Austin Freenet

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

April 2017




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The freenet is a city-wide wifi network -- sans the Internet as we know it -- that survivors use to communicate via message board, call, or text. Freenet users create their own usernames to log in with when they sign up for the Freenet, so a character does not have to post under their real name if they don't want to.

When posting to the Freenet, please specify whether you are posting a text or a public/private message board post.

Posts Tagged: '%23+2018+%5B11%5D+november'

Dec. 1st, 2015



From Teagan
Type Texts
Time November 10 at 3PM

Addie has (3) Messages. )

Maggie has (2) Messages. )

Jo has (3) Messages. )

Noa has (2) Messages. )

Roman has (7) Message. )

Bishop has (3) Message. (Though it won't be received) )

Nov. 30th, 2015




SENT FROM: Adelaide
TYPE: Text to Nate, Noa, and Roman
TIME: 11/10/18 8:25am

you have (3) new messages )

Nov. 29th, 2015



Type: Public

It's almost December. Such a volatile time of year and the skies are no exception.

It is no wonder that they chose this month, for the Star of Bethlehem is unmistakeable. But is this guiding star really a star? There is some debate but those that know the skies best think that it really was the convergence of two planets. A miraculous sight to be sure. Venus and Jupiter colliding. This won't happen this December. It already happened in July.

I missed it because I was high

But what of this December? Geminid meteors will shoot across the sky like glitter and there will be a full moon on Christmas.

Please let me know if you'd like to know more. I would be happy to share. The sky is for all of us. It is our constant companion.

Nov. 27th, 2015



SENT FROM: Isaac Callahan
TYPE: text to Demi Rafferty
TIME: November 9th, 7:08 pm - 8:12 pm

you have (8) new messages )

SENT FROM: Isaac Callahan
TYPE: text message to Nina Clarke
TIME: November 9th, 8:15 pm

you have (1) new messages )

Nov. 24th, 2015



FROM: seamstress
TO: public
TIME: Nov. 8, evening

I wasn't thankful enough for my father's gray hair.

Nov. 23rd, 2015



SENT FROM: legallyblonde
TYPE: post private to LBJ survivors
TIME: November 8th, 2:30pm

[all texts sent November 8th, after the invitation was posted to LBJ survivors]

TYPE: text message to Lita Singh

you have (2) new messages )

TYPE: group text message to Addie Hawkins and Noa Bellamy

you have (3) new messages )

TYPE: text message to Nina Clarke

you have (2) new messages )

TYPE: text message to Demi Rafferty

you have (2) new messages )

Nov. 22nd, 2015



From: Babs
To: Olivia
Sent: Nov. 8, around afternoon
Type: Text

you have (1) new message )


From: Capt. Greenling/captaing
To: Adelaide and Nate
Sent: Nov. 8, around afternoon
Type: Network

you have (2) new message )


From: Babs
To: Day
Sent: Nov. 8, around afternoon
Type: Text

you have (1) new message )



SENT TO: Nadia
TYPE: Text
TIME: 11/7, 10:45 AM

You have (5) new messages. )


TYPE: Text
TIME: 11/7, 10:52 AM

You have (5) new messages. )


TYPE: Text
TIME: 11/7, 10:59 AM

You have (5) new messages. )



From: Olivia Jensen
To: Danny Kwon
When: November 7, 7:36PM

2 new messages )


From: Olivia Jensen
To: Nadia Costa (undelivered)
When: November 7, 7:41PM

6 new messages )


From: Olivia Jensen
To: Ben Blake (undelivered)
When: November 7, 7:44PM

3 new messages )


From: Olivia Jensen
To: Maizie Wolfe & Erik Roberts' NPC Minion Helper (group text)
When: November 7, 7:47PM

4 new messages )


From: Olivia Jensen
To: Maizie Wolfe, Savannah Posey, Babs Greenling, Jadyn Hunter (group text)
When: November 8, 7:30PM

2 new messages )

Nov. 21st, 2015



Sent from: Nina Clarke
To: Daniela Diaz
Date: November 7, after Gemma's Freenet post

you have 1 new message )


Sent from: Nina Clarke ('quidproquo' phone)
To: Demi Rafferty ('onpointe' phone)
Date: November 7, after Gemma's Freenet post

you have 8 new messages )


Sent from: Nina Clarke
To: Gemma Wagner
Date: November 8, 8:10AM

you have new messages )



SENT FROM: compass
SENT TO: public
TYPE: network post
TIME: 11.7, evening

Hello, my name is Gemma Wagner. I imagine my message is similar to many others, but I'm looking for a man named Chaz Wagner, he's my brother.

Nov. 20th, 2015



SENT FROM: Savannah Posey
TYPE: text message to Lita Singh
TIME: 11/7, 2:08

you have (2) new text messages )

SENT FROM: Savannah Posey
TYPE: text message to Addie Hawkins
TIME: 11/7, 2:14

you have (3) new text messages )

SENT FROM: Savannah Posey
TYPE: text message to Cal Davidson
TIME: 11/7, 2:23

you have (2) new text messages )



SENT TO: Torrie
TYPE: Text
TIME: 11/7, soon after this text.

You have (1) new message. )



SENT TO: Savannah
TYPE: Text
TIME: 11/7, right after receiving this invite.

You have (4) new messages. )


TYPE: Text
TIME: 11/7, after receiving this invite.

You have (1) new message. )



Backdated to November 6th

SENT FROM: Noa Bellamy
TYPE: Text message to Adelaide Hawkins and Roman Scherbatsky
TIME: 11/6/18, 7:15AM

You have (2) new messages )


SENT FROM: Noa Bellamy
TYPE: Text message to Max Mendelson
TIME: 11/6/18, 9:15AM

You have (1) new message )


SENT FROM: Noa Bellamy
TYPE: Text message to Teagan Morgan
TIME: 11/6/18, 8PM

You have (3) new messages )

TYPE: Text to Cal
TIME: 11/7

you have (3) new messages )




SENT FROM: Solomon Reed
TYPE: text to Theo
TIME: November 7th, morning

you have (2) new messages )

SENT FROM: Solomon Reed
TYPE: text to Jo
TIME: November 7th, early afternoon

you have (1) new messages )

SENT FROM: Solomon Reed
TYPE: text to Torrie
TIME: November 7th, afternoon

you have (1) new messages )

SENT FROM: Solomon Reed
TYPE: text to Aizik
TIME: November 7th, afternoon

you have (1) new messages )



SENT FROM: legallyblonde
TYPE: private post to LBJ survivors
TIME: (backdated) November 5th, 3:30pm

There's been a lot of talk around Austin about the arrest of the Hellhound Officers this morning. The Capitol released an official statement around noon today confirming that the Officers are in fact in the Capitol's custody. But as we've learned since our relationship with the residents of the Dog Park has grown in these past few months, there is always more to the story than what we're being told.

Some truths have come to my attention and it's my responsibility to share them with all of you. What the Capitol won't tell us is that they're working with the rival gang called Los Nahuales -- a gang that has attacked several scouts within our shelter -- in their quest to bring down the Hellhounds. The Capitol is arming them with dangerous weapons -- such as the ones that were used to blast away part of the Dog Park's wall and kill and injure several of their residents -- without holding them accountable for any of their actions. For someone who supposedly wants to rid our city of dangerous raiders, Olinger is creating even more dangerous enemies and giving them free reign to roam the streets of Austin.

We are taking every precaution to ensure that our supply scouts stay safe while they're out in the city but what I'm telling you all today goes even beyond that. Our whole city is in danger with a man like Reeves Olinger pulling the strings and the sooner we all see this, the sooner we can do something about it. We didn't survive a zombie apocalypse to be taken down by one power hungry man.

I can't condone the violence and the lives lost on either side of this struggle and one day I hope our city will be more peaceful, but until then we must continue to question the actions and motivations of those who swear they are trying to protect us.

As always, if anyone has any questions or concerns I'm available by Freenet messaging or you can stop by my office during designated office hours.

Thank you,
Savannah Posey

SENT FROM: feelthelovebitches
TYPE: private message to callahan
TIME: 11/7 11:58pm


Nov. 19th, 2015



SENT FROM: mccaff
TYPE: PM to 5K181232 and mayz
TIME: 11/7/18, 8:45 PM

Have either of you heard anything from the group out there?

SENT FROM: mccaff
TYPE: PM to feelthelovebitches
TIME: 11/7/18, 9 PM
