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January 29th, 2014



[No Subject]

[FILTER: Natasha Romanova - canon]
There's a gambit designed to get Steve in front of the Winter Soldier and your eyes on target in case anything should go awry would be well received. The Soldier thinks I am setting the Commander up to deliver him lock, stock and barrel. It simply isn't so, of course.

I trust their lo So if the thing goes south, I need you to make sure he doesn't get away.

[FILTER: Dum Dum Dugan]
I need your gun.

[FILTER: Steve Rogers]
Setting up our recruits for patrol. I've divided the city into 4 quadrants - and then the land around the outside for 20 or so miles. However long until we start running out of land. What think you, Commander? Patrol, observe, report, log. We can leave it up to the team leads as to how they want to organize their parties.



[No Subject]

(Filtered to Steve Rogers)

Hey, good buddy! So, I've been tryin' to spy on the ol' Lok-meister and so far I've mostly seen him plotting, brooding, plotting some more, giving grandiose exposition, and occasionally giving that evil grin of his. Nothing out of the ordinary so far...



[No Subject]

Okay. It's been a while since I've gotten drunk enough to not remember what happened the night before... So how come I'm in Las Vegas? Is this some kind of initiation rite? Kennedy? Willow? ....Dawnie?



[No Subject]

It seems that we're continuing to get new arrivals. If there's anyone that I haven't greeted yet, welcome. I'm Dinah and I'm happy to answer any questions that I can. Though unfortunately, most of us have been stuck here for months without answers as to why or who's responsible. If you'd like to help with the effort to find answers, let me know.

[Filtered to Helena]

So, pigs are flying. Babs missed Steph's arrival because she was making out with a guy. Can you believe that she's having more fun here than both of us?

Please tell me that you have at least one fun story to share by now. It's kind ofbeen all work and no play here.



[No Subject]

Ittai nani?
Naze Rasubegasu de watashi wa? Soshite, dono yō ni watashi wa koko de teniireta no?

...someone is going get the shit kicked out of them for this.



Filtered to Bart Allen

Left on Bart's door

Behind Cut )



[No Subject]

Today might be a good day.

[Filtered to Bobby]
So there's this girl, Charlie. She says she knows me...but I don't know her. Didn't know her, before I came here. She makes rings. With wards and devil's traps and stuff, and you wear it on your hand. Because it's a ring. I got one for you.



[No Subject]

I would like to have a night out on the town...perhaps, a girls night?

Thea? Di? Any ladies just want to get together, just go out and have fun, without males around to be judgmental?



[Filtered to Leoben]

People don't seem very fond of you.

[No Subject]

first: firing arrows indiscriminantly into the city limits - total failure.

second: my phone won't call out in this jankyass city so now i have to use this dumbass private network thing.

third: i had a dog with me and now he is gone and he's technically not even mine, so.

four: has anyone seen a one-eyed dog, i guess.



[No Subject]

What the hell is this?

[No Subject]

Is Katniss still here?

I'm not sure if she's left or if she's just avoiding me. I haven't seen her in weeks.



[Private to Castiel (canon)]

Dude, I just got here and you bail and don't come back? Where are you? Are you alright? You were possessed for a freaking month, you don't just take off after something like that.