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January 22nd, 2014



Netpost: Avengers/SHIELD

[Avengers+SHIELD (as of now, this includes anyone on the Gdoc and/or those who wish to be involved unless otherwise marked)]
Director Carter and I took the liberty of organizing all those individuals interested in being a part of our team into their own units. Each unite has been code named with a colour, each unit has a handler. And in the even of another emergency, like the Hulk, each unit will be responsible for their own tasks, some coming down from your unit leader, and some. Coming down directly from Director Carter, who is as of now our head tactician.

((Here is a link to the Gdoc for quick reference!))

I would like you all to take some time to familiarize yourself with the members of your unit that you don't already know. These are the people that, God forbid, you might very well need to depend on with you life. So it might be a good idea to get to know them, their strengths and their weaknesses.

Until we have proper facilities, all training will be open air, and lead by unit handlers, so figure out a place that works for all of you, and a time and take it from there. If you have any questions or concerns, either I or Director Carter will make it our top priority to get back to you with answers as soon as possible.

[Gold Unit: Wolverine, X-23, Deadpool, M. Dearden, Angel (AU), Tony Stark (AU).]
I think almost all of you already know me, or some version of me so I'll keep introductions short. What I will say though, is that our first training session will be at the Ceasar's Palace pools, Thursday morning, 0800h. If that's a problem for anyone - please let me know. Otherwise, I look forward to seeing all of you Thursday. Bring a towel.



[No Subject]

Percy, Shall we go exploring today? I refuse to stay cramped up in this hotel.



Filtered to Black Widow (canon)

So... now that we're teammates, can we be pals now? Like... since Sexy!Fun!Tasha is gone, maybe now you can be Sexy!Serious-But-Tolerates-My-Immaturity-Cos-I'm-Totes-Adorable!Tasha? Yeah, it's a long name, but it's still a work in progress.

So whaddaya say, Red? Pals? Buddies?



[No Subject]

If a motherfucker pats my head one more time, I'm going to cut their hand the fuck off.

I tried to get in the lameass Strip Gun Club, but I have to go with an "adult".



[No Subject]

[Filter to Green Team (Angel (can), S. Carter, Rogue, J. Rhodes, C. Sands, T. Stark (can), J. Foster, D. Lewis) + Peggy Carter]
Alright ya lunkheads. I am not one for speeches, but we've been roped together into a team for SHIELD here, and I am one for teams. SHIELD is not a 9-5 job like some wall street junkie or doc who blows off to go play a round of golf and because of that it's a heckuva lot more fulfilling. That means that these other men and women here are not your co-workers. They should be your second family. SHIELD is made up of individuals, maybe, but at the heart and soul of it. It is comprised of teams. Now I don't expect everyone to get along all the time, heck, I don't expect most of you lot'll be fond of me before we're through here. But I sure as heck expect you all to treat each other with respect and like the comrades in arms you are.

SHIELD stands for the Strategic Homeland Interventions, Enforcement, and Logistics Division. And that might just be some bureaucrat's way of making an acronym, but SHIELD stands for so much more than a bunch of goldarned letters. SHIELD stands as a line of defense against the threats normal folk aren't near prepared or ready for. We are a paramilitary, intelligence agency that defends this world, and we are run like one. That means we follow hierarchy, we follow marching orders, and if you go off book you had best have a goddamn good reason for it. However, that don't mean I won't tear you one for it.

Working with SHIELD means there's always something we don't know, you won't know, or we can't know. SHIELD works through compartmentalizing intelligence so if, not when, there's a leak, we can cover your arses quickly. SHIELD business stays within SHIELD. Our team's business stays within our team. Any and every bit of knowledge exists on a need to know basis. You don't think you can handle that, don't let the knob hit you on your way out.

That's my piece there, now if we're gonna be a team, we're gonna need to know one another and start acting like one. So I'll start. I am Sgt. Dum Dum Dugan. I was part of the first team with SHIELD when Director Carter and Howard Stark founded this op. I have been there about seven years before I came here. During the War I was with the US armed forces, 69th Infantry, then with Special Forces and the SSR as a Howling Commando. I took over that battalion after Steve Rogers fell. After the war, I worked cleanup, then found my way to OSS. Then SHIELD. My folk back home were with the circus.

I've read briefs on near all of you, but I wanna hear it straight from the horse's mouth so to speak. Go around tell me who you are, where you're trained, what you're bringing to SHIELD, and anything else you feel like sharing. You got questions. Ask them now too.

Tonight I want everyone out being sociable. The Bar @ the Tropicana. 2000 hours. Everyone makes it to tomorrow, we're gonna see about starting up this team. Tomorrow we get to work and we are gonna train together until I am convinced you don't need to anymore. Got it?
[Filtered to Steve Rogers + Peggy Carter]
Gosh, meeting the cherries makes me kinda get why Steve was always giving all those speeches.



[No Subject]

I don't think I've ever been so sick. Guess who is NEVER drinking again?



[No Subject]

I wonder if we can upgrade the system we are all communicating on? Looks like got a goal for the day.

[Private to Jason]

I hope your behaving?



[No Subject]

...Looks like the boundaries of this place are changing.

Can anyone give me an estimate on when that happened?



[No Subject]

Bored...anyone wanna set some stuff on fire, maybe go looting or something?

[No Subject]

Well that was a fun.

[Voice Post]

Would someone like to inform me as to what is going on here?


[Voice Post]

What sort of magic is this?



[Filtered to Castiel]

So I hear you're having a rough week. Can't be bothered to have a beer with the boys? Tsk tsk. They might start to suspect something is wrong.



[Filtered to the Blue Team]

(OOC: Blue Team currently means Spike, Helena, Damian Wayne, Wanda Maximoff, Diana Prince, Lorna Dane, Zinda and Barbara)

Hello Team Blue. To start, I would like to welcome you to the team and say that I'm excited to work with each of you. While I'm new to S.H.I.E.L.D. this isn't my first rodeo and it's clear that Director Carter and Captain America have this city's best interests at heart. Protecting people is a cause that I can always get behind and I assume that those of you who have been assigned to my team agree.

While some of us already know each other, I think that it's important to start off on the right foot. If you could all introduce yourself and explain your skillset and anything else that your teammates may need to know about you. If you feel comfortable, it might help to own up to anything that might be a potential issue on the battleground. The more we know, the easier it is to watch each other's backs.

I'll start.

I'm Dinah Lance, also known as the Black Canary. I'm an expert in several forms of martial arts and I have a sonic scream that can do quite a lot of damage but can also be scaled back to simply knock people unconscious. I'm much better in a melee situation since I prefer not to use any weapons, and I strongly believe that we should preserve life whenever possible. If there is a way to apprehend a suspect non-lethally, I ask all of you to use that method.



[Filtered to Sam Winchester]

I've got him.

Get your ass up to my room. I need someone tall enough to paint a devil's trap on the ceiling.

[No Subject]

Do we have any idea who is behind all of this?

Voice Post

woah, everything is so bright and flashy, and how come I'm not made of snow anymore?

It'd be nice if Elsa, Anna, and Sven were here...and Kristoff, but I don't see them. I think I made myself sad.

Umm, any of you know where I can get some clothes?



[No Subject]

FILTERED TO RED TEAM (Clint Barton, Thor, Sif, Bruce Wayne/Batman, Sam Winchester, & Bruce Banner):
For most of us introductions and skill sets aren't necessary, however, I'm going to do a little about me.

My name is Natasha Romanova, but I've made it easy and gone with the Americanization. Romanoff. I'm much older than I look, and I never lay all my cards out on the table. My code name is Black Widow, and I earned it.

Meeting tomorrow. Noon. We'll do it over lunch.

[No Subject]

This isn't Rome. Seriously, what the hell? A trickster, maybe?

Mom? Krissy? Are you two out there?



[No Subject]

[SHIELD + Avengers]
Welcome to the fold. I trust you have very carefully read Commander Rogers' post and you understand exactly what is expected of you. It's my job to make sure that you are adequately resourced and to facilitate our actions in the field.

In so saying, you will have approximately 48 hours to meet and work out the relationships in your own cells. After that time, you will receive another missive from me with your instructions, which will include both a schedule of patrols and a living document recording the areas of anomaly within the city limits and beyond.

We need to know what's happening in this place - and we need to anticipate it.

[Loki, the Winter Soldier]
Never leave a god to do a woman's job. Soldier, you know what I want, and it's long past time that we meet



Private to Mikaelson Clan and Caroline.

We have a healthy baby girl on our hands, everything seems....normal. How is that possible? Not that I was picturing having an alien climbing out of my stomach, but...normal? I don't even know what that is anymore.

The next question is who would like to go for my next check up? I like Doctor Bruce, he had no judgement, was gentle and nice. So whoever goes, needs to play nice, no braking his neck, threatening him, or compelling him.



Voice post

What is this place?



[No Subject]

So...this is what they mean when they talk about waking up in Vegas. Somehow I thought it'd be more fun.



[No Subject]

This is wholly unprecedented and definitely not the Daintree Rainforest.