
June 25th, 2018


WHO: Camila Marple & Rafael Valdez.
WHEN: Sunday June 24th.
WHERE: Out walking.
SUMMARY: Fang knocks Camila over and conversation happens from there!

I’m pretty good at walking when I don’t have a husky dog tripping me every five seconds. )



WHO: Ian McKinnon and Sofia Rojas.
WHEN: UH. Late April, early May? It was an Saturday evening after 6pm.
WHERE: Sofia's apartment in Hashtag Houses.
SUMMARY: Ian paid money at the date auction to buy Sofia, so she made him dinner and they chat about stuff.

Your date is already much better than anything I could have offered. It would have been like...beer and something from the freezer. )



WHO: Blaze Wolfe and Hunter Tyler
WHEN: June 19th.
WHERE: The Wolfe house/Blaze's room.
SUMMARY: Following the plea for voluntary interviews, Ty is spurred into action to confess his concerns to Blaze. Namely that he believes he's responsible for murdering Moira MacTeer while sleepwalking.
WARNINGS: Descriptions of anxiety, mention of murder, discussion of illness and sleepwalking.

Just because it’s happened and another person has done it doesn’t mean that’s what you’re doing. You’ve never been violent before, Ty. Tons of people have motives for killing Moira on purpose. )



This morning in "Shit My Five-Year-Old Does" Leo decided he's going to be an American Ninja Warrior, which basically means just not wearing a shirt and climbing on, then jumping off, everything.

I told him that American Ninja Warriors eat their vegetables. He doesn't believe me.



WHO: Ted and Camila
WHEN: 6/20, late afternoon.
WHERE: Common Grounds
SUMMARY: Ted and Camila talk about the continuing troubles - and solidify their ...agreements.
WARNINGS: No real warnings, mentions of the Moira situation.

So -- I wanted to ask if you’re still okay... )

it's once again time for my monthly roundup of items left behind in my vehicle.
  • owl scarf
  • fountain pen
  • travel mug - washed, you're welcome
  • phone charger - for an iphone
  • a key - no clue what it's for
  • glasses - for your face, not your mouth CLAIMED
  • star wars encyclopedia
  • tiny stuffed koala
claim what's yours before i toss it or keep it or sell it.

notes to self:
- keep owl scarf. it's cute.
- fountain pen: could be expensive. sell. maybe try to sell as belonging to rhett? get picture of him holding it?
- if nobody claims the travel mug, put lipstick mark on it and try to sell as belonging to moira? find out what shade she wore.
- phone charger will be an easy sell.
- so will the nerd encyclopedia.
- key is intriguing. take off the list?
- delete this section.



WHO: Tony Troy and Hunter Tyler
WHEN: Friday, June 22nd. Evening.
WHERE: Mitzi’s.
SUMMARY: Ty asks to meet Tony somewhere to talk. He confesses that he doesn’t know what happened the night of the party. Tony gives advice.
WARNINGS: Mentions of death, feelings of guilt and anxiety.

Look, I recommend being honest. And coming in to talk. I also recommend maybe getting in touch with a lawyer if you can. )



WHO: Nolan and Alexi.
WHEN: Twilight/early evening, 6/22
WHERE: Out in the farmlands, in some of the more decrepit farms.
SUMMARY: Alexi, first successful ghost-finder of Fall City.
WARNINGS: None. It is surprisingly cute.

OoooooOOoo, the Victorian era sucked. )



WHO: Effie and Ted.
WHEN: Early evening, early 2006!
WHERE: Ted's farm.
SUMMARY: Ted helps Effie out with a breakdown.
WARNINGS: Nothing I think.

I was wondering if I could use your phone? )



WHO: Diamond and Lola Mayweather
WHEN: Saturday, June 23
WHERE: Mayweather Estate
SUMMARY: Summer ‘cleaning’ turns up an interesting revelation that sends Diamond on a trail.
WARNINGS: Police characters may cringe?

“Mom.” She said, setting her coffee down and sliding the picture and the yearbook over to her mother. “Why is this man holding me?” )



email from hunter tyler to eddie wolfe )




If you haven't been listening to the latest drop from Brendon! at the Disco, then treat your ears and your heart and your FUCKING SOUL.

Oh. As usual, the store's gonna be closed on the fourth like usual, so. Yeah. Grab what you need before then. We got some rafts and tubes in stock if you wanna take to the river.



The things some people come up with.

Someone send me good things for July please.



Flash Reactionary; Monday, June 25th, 4:30 PM

On Monday, June 25th, 2018, Hunter Tyler found himself standing in front of the Municipal Building. He paced dazedly back and forth for a few minutes until the door banged or someone's car backfired. He snapped to and headed inside, asking to speak with someone to do the voluntary interview, neglecting to mention that he would prefer to speak with Officer Cox or Officer Wolfe.

Instead, he was asked to take a seat. And eventually, he was lead back to a room for questioning. He was visibly shaken. His eyes are sunken from lack of sleep. He's dehydrated, judging by the indents in the pads of his fingers. His hair is messy, but he's showered in the past few days. It's obvious, however, that he is not taking care of himself.

If he's made to wait a while somewhere quiet, it is not unlikely that he would doze off.



WHO: Nolan and Gregory Marple
WHEN: Monday 6/25
WHERE: The vet.
SUMMARY: A day summarized.
WARNINGS: Mention of animal injuries because vet’s office, otherwise nothing.

Can I take tomorrow off? )