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January 25th, 2014



[No Subject]

Well, that reminded me of when I made a crater out of Sunnydale.



[No Subject]

Well, I feel a lot better today. Physically. I even got some sleep last night. And didn't end up on the roof. I see a lot of people have shown up recently. I was better at this before. No one was hurt in that quake last night, right?

[Filtered to Sam Matthews]:
You can't avoid me forever, you know.

[Filtered to Michael & Nikita]:
I'm sorry.

[Filtered to Apollo]:
Thanks, again.



[No Subject]

You are all safe now. From me. No more quakes. At least not caused by me. I can't do anything about the natural ones.

I'm so sorry, Tim.



[No Subject]

I just want to go home. We don't belong here.



[No Subject]

Hi everybody. Hi new people.

[SHIELD: All Units, Avengers]
I guess it's time we all talked about that to do, you know, about the elephant in the room.



[No Subject]

...Vegas? Really?

Dean? Somebody want to explain what's going on?



[Filtered to Sam Winchester (Canon)]

Hey so

Remember when there were two Deans? And then remember how later there were two Sam's?



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Elijah Mikaelson]:

Please help me.



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Klaus Mikaelson (AU)]:

Want to tell me what the hell I assisted you in last night?



[No Subject]

Are there any doctors here? I'm pregnant, and I was recently hit by a car. I'm still on crutches, but doing okay. And I was checked out after the accident, but I probably need to see someone here to make sure my boy is still doing okay.



[No Subject]

Feels like a long day. At least everything stopped shaking last night. And it looks like things are back to normal around here. As normal as things get here, anyway.

[Filtered to Seymour Birkhoff]:
Want to get a drink later?



[No Subject]

Hail fellow émigrés.

I should introduce myself as a recent arrival. My name is John Grey and it is unusual to be here.



[No Subject]

Just a question. I'm curious. Is anyone else...seeing dead people?

[Filtered to Allison Argent, viewable to Stiles Stilinski (AU), and Derek Hale (AU)]:
Okay, Allison...I think you need to get out for awhile. Maybe fire off some arrows.



[No Subject]

For a second there, I definitely thought I would be meeting the devil again.



[No Subject]

[Filtered: Loki (Canon), Thor]
Could I have a word?

[No Subject]

Scott? Stiles? What is going on?

Voice Post;

Hello? H-Hello? What's this? If this is some sort of.... trippy experimental drug... [rustling as he's checking himself over and looking around] This pranking it's just- it's immature and childish. Childish.

Ward! It was you wasn't it? ...Ward?



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Meg Masters]

One hour.



[No Subject]

[LOKI (AU!)]
Now, I must say, I didn't expect to see you here.



[Filtered to Sam Winchester (Canon)]

It's time. Get your ass up here.



[No Subject]

Come on man let me out of my room I know it only been one day. Come on! It wasn't posted that you couldn't drive out of here or the fact that the bunny ranch was not in sin city!

You can't blame a bear for wanting to see some hookers!



[No Subject]

Umm....hello? I guess I"m not in Mystic Falls any more...

[No Subject]

Okay this is certainly not what I had in mind when I asked for a vacation.



[No Subject]

Since we have a lot of new people showing up again, I thought I would let everyone know/remind everyone that anyone can go to Best Buy and purchase a laptop. Just looking at the phone screen all the time would be annoying. Just ask them to put it on the Udinov account.

If you need help choosing one or anything like that, I'd be happy to go with you.

Oh, and I'm Alex, for all of you who don't know already. I've been here since October, one of the first to arrive.



[No Subject]

Okay. Whoever slipped me the ruffie, I hope you're not gunning for a Vegas wedding here cause I got news for you. I ain't the marrying type.



[No Subject]


What the fuc...what just happened?

[No Subject]

It seems this place is only going to get more strange.



[No Subject]

Note to self; don't eat tomatoes before bed, especially when everything looks beyond ancient.

[No Subject]

Not really in the mood for this...



[No Subject]

[Sophia Peletier]
My dad's back. He's here.



[No Subject]

To the children of my sister Athena, and any other born with Olympian blood. You will make yourself known to me.

[Filtered to Loki (canon)]

I have spoken with your brother Thor, and believe that proper introductions are in order. I am Apollo, Son of Zeus, god of the sun. It is an honor to meet another god within this place, and while the imprisonment is unwelcome, know that you are welcome to join my table whenever you should wish it.



[No Subject]

This is certainly interesting. I wish I had my lab here, I'd have to take some samples and see what this world is made of.

Finn and Jake would love it here.




What? No... John? John where are you?



[No Subject]

Are all TV shows this stupid?

"I thought this guy was a stiff, but as it turned out, he was just a corpse. So I said, "Hey, it's your funeral!" and his family said, "yes, it is! Now get out of the coffin!""

Do people actually find that sort of thing funny?

[Filtered away from Princess Bubblegum]

Someone talk to me, please.