 2016



From: 5K181232
Type: Public post
When: 8/6/19, 7:30PM

It's my birthday!!! Savannah ordered a cake mix and frosting from Oklahoma as a test of that catalog thing and we had a family party thing, no big deal. Here's a video she took of me

I can't believe it's been another year but life goes on and stuff and even though people try to bring us down with super rude negativity and like bombs and stuff our spirits cannot be contained!!! So suck on that, outlaws!!!!!!


From: 5K181232
To: mayz, soaring, heykitten
When: 8/6/19, 7:35PM

OMG i cannot wait to celebrate for real with you hot skanks!

Aug. 14th, 2016



From: mayor_clarke
Type: Public post
When: 8/5, 8:30AM

Citizens of Austin,

As of this morning, approximately forty-five minutes ago, the remaining four suspects attacked the LBJ District's health center with what appears to be homemade explosives. Considerable damage was done to the front of the building and some personnel have been injured, though none of the injuries are life-threatening.

A combined investigation has already begun. We ask that all citizens respect this process and not interfere. In addition, we anticipate that the health center will be able to reopen within the next few days. If you need medical assistance during this time, please contact University Medical Center Brackenridge.

We advise all citizens to take additional precaution during this time. Do not travel alone, especially after curfew, and be on guard at all times. That said, remember that the events of the last three years have shown that the true spirit of our city is one of resilience and strength. These needless acts of terror will not dismantle the foundation of our society.


The Government of
Austin, Texas

Aug. 13th, 2016



SENT FROM: boomboom
TYPE: Public Post
DATE: August 5th, 7:45pm

And here I thought Austin was supposed to be civilization. I'll reserve my impressed gasps for when I get a classroom and students.



From: Olivia Jensen
To: Lita Singh
Type: text
Sent: 8/5/19, 8:09AM

Read more... )

From: Olivia Jensen
To: Maizie Wolfe
Type: text
Sent: 8/5/19, 8:10AM

Read more... )

From: Olivia Jensen
To: Kitty Gilmore, Maizie Wolfe, and Bea Rodríguez
Type: Group text
Sent: 8/5/19, 8:12AM

Read more... )

From: Olivia Jensen
To: Babs Greenling
Type: text
Sent: 8/5/19, 8:15AM

Read more... )



SENT FROM: Bishop Coldiron
TO: Nina Clarke, Joel Kulseth, Amanda van Eeden, Savannah Posey, Jane Rusten, Willa Davidson and Isaac Callahan.
TYPE: Group Text.
TIME: 8/5, 8:30PM.

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From: Art
To: Bishop
Type: Private text via burner phone

>Boss, your rat is in the chapel