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February 3rd, 2014



[No Subject]

I have to say, I'm finding this city more and more bearable by the day. New living arrangements and one of my greatest desires Caroline is mi new relationships have managed to lift this place out of the dismal pit I thought it to be. Now if only my family



[No Subject]

I must have slept? Because I'm waking up in Bobby's room? All my stuff is here, too. I don't understand.



[No Subject]

I didn't expect to wake up with Mary.

But I think I could get used to this.



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Sharon Carter, Bruce Banner, Thor, Wolverine, and Clint Barton]

So.... I'm hoping I can trust you all. But you all seem pretty respectful of Cap. And this whole thing stinks worse than "AfterMASH" (Bonus points if you get the reference, kiddies!). 

I refuse to trust or work with anyone who's willing to even entertain the idea that Cap has gone rogue. I want to find him and shove this whole thing right up SHIELD's collective ass.

So... how do you guys feel about us being a little Secret Avengers team or something?.



[No Subject]

Hey. You awake?



[No Subject]

[Tony Stark (AU)]
.... So I just saw Steve.



[No Subject]

[The Winter Soldier]
I have to tell you, I did expect you to kill him. Really. I did.

But this -- Oh, but this is so much better
[Natasha Romanoff]
There's something different about you. Oh, but don't tell me, my dear, let me guess
I'm sorry your friend, a man you loved and respected, has ultimately betrayed you. I'm sure you must be stunned, as nothing like this has ever happened to you before.



[No Subject]

[Filter to SHIELD Green Team: Angel (canon), S. Carter, Rogue, Rhodey, C. Sands, Tony Stark (canon) + Jane Foster, Darcy Lewis]
It is breaking my heart to say this, as much as it is probably breaking some of yours to read. But you lot heard Director Carter and she is not wrong. Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff have gone dark.

Time was, Steve Rogers was one of the best men I could imagine having the fortune to know. But times change, people change, and we can't take that sorta risk to public safety that these three are out rescuing puppies from burning buildings as opposed to lighting those blazes based on friendship. So we are gonna put and keep the pressure on them by stepping up patrols, finding them, coordinating with others, and we are gonna drag their sorry arses back if we have to smack whatever sense is left in that boy back into him.

All three are considered armed and dangerous. So, orders right now are track, tag, and do not engage unless you are backed into a corner. If you've gotta choice then, shoot to warn or injure. God help us all.

Marching orders are as follows. Want you patrolling in teams along our selected quadrant. Areas of interest are highlighted in the brief. Get your briefs are available at my room, 714 Mandalay Bay.
  • Team 1 is Rhodes goes with Rogue and Angel. Go NS.
  • Team 2 is Carter with Stark and Sands. Go EW.
  • We are following an anti-grid formation. You meet, you switch. We keep this up and meet at 0600 tomorrow to reassess.
  • Home team is Foster and Lewis. I wanna know how can these computer thingies track folk?
  • Everyone keep comms on and radio in hourly.
  • I'll be lookin too but am ready to arrange and run whatever it is you folk need.

[ETA: Filter to Peggy Carter, Tony Stark (AU), Dinah Lance (AU), Phil Coulson, Clint Barton (Canon)]
I am gonna recommend we meet sometime and talk about strategies for Rogers, Romanoff, and Barnes the Winter Soldier. I've fought a long time at Steve Roger's side and shadow, but don't know a lick about the other two. I imagine in several cases, that's reversed. We need to be prepared as can be. If we are gonna suss them out and bring them in.

How's everyone's afternoon looking.



[No Subject]

[The Winter Soldier]
I'll find you.

... you held up your end. And I'll hold to mine.



[No Subject]

Seems like there's a lot of bad stuff goin' down around here lately.  So... here's where I try to do everyone a solid yet again.

Message to all the Tony Starks here. I got NO idea why there's more than one. Or why one's an uncomfortably attractive woman. But regardless.

I'm not sure how alike our respective universes are, but where I'm from? The Guardians of the Galaxy (sweet name, right? I had to pester the hell out of Quill to get him to use it) and Iron Man have helped each other on several occasions (ok, if we're being honest, it's more like we pulled your collective world's ass out of the fire several times). 

Until my teammates can find me and get me outta here, any chance you could use a hand? Or paw as it were? Flarkin' hell... I'm a genius-level tactician, and one of the galaxy's best marksmen. I'm going nuts sitting here with nothing to do.

Come on. I helped take down flarking THANOS. Like I can't help protect one lousy city?



[No Subject]

-- I have something for you
-- I will be back shortly



[No Subject]

This place is making a huge mistake, moving me in with the boys, was exactly what I WANTED!

Love my...self.

Tito! We got guitar hero to work on, sucks from starting from the beginning, but we can do it.

Wade, pizza party!



[No Subject]

[The Winter Soldier]
I ran into some trouble, but the package has been delivered.
[Tony Stark (AU)]
Real sorry about today, Tony.

But I'm going to need you to stay out of my way.


So there's lots of... stuff happening. And things, apparently. I just showed up here, which I hope explains the fact I'm completely lost behind. Could someone catch me up?

What's with the team things? What about Coulson's team? We're still a thing, right?

Can I help with anything? I wish Jemma were here

I'm Agent Fitz, by the way.

[No Subject]

I'm extremely insulted that I'm apparently not cool enough to have more than one of me.

(Just kidding. That'd be weird. But seriously, how come certain people get long lost twins?)



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Red Team: Thor, Sif, Batman, Sam Winchester, and Bruce Banner]
So this is bullshit.

Agent Romanoff does not go rogue and Steve Rogers wouldn't have the subtlety to do so even if he wanted. We know they're safe, and there's gotta be a game at work here. We are still Agent Romanoff's team and I will be damned if we are going to be the ones to throw a wrench in her plans. What they need is time, and if that changes, I bet we'll know.

So, Orders were that we divide the city into quadrants and patrol. They forgot to mention when.

I'm interpreting that to mean the next few days, we relax by the beach, have some nice cocktails, and take in the sights of sunny Las Vegas. If this is still a problem on Friday, or there's a signal in the meantime, we'll consider changing our protocol.

But for now, Quadrant 2 receives no oversight. No one report back to control but me. And if there is heat for this, it's not your asses on the line. Understood?



[No Subject]

[Filtered to the Blue Team: Spike, Helena B, Damian W, Wanda M, Diana P, Zinda, Barbara G]

By now I assume that you've all seen Director Carter's post.

I'm going to say right now that I don't like the way any of this feels. I want our team to do what we can to figure out what's actually going on behind the scenes. We've been given a district to patrol [map included] and I expect you all to hit the streets. If you see Rogers or Romanoff, do not engage. Shadow them from a distance and let me know what you see.

I'm a little bit under the weather so until further notice, Helena Bertinelli will be your field leader. I'll be available on the comms and I'll direct you all from here, but if the situation comes up where you need on-site judgment, Helena will be the one calling the shots.

[Filtered to the Birds of Prey + Laurel Lance + all Oliver Queens]

I'm not sure how many of you have seen the posts on the network by the woman calling herself Red Canary. She has threatened each and every one of you and she's dangerous. Please be careful and watch out for yourselves. I'm also going to ask that you let me handle this one if at all possible. Protect yourselves and do whatever you can to avoid engaging her. Please.

Laurel, I'm sorry but I think you're going to have to make yourself scarce for a little while. I don't want her to mistake you for me.

[Filtered to Skye + Lee]

There's someone in town that's threatening my friends and I'm a little afraid that you two might end up in the crosshairs. I'm going to ask that you stay close to your SHIELD teammates and keep an eye out. And please don't mention this to them. This is a situation that I'd like to figure out myself, without the help of SHIELD. I just want to make sure that you two stay safe.



[No Subject]

So I was wondering hairs the best place round her to grab a burger or me...dozen?



[No Subject]

Well, that was a pretty good run. Feels good to be getting back into it.

[Filtered to Sam Matthews]:
What do you want me to pick up for a late dinner?



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Jason and Hylla
Luke Castellan is here.

[Filtered to Lord Apollo]
I see you are already speaking to Luke Castellan.



[No Subject]

So, it looks like what happens in Vegas does actually stay in Vegas.

What's up with that?

[No Subject]

Um, if anyone knows the way back to Elysium, that would be great, thanks.



[No Subject]

.............I knew I should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque.