
March 2014



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January 20th, 2014



[No Subject]

This place is really something.



[No Subject]

You've got to be kidding me.




[No Subject]

Is it always this interesting around here?



Filtered to both Olivers

Laurel is in trouble.



[No Subject]

Mom? Will?

Are you here? Please be here? My chest is tightening up. CALM DOWN.



[No Subject]

Jay...this isn't funny.




[No Subject]

[Filter: Margaret Carter]
Aunt Director Carter?



[No Subject]

Just as fast as I think I have a handle on getting things organised, more people show up. Do you think Bucky is even still But let's you and I draw this up, shall we? Take a look at who we have. We've got to start somewhere.



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Castiel]

Hey, Cas. I talked to Meg the other day. I think she's worried about you. And after what you told me about Dean -- I figured it's about time you and I get together, you know? Maybe have a beer? I'm buying.



[No Subject]

This place is so off balance, are we sure this isn't drug-induced?



[No Subject]

So what brought me here?



[No Subject]

Wanda....tell me this was Daddy getting back at us and not you.



[No Subject]

No wolves, No other Huntresses?

I've been through worse.



[No Subject]

Elect or not, this was wrong to do.

Justin March, report right now!

[No Subject]

Okay do we think things are going to calm down now?

[No Subject]

Steve...wanna go have a drink or two....or twenty?

[No Subject]

Alright guys. Enough playing around, we have work to do. Guys?



[Dinah and Skye]

They let me have my phone back, and the rest of the bandages will come off tomorrow.



[No Subject]

Sherlock, come out, come out wherever you are.

I know you jumped.

The only question is, is this heaven or hell



[No Subject]

I really..... don't know what is going on here anymore.



[No Subject]

Mike, up for hanging out? Thinking of hitting the gym. Gotta keep in shape.

[No Subject]



Because I totally wasn't just in Kansas.

Saddest part? This doesn't even really shock me. I don't even think it's the strangest thing I've seen today.

Bring it on.



[No Subject]

Nope I am Will Graham. I KNOW WHO I AM I know who I am.