Austin Freenet

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

April 2017




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The freenet is a city-wide wifi network -- sans the Internet as we know it -- that survivors use to communicate via message board, call, or text. Freenet users create their own usernames to log in with when they sign up for the Freenet, so a character does not have to post under their real name if they don't want to.

When posting to the Freenet, please specify whether you are posting a text or a public/private message board post.

Posts Tagged: '%23+username:+codemonkey'

May. 17th, 2016



FROM: dontshoot
TYPE: private post to dog park
WHEN: 5/4/19, 6pm
an announcement )


FROM: tj greenling
TYPE: text to marina scherbatsky
WHEN: 5/4/19, 6:30pm
you have (2) new text messages )

Apr. 11th, 2016



Type: Public- sent to DogPark and Friends
From: SomeTHING
Posted on April 2nd

Winona Margaret and Jackson Lee Morgan-Coldiron

Jackson was born 7:36 and Winona was born 7:45 PM on March 10

Winona was 4.2 and Jackson was 4.9.

Both are in good health. Mom is recovering.

click here for picture )

Apr. 9th, 2016



From: cherryontop
Type: Public Post
When: Backdated to 4/1/19, 12:00PM

Do you ever have a realization about something big that you should have known your entire life? Because I'm kind of sure that I recently had one. It all started when I met a woman at The White Trail (side note.... what happened to that place??) a few months ago... We talked for a long time and I'm pretty sure that I could see the rest of my life unfolding as I looked into her eyes. If you're around, mystery lady with dark hair and eyes and a vaguely tan complexion and a stick up her butt about life, please message me here: cherryontop

Private to cherryontop & paced

In addition to discovering my lady loving tendencies, I'm also pregnant and I'm pretty sure it's yours.

Private to cherryontop & codemonkey

So my main post was an April Fools joke. Surprise! Except for the part where I'm sort of hoping Mina will talk to me again. Also, do you want to go out some time?

Private to cherryontop & fireinthehole

Have I told you congratulations yet?? Because congratulations! Omg so exciting for you and Teagan. Anyway I just wanted to say congratulations, and I hope it's all going well and everything so far. I know it's only been a day but, you know, it's probably a pretty exciting day so far!! So congratulations!

Oh, and ignore the rest of my post... that was a joke. You know, for the holiday?

Mar. 12th, 2016



SENT FROM: firebird
TYPE: public post
TIME: March 4th, 3:48pm

i finished my latest cross stitch

anyway so i was out raiding the michaels, looking for more pattern and came across the grossest fucking thing


dorogoy, now we know what to do when dozor sheds so much

[private to dog park]
and i made something for all the officers too. vic'll bring them to chapel

we ride together, we die together )

Jan. 11th, 2016



From: Dionaea
Type: Public


The idiot bird leaps out and drunken leans
Atop the broken universal clock:
The hour is crowed in lunatic thirteens.
Out painted stages fall apart by scenes
While all the actors halt in mortal shock:
The idiot bird leaps out and drunken leans.

Streets crack through in havoc-split ravines
As the doomstruck city crumbles block by block:
The hour is crowed in lunatic thirteens.

Fractured glass flies down in smithereens;
Our lucky relics have been put in hock:
The idiot bird leaps out and drunken leans.

The monkey's wrench has blasted all machines;
We never thought to hear the holy cock:
The hour is crowed in lunatic thirteens.

Too late to ask if end was worth the means,
Too late to calculate the toppling stock:
The idiot bird leaps out and drunken leans,
The hour is crowed in lunatic thirteens.


Dec. 23rd, 2015



FROM: codemonkey
TYPE: Public Post
TIME: December 7th, 8:05 p.m.

Ho Ho Ho-ly moly, are we not going to talk about the Mordor-level thundersnow we're experiencing right now? "White Christmas" my tookus. It's starting to lay out there so, please, resist the urge to make snow angels because, let me tell you, you'll be in for a rude awakening of the chemical burn variety. On a lighter note, I know it's not until tomorrow but Merry Christmas to all my gentile sisters and misters! Stay safe out's hoping you find yourself under some mistletoe instead of out in this shizzstorm!


FROM: codemonkey
TYPE: Private Post to the Dog Park
TIME: December 7th, 8:10 p.m.

Apologies to anyone who witnessed my inadvertent strip tease outside earlier. I didn't realize my hoodie was still damp from the wash so when I ventured outside to check out the snow (not realizing it was actually Satan's Slurpee out there) the whole sweatshirt started smoking and disintegrating. Managed to get out of the offending garment and out of harm's way before I got burned but still, mea culpa.

Unrelated, but if anyone wants to put on their snappiest hazmat garb or scuba suit and venture on over to the Airstream, I can guarantee mediocre hot cocoa and slightly better conversation.


TYPE: Text to Dani
TIME: December 7th, 8:16 p.m.

You have (4) new messages )


TYPE: Text to Pete
TIME: December 7th, 8:46 p.m.

You have (4) new messages )

Dec. 4th, 2015



SENT FROM: firebird
TYPE: public post
TIME: December 2nd, 5:58pm

tonight's the first night of hanukkah and i know it's not the prettiest menorah around but i think it'll work. raided a dozen houses today and not one of them were jews.

(pretend there is only one candle)

Baruch atah, Adonai Eloheinu, Melech haolam, shehecheyanu v'kiy'manu v'higianu laz'man hazeh.

Nov. 29th, 2015



Type: Public

It's almost December. Such a volatile time of year and the skies are no exception.

It is no wonder that they chose this month, for the Star of Bethlehem is unmistakeable. But is this guiding star really a star? There is some debate but those that know the skies best think that it really was the convergence of two planets. A miraculous sight to be sure. Venus and Jupiter colliding. This won't happen this December. It already happened in July.

I missed it because I was high

But what of this December? Geminid meteors will shoot across the sky like glitter and there will be a full moon on Christmas.

Please let me know if you'd like to know more. I would be happy to share. The sky is for all of us. It is our constant companion.

Nov. 24th, 2015



FROM: seamstress
TO: public
TIME: Nov. 8, evening

I wasn't thankful enough for my father's gray hair.

Nov. 14th, 2015



SENT FROM: dyadya
TYPE: Freenet post filtered to DOG PARK Residents
TIME: 11/05/18, 6:25AM
Got some real bad news, folks, so listen up. I don't know how else to say this except to be blunt.

We were ambushed on our way to take in the big cat. Patrolmen have taken all of our officers into custody. That means Rodeo, Sarge, Sonny, Bishop, Vic, Ennis, Morgan, and Riley. Mayor's men said they had a deal with T. She ran.

Dog crew's still intact, no casualties. Some of us are headed back to the park, others are trying to find Teagan. Stay calm. [...] We're gonna get through this.


SENT FROM: Roman Scherbatsky
TYPE: Group text to Noa Bellamy & Adelaide Hawkins
> What the fuck do we d
> I am so, so sorry to be the messenger of this bullshit.
> Our brothers are out there, and I'm gonna need your help to keep this camp together, ladies.
> Truthfully I don't know what to

Oct. 21st, 2015



From: 5K181232
Type: Public Post
Sent: 10/7/18, 2:57PM

Okay so when I moved back down to the SJW there was this super rude note on my blankets from an anonymous source (but between you and me I'm pretty sure it was Edward) saying he was going to steal all my stuff if I continued to just claim the corner and not actually live there. Except there was a cat on top of the note, too, and I was pretty sure Edward hadn't put the cat on the note. I moved back a few days ago and I was just kinda letting the cat come and go as it wanted since it was probably someone else's cat? But now it won't leave and it's actually kinda cute.

cut )

Lucy, is this one of yours? Do I have to give him back?

Anyway. Who all's going to the greenhouse thing?

Oct. 6th, 2015



lots of time spent with her phone

SENT FROM: "Christine"
SENT TO: "Uncle Pete"
TYPE: Text
TIME: 10/2, 12:06am

You have (1) new message. )

SENT FROM: bullshit
TYPE: Post filtered to DOG PARK Residents
TIME: 10/2, 11:22am

I need help with livestock. If you volunteer you'll get first dibs on the milk or eggs; next dibs goes to mothers with children under 10, and whatever is left will go to the resource tent. Once chicks have hatched and are old enough to lay, everyone who's helped thus far will get a share of lottery tickets, and the older chickens will be given to winners of the lotteries, as often as is sustainable. If we have to slaughter the cows for any reason, the meat will only go to those who have helped sustain their lives, so the only way to steak and roast and marrow is to get in on the ground floor, or find yourself friendly with someone who did.

The work entails standing guard, hauling and breaking apart bales for feed, rationing grain and grinding it into the ground for chickens to pick, hauling water, collecting eggs, possibly driving with me to look for more hay and feed, mucking, and turning compost for any future greenhouses. What you do is first come first serve for now, but if you suck at the job you choose you may get assigned to something else.

SENT FROM: bullshit
TYPE: Public Post
TIME: 10/2, 11:28am

Nadia, I don't know your username or phone number but if you're on here, respond and let me know?

TYPE: Text
TIME: 10/2, 11:33am

You have (1) new message. )

SENT TO: Rodeo
TYPE: Text
TIME: 10/2, 9:00pm

You have (1) new message. )

Oct. 3rd, 2015



Sent By: blackfinger
To: codemonkey
Type: Private
Date: Backdated to Sept 8 when Derek arrived.

Hey, Mini-Vic. Heard you moved in. Congrats. Got a camper warming present for you if you got time to swing by my place.

Sep. 26th, 2015



TYPE: Post filtered to DOG PARK Residents
TIME: 9/09/18 7:50 AM

Last night my sister was arrested by the Capitol, allegedly while they investigate her relationship with the Hellhounds. Our connection was revealed when the Mayor was given my name by an unknown source. There is no evidence tying my sister to any criminal activity. She and her infant son are currently being held in the Department of Justice. This extrajudicial imprisonment is an act intended to provoke us to respond with immediate violence. We're not gonna give them the bloodbath they're looking for, but we will not lie down and accept such a gross violation of human rights and basic fucking decency. We will defend ourselves against this infringement on human freedom. Our strength is our unity of purpose. To that high concept there can be no end save victory.
TYPE: Text to Marina
TIME: 9/09/18 8:10 AM

You have (2) new messages. )
TYPE: Text to Nate
TIME: 9/09/18 8:17 AM

You have (3) new messages. )
TYPE: Text to Savannah
TIME: 9/09/18 8:24 AM

You have (3) new messages. )
TYPE: Text to Theo
TIME: 9/09/18 8:40 AM

You have (1) new message. )

Sep. 22nd, 2015



Type: public
From: quivivraverra
Time: September 7, 2018

I have a bit of an odd request, at least considering the circumstances. I am looking for beginners text books, school books etc for languages other than English to torture my children with. French and German would be lovely, I personally am interested in Finno-Ugric languages, even though my chances are probably slim to none on those - Finnish and Hungarian, maybe even Estonian. At this point I would gladly accept Spanish.

It goes without saying that I will do my best to find a suitable trading option.

And, on a slightly official note, to the person that keeps putting up a "suggestion box" just to fill it with notes saying we need a suggestion box... that stopped being funny after the fourth time I took the box down. Quit wasting paper, unless you would like to sit down and listen to me talk about recycling options in this day and age. You are, as the saying goes, why we can't have nice things.

Sep. 14th, 2015



SENT FROM: withaneedle
TYPE: Public Post
TIME: 9/5/18 1:30PM

There are days I miss wall calendars. Marking those squares used to be real satisfying.


SENT FROM: Noa Bellamy
TYPE: Text to Rodeo Hawkins
TIME: 9/5/18 3:30PM

You have (4) new messages )

Sep. 2nd, 2015


SENT FROM: feelthelovebitches
TYPE: public post

Tell me a joke!

Sep. 1st, 2015



From: yolo
Type: Public Post
Date: September 1, 9:30AM


i swear to god if the heat don't break soon i'm gonna lose my god damn mind. also who decided it'd be a good idea to make cats with this much hair on them? gets all over the damn place. but that might be human error because i caught the kid combing him with a regular comb instead of something meant for pets?

this is what my life has become apparently just a whole load of bitching about cats. fuck. i been cooped up in here too long.

physical therapy starts this month at least. something new.


From: Vic Scherbatsky
Type: Text to Max Mendelson
Date: September 1

3 New Messages )

Aug. 31st, 2015



Type Public

I thought his cigarette was a star.
Lit up in the darkness.
The cherry red flickered when he sucked on the end and it was catastrophic.
It was a dead light.
All desolation.
Too late.
They dragged me in.

That's the night I noticed the stars were dying.
Or maybe it's just a cover up.
A cosmic lie.

I chipped my tooth when he pushed me forward .
The puddle was warm.Their hearts were cold.
My salvation was scattered in fresh piss.
Hot lunch, they said. Dig in.
Their laughter was exhausting.

The cigarette sizzled when the soul sucker flicked it at my wet face.
Just like my humanity.

I forgot for a few hours.

Never shove a window.
Glass shatters.

and the pieces are sharp.

Aug. 24th, 2015



Public post

SENT FROM: samilee
TYPE: Post

What's a girl gotta do to find a bottle of tequila in among the mess? Some days, the smell of cheap, out of date perfume just isn't taking the smell of all yall's blood and mess out of the air. I got a whole lot of nothing I'd trade real good for it. Or a shot.