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April 5th, 2016

[info]notdaredevil in [info]the100

log: matt+karen (mw)

WHO: Matt Murdock + Karen Page
WHEN: Backdated to Karen's arrival, March 30
WHERE: Medical!
WHAT: Matt meets Karen in the hospital, and it's exactly as awkward and feelsy as you expect.

It’s been a pretty hectic trip, Matt. )

[info]paged in [info]the100

MW; Chatty to Matt Murdock

[Chatty to Matt Murdock]
» Hey. Maya was my roomate, and she left behind a lot of stuff. It feels... weird, just packing it all up.
» I know you two were friends, do you want to hang on to anything of hers?
» The only other person I saw come over was the bearded dr, and he's gone too.
» If it's too much, I can handle it. I just thought you'd want a heads up, since they requested we do this.

[info]bluethree in [info]the100

Mt. Weather network post

So, I'd talked with a few folks about broadening sabaac club to include more types of card games, so that's going to start tomorrow night. Bring whatever cards you have and come for the fun and the chance to take your mind off things. I know we've got Poker and a few other games that people know at least.

Everyone's welcome! Come learn a new game or teach folks your favorite one from home.

Private )

[info]littlelunacy in [info]the100

Storybrooke: Malia Zale

If you're interested in sharing the magic of the wilderness with your offspring, sign up for this Saturday's hike through the Storybrooke Wilderness Park. Participants will be given a small bag of granola, and water. It will probably be perfect for small children, unless I encounter a snake, in which case I can all but guarantee that the language will be intended for adults only.

You can trust me with your children's lives. I was a child once, and I was a great child. Just ask my sister. I believe in positive reinforcement, capital punishment, not holding back about the destruction of the ozone layer, and reverent silence. If your kid is a whiner I may threaten to feed him to a bear, but I would never do that. It's just a hilarious joke. I would be working at the animal shelter because trust me, I prefer pets to your kids, but the animal shelter requires that I be over the age of 18 for the fun jobs, so here we all are.

The hike is sponsored by the nonprofit organization 'Make Like a Tree'. This post is not. Nature! Yeah!!

[info]ignoretheodds in [info]the100

storybrooke: network post jack church

I know I've been pulling some short nights of sleep trying to get stuff ready for the season, but I wonder if I'm seeing things. Certainly didn't expect to see an old brig with sails come into the harbor while I was repairing traps. Seems a bit early for either the tall ship festival or the tourist sailing cruises.

[info]agentofsass in [info]the100

storybrooke: network post marshall cole

Last time I was here home on leave, there was a military/vets night sort of thing at the bar - pool, darts and such. This still going on?

[info]hardinhightown in [info]the100

storybrooke; vincent izgoy

[Heard over Police Radio]
» This is Izgoy
» I'm out by the docks and, I swear I'm not drinking, but there's an honest to god Pirate Ship coming into the harbor
» I've never arrested a pirate.

[info]oswaldftw in [info]the100

storybrooke; oswin oswald.

Is it for real? Is there really a pirate ship out in the harbor? And I'm missing it!

[info]electrodynamic in [info]the100

Trish isn't here, but we'll still be having the Alcoholics/Narcotics Anonymous meeting tonight. She'd want us to keep going and supporting each other.

If you're new and you've struggled with addiction - alcohol or drugs - you're welcome to attend. Or if you've not new and you want to talk to other people who have faced addiction as well. We meet every Tuesday at 8 pm, room 205C. I know being somewhere like this is an added stress on top of everything else, so we, Trish and I, wanted to help other people who'd gone down similar paths before. You don't have to talk if you don't want to, that's never going to be a requirement. Or if you'd feel more comfortable talking one-on-one, I'd be glad to set up a time for that instead.

[info]x_facility in [info]the100

sb: laura collins

It's Monday. In school. You know what that means.

Who wants a daisy chain crown?

[info]lettheriverrun in [info]the100

Storbrooke: River Tanner

Really people? A pirate ship? I'd think that pirates would prefer to come some place a little more interesting that here.

[info]anomalia in [info]the100

STORYBROOKE; sarah bennett.

My life is literally consumed by house-painting. Who knew such a small place could require so much effort.

Is there anyone who happens to have an extra bed? Or maybe the urge to build one? I can pay.

[ family ]
I finally got the date for my in-home interview for the adoption. Tell me not to freak out. There's still so much left to do

[info]bullheaded in [info]the100

!storybrooke; ben "the bull" irons

So who wants to RIDE THE BULL?

Cause I rented this bad boy through the weekend.

Sam, you think we can set this fucker up in the back of the Rabbit Hole? Cause I'm gonna stick it in the park otherwise but nothin better than bull riding except bull riding and beer.

[info]swhite in [info]the100

The votes have been tallied, and I am pleased to announced that your two new Councilors are: Logan Howlett and Leia Organa. We would like to thank them for their service and cannot wait to work with them in this trying time.

In the event that either of these two disappear, the chain of command would then fall to Cassandra Pentaghast and then Susan Pevensie. It is our hope that we will never have to call upon them, but we can do nothing about that but preparations.

For the new Second in Commands, we went by experience, knowledge of this world, and seniority.
  • MEDICAL: Garrett Hawke
  • LAW ENFORCEMENT: Kaidan Alenko
  • CIVILIAN SERVICES: Minerva McGonagall
  • CRAFTS: Julie Power / Lightspeed (616)
  • AGRICULTURE & ANIMALS: Marie D'Ancanto / Rogue (movies)
Your patience and diligence during this time is greatly appreciated. As always, I am open for questions and will answer to the best of my abilities.

[info]kayleefrye in [info]the100

WHO: Kaila Frye & Simon Tanner
WHEN: Today
WHERE: Marine Garage
WHAT: Simon's car is acting up. Kaila takes a look under the engine.
WARNINGS: The usual for these two.

Bringing his car in was an excuse to see Kaila.  )

[info]mentore in [info]the100

Storybrooke: Ezio Auditore

Bring it, pirates*. )

*Please don't actually Bring Anything.
*Unless it's rum.
*Or a band-aid. I nicked myself just getting this thing down off its wall mount.

In the "research" phase of this evening, I stumbled onto this buried treasure. You're welcome.

[info]augustbooth in [info]the100

STORYBROOKE; will woodson.

It's good to be home, Storybrooke. That leg of the tour made me miss home even more than I usually do.

I'm glad to see we're keeping things interesting with the arrival of a mysterious pirate ship, too.

[ Rachel ]
The boys requested pizza for dinner and board games afterwards on the way to school this morning. How does that sound to you? Not sure which games actually still have all of their pieces, since they've gotten into that 'let's try turn everything small into something that'll go through the marshmallow shooter' phase, but we can find out.

[info]strictandclever in [info]the100

Mount Weather: Minerva McGonagall

Hello, everyone. I have accepted Second in Command of Civilian Services. Podkru numbers are critically short in almost all of our Civilian Services. We are down to: 1 Food Service, 2 Dishwashers, 2 Teachers, 2 Child Caretakers. The only ones that did not lose the majority of their workers were Laundry Services and Sanitation, and even then, that is only 3 people each. Food Service is the most critical of these as, of course, we all must eat.

I am therefore proposing that each of us work at least one meal shift per week, with exceptions only for those ill, injured, or responsible for the care of someone who cannot care for themselves. Though I cannot require this of you, I hope you can recognise the importance and will contribute. There are simple food preparations that almost anyone could assist with, and anyone who is absolutely uncomfortable with that can at least help in portioning out and serving the food. I have pulled the records for prior meal plans and schedules so they can be scaled down accordingly for the current population.

I'm aware that many of you enjoy regular alcohol, and I occasionally imbibe myself, but there are now vastly more people brewing alcohol than preparing food. I'd ask that the brewers, in particular, consider transferring your work focus to the much more urgent food needs and take more than a single day's meal shift.

I'd also ask that anyone who can speed the dishwashing process, please give your assistance in spelling the dishes or otherwise helping this along. There isn't enough space at the washing stations for everyone to wash their own at every meal, therefore we need to continue to do them in bulk.

Mr Albus Severus Potter, Mr Bucky Barnes, and Ms Sue Storm-- please see me tomorrow at 8 AM in 203 for an emergency meeting with the Skaikru who remain as Teachers and Child Caretakers.

Thank you.

[info]guide_your_soul in [info]the100


[ooc: earlier today]

Hey Mr. PleaseSomeoneDistractMe. I got a funny question for you.

So, these pirates I keep hearing about? Actual pirates or did your brood decide to hijack a lobster boat?
