Austin Freenet

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

April 2017




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The freenet is a city-wide wifi network -- sans the Internet as we know it -- that survivors use to communicate via message board, call, or text. Freenet users create their own usernames to log in with when they sign up for the Freenet, so a character does not have to post under their real name if they don't want to.

When posting to the Freenet, please specify whether you are posting a text or a public/private message board post.

Posts Tagged: '%23+2019+%5B08%5D+august'

Aug. 13th, 2016



From: mayor_clarke
Type: Public post
When: 8/4, 2PM

Citizens of Austin,

We are writing today to notify you that due to hard work and collaboration among our forces, we have secured the majority of the suspects operating outside of the law. They remain in custody and, should they be proven guilty in a court of law, will serve time as penance for the crimes committed against our city.

We thank the Austin Police Department, members of our United States Army, and registered and lawful citizen members of the Hellhounds motorcycle club for their assistance in taking these suspects into custody.

Please bear in mind that four suspects remain at large. We continue to recommend all citizens practice caution and safety. Do not travel alone, especially after curfew, and be on guard at all times.


The Government of
Austin, Texas

Aug. 12th, 2016



From: Nina Clarke
To: Joel Kulseth, Amanda van Eeden, Isaac Callahan, Willa Davidson, Luc Flores
Type: Group Text
Sent: 8/2, 4pm after this

> Luc and I are at UMCB.
> We were intercepted on our way to the Greenbelt to meet with Mr. Greenling.
> We're all right.
> Mr. Greenling brought in one of the men who attacked us to the APD.


From: Nina Clarke
To: Kevin Clarke
Type: Text
Sent: 8/2, 4:02PM

> How are you doing?

Aug. 10th, 2016



From: burgerking
Type: public post
When: 8/3/19, 7PM

I've talked to a few of you about starting a book club here in Austin, and we'll be able to begin meeting at the Lending Library at the beginning of next month. With this in mind, I've been looking for a book to discuss. To my great chagrin, the only books available in bulk in the local bookstores (enough for us to begin a book club, I mean, quantity-wise) is Twilight. I guess no one really wanted it for their shelters back before things changed.

The next book we'll be reading, if you want to order it from the catalog, will be The Great Gatsby. But if you want to do something with your free time now, we have several copies of the first Twilight book available at the Lending Library for anyone who wants to pick it up. Maybe we can hate-read that one.

Aug. 8th, 2016



SENT FROM: blooddiamond
TYPE: public post
TIME: 8/3, close to midnight

Smallish mountain-grown redhead seeks brother by another mother.

Last seen; escaping unwanted federally funded company.

Likes: chess and being irritatingly hard to find.

I know you're here- a little rabbit told me. PM me below with Mama's name.



SENT FROM: leaveyouinstitches
TYPE: public post
TIME: 8/3, 9:17 AM

Here's a word of advice from Dr. Singh to all of you. Don't wait to secure housing. Don't bet on the super nice, really tastefully decorated penthouse you had before the whole crawler catastrophe to still be standing when you're ready to move out of your room in the hospital. Hallmark lied to us, those bastards. You can't always go back home.

Oh, and if anyone is feeling adventurous, has some time on their hands, and wears a ladies size 2, feel free to poke through the rubble that was once my apartment building for some couture circa 2015. Hey, it isn't looting if you have my permission, right?

TYPE: Text to Savannah
TIME: 8/3, 9:30 AM

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TYPE: Text to Maizie
TIME: 8/3, 9:36 AM

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TYPE: Text to Nick
TIME: 8/3, 10:10 AM

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TYPE: Text to Torrie
TIME: 8/3, 10:13 AM

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SENT FROM: ricochet
TYPE: public post
TIME: 8/3, 11:03 PM, after a little present for Jane is dropped off at the police station.

Not sure how my Christmas list got out early but I just wanted to let whoever left the gift for me at the station know that it's been received. It's a little worse for wear and I'm not angling for a follow up but it would be cool if my Secret Santa came out of the woodwork so I could thank them properly.

TYPE: Text to Joel
TIME: 8/3, 11:06 PM

You have (4) new messages )

TYPE: Text to Bunny
TIME: 8/3, 11:15 PM

You have (3) new messages )

Aug. 6th, 2016



SENT FROM: captaining
DATE: August 2nd, midday

If I were to offer community classes in health and first aid, would there be any interest?



SENT FROM: Art Jenner (from a burner phone)
TYPE: Text to Bishop
DATE: August 2nd, evening

Gotta talk.

Aug. 3rd, 2016



SENT FROM: shadowed
TYPE: public post
TIME: 8/1, 2:47 PM

So the graffiti that popped up in a couple of places around the city is something I heard about a few times, but today I actually ran across the one in the Capitol district. It looks pretty bad ass up there with those bold colors. Maybe I'm missing something though because I just don't know what the hell it means. If somebody out there is revering handcuffs, man, you're doing it so wrong.

It's just been the two so far, right? I looked around the artwork a minute to see if there was a signature or anything hidden in the design but didn't see one. A patrol came along pretty quick after that so I had to split before they got the idea that maybe I was behind it. And I started thinking -- remember when crop circles were a thing? Popular theories said they were made by aliens landing out in the fields or secret government testing of some classified project, but all the skeptics said that it was just a group of people playing a prank. Maybe this graffiti is Austin's version of crop circles. Could be anyone is responsible, and it will stay a mystery forever.

(But c'mon it's always aliens, man.)