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December 10th, 2013



Private to Ichabod Crane

Wanna grab some lunch?


היי, מישהו שם בחוץ?

Guys, this is totally not Kansas anymore and my name isn't Toto. (I'm also not a dog, but nobody knows that on the internet.)

Also, does anyone have a sweatshirt? Or a coat? Or something? Because it was warm in Jerusalem and it is totes not warm here.

Also also, how am I in Vegas? This is really the wrong desert for me.



[No Subject]

Now I didn't think it was possible to suddenly wake up in a brighter, busier place than Time Square -- but I guess I was wrong.

Hey but speaking of - does anyone know if the Irish Pub at the New York, New York is any good?



Secret Santa

To everyone who signed up for the Gift Exchange, some people have left a little information about themselves and what they like here. If you haven't already, it might be a good idea to do that so we can all get to know each other better and your Secret Santa can figure out what sorts of gifts to give to you.

Feel free to leave smaller surprises for your person leading up to the party. Then we'll have a party on the 20th and you can give your main gift to the person whose name you've gotten and tell them who you are. As for the gifts, it seems as though anything from the Mandalay gift shop is complimentary but if you have to go outside the hotel for them, let's try to keep the dollar amount around $20 or under so people aren't breaking the bank for the exchange.

Private Messages for all involved )



[Private to Lupin]

Lily is gone, in case you've not noticed. I thought you might like to know.

Also, the Wolfsbane will be ready tomorrow morning. You can take the potion at any point up to the day of the full moon, but you shouldn't have any sugar for an hour ahead of time or for three hours afterwards.