Austin Freenet

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

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May 18th, 2015



place your bets now

SENT FROM: dogeatdog
TYPE: Post

I won't sugarcoat it. I write real. I speak truth. It ain't in my soul to lie with words. And the truth is, I reckon the lot of us are gonna spend the rest of our low-down lives dodgin S'mores clouds and waitin for a pair of chompers to get the best of us. So why not make the most of it while we're still kickin and screamin? Here's my proposition: I'm gonna posit a couple ways this could all turn out, and y'all enter your bets on what you figure is the most likely explanation. Don't matter what you wanna put on the table, long as you mean to pay up.

A. We All Already Died & Gone to Hell.
Maybe the devil got real creative in the days since John the Revelator wrote 'bout a bunch of fire & brimstone. It's possible he upgraded from pokin pitchforks in folks, and it's possible we're all just a bunch of real shitty people. I always used to think at the pearly gates there wasn't really any kinda reckoning for your sins, just a bunch of saints who would stand around and own you real hard for a couple hours bout the crap bands you liked as a kid. But maybe I was wrong. Think we're dead and we're all stuck in our own lil circle of hell? Place your bets here. Pay out will probably come never, because if you're right there ain't no goin back.

B. The Virus Was Made By Aliens.
I ain't sure what the point of dosin us all with cannibal fever might be, but who fuckin knows? I ain't a scientist. I don't know how space aliens work. Them blobs sure do look like they could be alien egg pods or somethin. Now, I don't know about y'all, but on my end there ain't been any probing or anything. But that don't mean them freaky little ETs ain't just lying in wait, biding their time 'fore they put on a little Martian Gaye (get it?) and start gettin their probe on. If you think it's aliens, go on and cash in. Pay out will come after they land & get all Close Encounters on us. Unless they wipe our memories afterwards. Or the MIB get to us first.

C. It Came from Japan.
Now, I don't mean to be offensive. But the Japanese ain't really right in the head. I mean, somewhere between tentacle rape and used panty vending machines, you really oughta check yourself as a society. But that ain't the point here. Wouldn't be the first time Japan thought people would make fun lab rats. Anyone ever hear of Unit 731? If you ain't, do yourself a favor, spare yourself the need for mental bleach and skip that lil history lesson. So if y'all are racist, better get your bets in before horny tentacles start burstin outta them blobs out there.

D. I'm Dreaming.
Maybe y'all are just a bunch of shitty nightmare people in my head. It's possible, but it ain't likely, since if this was my dream I'd be able throw chicken in the air like they do in fried chicken commercials. In my dreams I'm always the guy who throws the fried chicken in slow motion. I do it real well but I will never reveal my secret methods. Anyhow since there ain't even any fried chicken here, my money isn't on this one. You probably shouldn't bet on it either, since if you're right it just means you don't exist.

Other possible explanations I'm currently exploring: democrats, social experiment gone awry, the Jews, terrorists, government conspiracy, reality TV show that operates in direct violation of our basic human rights but we won't care bout that when we see the paycheck, glitch in the matrix, stripper from Tallahassee who asked me if Hawaii was a continent was so fuckin shitbrained cause she was actually zombie patient zero.



SENT FROM: leaveyouinstitches
TYPE: public post

There's stuff we're running low on here at the hospital and, chances are, there's someone out there that's sitting on a stash they'd be willing to part with for the right price. Now, really, if you were smart, you'd just give me what I'm asking for. Why? The next time you accidentally shoot yourself in the foot or contract Lymphogranuloma venereum (that would be crotch-rot to the laymen), you'll be coming to see me for help. So really, helping me is helping you.

However, you might very well be a responsible, healthy adult not prone to gunshot wounds or STD's, so I have a few things the hospital is willing to let go in return.

WHAT WE NEED: Baby formula. Baby food. Diapers. Clean gauze. D batteries. Iodine. Alcohol (the rubbing kind, not Jack, Jim, or José, though those will do in a pinch). Reese's peanut butter cups (that's more of a want than a need, but I figured I'd throw it out there).

If you have any or all of these items, I'll start the bidding at 2 heavy wool blankets, 3 boxes of condoms and a big bag of Skittles; however, I have a few things up my sleeve that I'm willing to negotiate with so name your price and we'll see what we can do. What is not on the table is drugs of any kind or goods provided by the hospital's association with the government, so if you're looking for a fix, keep on stepping.

Only serious inquiries need apply.



Sent from: Dr. Lalita Singh
Type: Private text to potential trader

So, you got what I need there, stranger? Lay your terms on me and we'll see if we can't do some business.