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December 25th, 2013



[No Subject]

Merry Christmas, everyone!



[No Subject]

There will be a buffet style Christmas dinner in the dining area tonight starting at 6pm. There should be something for everyone, plenty of food.

Looks like all the elves and mistletoe are gone too. I just hope the snow stops soon, though it is nice to have a white Christmas.

Merry Christmas to all of you, I'm sorry that you're stuck here. But we will make the most of it. For any new people who haven't gotten a laptop yet, all you need to do is go to Best Buy. They're aware of the situation. Anyone who needs help with this, let me know.

[Sam]: Merry Christmas.



[No Subject]

Merry Christmas to everyone. Looks like a White Christmas after all, so that's certainly more than I expected from this place. And today being what it is even makes the singing elves festive instead of annoying.

[Private to Laurel, Roy, Thea, and Oliver]

I know this might be weird, but There are gifts for all of you under the tree from me. Hopefully you like them.

And a few people showed up last night from my reality. Sort of. I tried to explain to them about what things are like in your world so hopefully there's less confusion, but all the same... be nice to them if you see them? Just in case you know any of them, it's Barbara Gordon, Helena Bertinelli, and Mia Dearden.



[No Subject]

It is a merry Christmas.

The elves are gone.



Note stuffed under Laurel's door

Scribbled across the small paper:

Merry Christmas



[No Subject]

Thanks for the great gifts, Lee! Guessing you didn't know the meaning of one of them, though.



[No Subject]

Was it my secret Santa who left me the note?

Intentional voice post.

As useful as keyboards are, and wow, let me say, they have really evolved since they were introduced for the first time. Or second time, or maybe the third time. I never cared much about them; I'm more of a spoken word type of...guy.

Let's see. I'm in Las Vegas, the year is 2013, and my captors were nice enough to give me a nice room.

Not as nice as my original abode, but I suspect it is better than my past abode.

You might be wondering who the new voice is, or maybe not. Don't worry, I'm wondering why my Father let this happen to me.

I must have done something to make Him mad.

[No Subject]

Hi, everyone.

I'm not really sure what Christmas is, but I hope everyone had a good holiday. I spent the day making cookies and looking for Katniss and there are way more than I could ever eat, so if anyone would like some, just let me know.


Someone told me that Katniss was here, but I haven't seen her. And I'm getting a little worried. I'm still not sure this isn't just some weird Capitol plot, or...or really if this is just all in my head and you're all just figments of my imagination

So, Katniss, if you're out there, hi. I miss you. And if anyone knows where she is, can you please let me know?

[OOC: the right community this time. XD]