
March 2014



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Mar. 9th, 2014



[No Subject]

What is the meaning of this?



[No Subject]

I'd kill for a huge steak with a heaping side of bacon.

I have such a craving for a good steak.

Mar. 8th, 2014


[No Subject]

My world is absolute. There's a quantifiable component to love, to madness, to red and to black. In my world the only mystery worth plumbing is the dark heart of a man's soul. And I have been to the empty places on your maps to find the bottom of my own dark heart.

But I've never seen a door. A ghost door that appears. A door that is blank slate and cool gleaming metal. A door with plum-purple writing. I went through this door. Or rather, I opened the door and through it came my typewriter.



[No Subject]

People come and go in this place faster than 'most my one-night stands.

Mar. 7th, 2014



[No Subject]

I just don't see how someone loses a door. But then, I've known people who were definitely not me who have lost entire boats before. So maybe it's not that inconceivable.

[Filtered to Peggy Carter + Natasha Romanoff]
So I found that door people were talking about when I first got here. And I marked around the door. It was in the Mandalay Bay, but I can't seem to find it again. I have been combing that damn hotel since. But, NG. If you see a floor or ceiling or wall in the Mandalay Bay (I'm pretty sure) that is marked 1194 in purple at the bottom left outer jamb. That's our door.

Or it might be a different door, that's not the one where you go home, get new experiences, and then probably get shot. Because I only got stuff. But on the plus side:

cut for image )



[No Subject]

Well, well, well, the little barbie doll and my annoying half brother disappeared. I really can't say I'm upset.



[No Subject]

Who's a girl gotta kill around here to get some damn entertainment that's not half naked women?



[No Subject]

Singing in the shower is so much fun. It doesn't make me forget that I'm here, but since my girlfriend showed up it's a bit easier to handle. And all the free food is really good too.

Mar. 6th, 2014



[No Subject]

Benjamin Franklin once said that energy and persistence conquer all things, and that's something that I've always believed. That if you put your mind to something, if you fight for something, if you invest yourself, then you will succeed. Then, you can do anything.

When I arrived here, I went to work as quickly as I could with Director Carter, trying to establish an organisation to help all of us, to protect us, and to work tirelessly to figure out what it is that is keeping us here, and what we can do about it.

In the last few weeks, we suffered irreplaceable loses. The men and women that were here and who contributed to our efforts were important, skilled, dedicated and fantastic individuals and they will be missed, but we can't be beaten down by our losses, and we can't give up.

And that's why I'm asking each and every one of you, personally, if you'd like to come into the fold and lend SHIELD and the Avengers your strengths and talents to serve the community we've built here in this artificial Vegas, and help the efforts to send us home.

Any questions, or concerns you might have I'll try my best to address. If I can't then I'm sure Director Peggy Carter, or Howard Stark will have the right answers.



[No Subject]

My room is really nice, Lord Tubbington has taken it over it seems like, he keeps getting into my shoes, just like back home. It's really annoying, because he likes to mess with the laces on my tennis shoes. I'll have to ask the Easter Bunny for some new ones.



[No Subject]

Well, this place may be incredibly weird, and you can't leave, but the amenities are nice. Good food, too. I like the coffee, much better than New York.



[No Subject]

Okay, I am getting restless, going to punch the hell out of a punching bag for an hour. Maybe a few hours.

Mar. 5th, 2014



[No Subject]

Definitely not Ohio or New York, but any place is better than either one of those.



[No Subject]

I do not understand how we can remain idle when our freedom has be so unjustly stolen from us, We are nothing more than servants here, slaves to a purpose not yet revealed, but slaves none the less. And yet we obey the rules, accept and adhere to the limits of our own social graces?

If we are caged as animals, I see no reason not to behave as such. To beat, bite and claw at our cages until our freedom be won or granted, else we perish in the exhaustion of our task, and those behind can step over our corpses to continue the march.



[No Subject]

After all that has transpired I find myself feeling generous, mortals. Should any of you be in need of healing, you may swing by my temple and I shall remove your wounds and injuries.



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Klaus]:
Your bitch of a sister is here.



[No Subject]

Maybe it's not hell, but it's not home either.



[No Subject]

I really hope that Elena and everyone are okay. It's hard not knowing what's going on at home right now. You'd think I'd be used to it, but I'm not. It was easier when most of them were here.

I wonder how Hayley is doing too.



[No Subject]

I'm not sure what that whole thing was over the weekend, but I hope it doesn't happen again.



[No Subject]

Went for a run this morning. It looks like some of the damages to the city have been repaired.