
June 26th, 2018



Question for you young ones.

Is a room without a roof really all that happy?

I am a grumpy old man who does not understand your newfangled music.

I need a cane to wave as I yell at you young whippersnappers to get off my lawn.



As much as I like not working in the summer, it'd be even better if we had real summer weather.

Poe, are you tired of Kennedy's couch yet?




Americana Arcana

I. Fall City, WA (6.30.18)

The team travels to Fall City, WA to explore what happens when a small town's darkest moment becomes an international sensation.

This kid is staying in my house.



Americana Arcana: Episode One


I. Fall City, WA (6.30.18)

No town is without a dark spot in its history. Not all towns have that dark spot become a national bestseller. Released in the Spring of 2017, One Hundred Thousand Lightning Bugs was the latest addition to the pantheon of the Anglo-American true crime obsession; a morbid fascination that dates back to the Victorian Period. A once-thought-accidental death turned potential murder mystery by a faceless author–a mystery wrapped in an enigma. How does a tiny town grapple with their personal tragedy being turned into an international sensation? Our very own Theo Blumberg returns to his old stomping ground to tell his hometown's story.



WHO: Dash Exley and Euphemia Hayes.
WHEN: After this post.
WHERE: Fall City Park.
SUMMARY: Dash has feelings. Effie helps.
WARNINGS: S for sads and family drama. For once not caused by Dash!

I’m just sad, Effie. )



WHO: Julián Rojas and Rafael Valdez
WHEN: Thursday, June 21st. Evening.
WHERE: Julián's apartment in Willow Oaks.
SUMMARY: Julián and Rafael talk about the murder, segue into real life, and end up .. playing a game.
WARNINGS: Mention of murder, alcohol, otherwise none. Just dudes being dudes.

Which part do I need to repeat? The married part, the part where she disappeared for ten years, or the part where she’s back in town? )



Don't we have enough news outlets in town already?



Whoever decided that they needed to start celebrating the Fourth of July tonight, just know that my cat hates you.