
Posts Tagged: 'player:+patty'

Jul. 19th, 2018



Customers with be happy to hear that our aisles are free of film equipment at the moment. Which honestly makes it easier for me too, those cameras can be pretty big!

I've some new wine and beer selections in for summer. They're delightful, we should have something new for everyone over the drinking age who imbibes.

And since we are fully into summer and the film back on track, I could use some additional help around the store. Not as exciting as a PI agency but hey sometimes you get to pick the music.


Peanut, are you going to the dance-a-thon?

Jul. 18th, 2018


WHO: Camila Marple & Gregory Marple.
WHEN: Backdated to a while ago.
WHERE: Breakfast at the Marple house.
SUMMARY: Camila talks to her dad about her new job.

Do you think this is still a good opportunity? )



From the desk of Detective A. Troy )

Jul. 6th, 2018



WHO: Eliza Weiss & Melanie Taylor.
WHEN: Friday Evening.
WHERE: The River, again.
SUMMARY: Melanie notices that Eliza isn't wearing weather appropriate clothing. Eliza insinuates that either of them could be the murderer. This is how a normal friendship blossoms.

If you keep following me to crime scenes, I might start to think you like me. )

WHO: Harrison Exley & Eliza Weiss.
WHEN: A couple of days ago.
WHERE: Their apartment.
SUMMARY: A fight over ... pickles and peanut butter.

You should have already thought I was serious! )

Jul. 5th, 2018



Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a happy and safe 4th! I know some of the parties got a little wild.

But it's fully summer! And I am more than ready to spend somedays out on the river. Olly's been getting better at swimming so I'm thinking of maybe seeing if tubing is something for us this summer. With a super fashionable life vest. And probably one to three other adults, just in case! Safety first! In case anyone wants to join us.

So what fun activities do you think we should have coverage on this summer, Fall City? I know the dance-a-thon is coming up and we will definitely be there to help drive donations. But if you have an event coming up you think Channel Six can help out with give me a ring!

Jul. 3rd, 2018



WHO: Emilia Wolfe, Henry March & his lawyer.
WHEN: This afternoon. Tuesday, July 3rd.
WHERE: At the municipal building.
SUMMARY: Henry Interview Part Two: Henry shares information with Emilia that just makes him look like a bigger suspect in her eyes.

My client has a vested interest in the material. )



Good morning Fall City from your newly minted detective! That's right folks! I've got a shiny shield and everything. Trading in my officer issued pants for detective slacks.

Jul. 2nd, 2018



WHO: Elvera and Henry
WHEN: 7/1, after this
WHERE: Henry’s home
SUMMARY: Elvera and Henry talk about the pregnancy and some revelations come forward about Henry’s past.
WARNINGS: Secrets. Talk of murder, child death, and affairs.

You’re not the only one who likes privacy, Henry )



WHO: Emilia Wolfe & Tony Troy.
WHEN: This morning. Monday, July 2nd.
WHERE: Emilia's Office.
SUMMARY: It's promotion time! (Dialogue Only Log!)

You rang, boss? )



We've got your last minute 4th of July supplies in stock, though we've been doing some rearranging to help shopping while filming is going on in the store.

If you've got something specific in mind, drop me a line before you show up and I'll see if I can get it pulled beforehand so you don't have to make an unexpected cameo and upstage the talent. Unless that's what you're aiming for, I know some of my regulars have faces for Hollywood.

And a friendly reminder we have limited hours on Wednesday because of the holiday. We'll be closing at 1pm, even if you ask nicely.

Jul. 1st, 2018



WHO: Xo and Euphemia and OLLY!
WHEN: Texts on 6/30, the rest of it is 7/1, afternoon/evening
WHERE: Euphemia and Hugo’s House
SUMMARY: Olly is concerned about Auntie Effmia because it seems like she doesn’t feel well. Xo and Effie have a heart to heart and decide Not To Talk About It.
WARNINGS: Depression.

walking not running it’s Auntie Effmia’s house )



WHO: Mitch Dorfman & Xo Valdez Munroe, with bonus Olly.
WHEN: Sunday July 1st.
WHERE: The Farmers Market.
SUMMARY: Xo thinks Mitch has a secret crush.

Running won’t change your love! )



WHO: Eddie Wolfe and Xo Valdez Munroe
WHEN: July 1st, evening
WHERE: The Wolfe Household
SUMMARY: Xo heard the rumor and is extra as Xo is.
WARNINGS: Discussion of horror movie tropes

One. Two. Kick! )



WHO: Henry March & Hugh Christian
WHEN: June 30th Morning
WHERE: Henry's barn.
SUMMARY: Hugh brings Henry some coffee in the morning.
WARNINGS: Discussion of people who are cruel to animals. Curses. Jokes about murder

And here you are, thanks to human reasons. )

Jun. 30th, 2018



WHO: Lochan Madan and Eliza Weiss
WHEN: June 4th
WHERE: Lochan's Apartment
SUMMARY: Eliza feels the need to checking up on Lochan.

You'd be the last suspect. You're the fourth person to visit. )

Jun. 28th, 2018



WHO: Emilia Wolfe & Henry March.
WHEN: This afternoon. Thursday, June 28th.
WHERE: On their phones.
SUMMARY: Henry Interview Part One: Henry gives Emilia the runaround.

Goats could probably eat a cell phone. But they might not give him another goat if he started feeding them electronics. )



WHO: Xo Valdez Munroe, Olly Valdez, and JJ Mayweather.
WHEN: June 26th, 2018. Night.
WHERE: Uh, some street in Fall City.
SUMMARY: Xo catches JJ causing problems and calls him on it. JJ proceeds to be a terrible human being.
WARNINGS: Language, shenanigans, Olly's adorableness, JJ.

He’d spent the better half of an hour roaming around Fall City, lighting up booming explosive firework displays until he was pretty sure he’d shaken almost every house. )

Jun. 27th, 2018



WHO: Eliza Weiss and Harrison Exley
WHEN: June 20th
WHERE: Vegas
SUMMARY: Some snippets from what Eliza and Harrison did on their spontaneous trip

Ta-da! )

Jun. 25th, 2018



WHO: Nolan and Gregory Marple
WHEN: Monday 6/25
WHERE: The vet.
SUMMARY: A day summarized.
WARNINGS: Mention of animal injuries because vet’s office, otherwise nothing.

Can I take tomorrow off? )