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May. 31st, 2015


Is anyone else having trouble figuring out what to say to these people here? And what the hell is going on here?
I saw your friend's back. Glad he's okay.

You been doing okay? That guy hasn't been bothering you, has he?

May. 20th, 2015


network post: matt murdock

Can anyone tells me what qualifies as legal counseling around here? Do we have established laws that can be studied, do we have any kind of justice system? I know we're all focused on what to eat and potential outside enemies, but eventually if we're stuck in here long enough we're going to get into arguments that can't be easily solved. People are going to commit crimes against each other.

I don't like not knowing how that's going to be handled.

And selfishly, I'd like to take this time to mention that Nelson and Murdock, attorneys at law, are happy to offer mediation for personal disputes.

Surprise, you're involved.

So? Going to explain why you were up all night texting?

May. 18th, 2015


I did not consent to this pod, nor did I consent to being stripped of rank and title to be ingloriously dumped inside a mountain lacking the space or consideration of my

Can I go home now?

Journeying through time and space is a new experience each and every time. Technology, for one, is very different. Though I shouldn't think it necessary to bore you with the details of my burgeoning familiarity with it ...

There is little to be said other than to offer my thanks to those of you who cared for me. I hope, one day, I shall also be able to pay you back for your kindness.

Hello, then. I am Susan Queen of and I hope we can work together to achieve much while we are here.

May. 17th, 2015


Okay, so heads up. Alternative means of flour was used in today's pancakes. One of the local nuts around here -- they're called jobi nuts, you've probably had them -- can sometimes go bad. Wonky. Whatever you wanna call it. They can cause hallucinations. The good news is that it won't last long. Just a few hours. The bad news is that you can't tell when jobi nuts go bad, and you'll unfortunately just have to ride it out.


» Where are you? There's a problem

May. 14th, 2015


network post: remus lupin (to those in charge, neville, james, sirius)


*(Remus has inferred that these people in addition to the Chancellor seem to have some power or at least can contact people in power, so they're in on the filter)
My name is Remus Lupin; I've been living here since the beginning of April. I [...] need to tell you something. I'll come to you in person but I want to get things written down and sent before I can back out for the fourth or fifth time this week.

I'm a werewolf. [...] In my world, that means I've got a condition known as lycanthropy, or more accurately werewolfry, that affects nearly every aspect of my life. I've been this way since I was four. It

A girl named Ruby confessed publicly that she's also a werewolf, but her condition and mine are not the same. She has the ability to control herself, and she's able to transform at will. I am not. My transformations are entirely tied to the full moon, and [...] I have no control when I'm in that state even if I'm conscious and able to remember what happens. Werewolves from my world are incredibly dangerous. They We hunt humans exclusively. Place us between a human and a bear and we will always attack the human, without provocation, even if the human is a dear friend. I would kill my family. I almost did kill my own mother once.

I My friends learned how to I'm telling you this, because last month I was with my friends I made the mistake of thinking that it would be safe if I transformed in the woods, and stayed away from other people. However, I hadn't accounted for the mountain lions — we I was attacked, which provoked the wolf, and in chasing the mountain lions down I came upon another human.

I don't remember things well. It was chaos, but I knew the next morning that I may have attacked him, that I might have bitten him. There was no sign of him afterward, and I thought perhaps I was mistaken in my memory. At the time, I hadn't been willing to risk telling anyone, because I was afraid of what you'd do to me. In my world, laws against werewolves are very strict, particularly in cases of suspected attack. I was afraid, I was a coward, and I said nothing.

[...] I'm telling you this because I believe that while I was restrained during this past full moon, the attack on the Grounder village is my fault. I think it was caused by a werewolf, and that the werewolf was the man I'd attacked a month prior. He would have had no control, no knowledge of what he was about to do, and [...]

This is my fault.

I understand if you choose not to keep me here, or carry out whatever punishment you see fit.

May. 8th, 2015


The guards haven't been able to find any large animals living in the vicinity of the Grounder village or Mount Weather, so the werewolf theory is gaining credibility. If that's what it was I think we have to consider the possibility that it could have been someone who's living in the facility right now.

On a related note I think we should ask all these people to come forward and officially state any powers or abilities they have. Not publicly, just so we have a record. I doubt everyone would do it, but at least we could hold them accountable if they lied.
You wanted to talk?

May. 5th, 2015


network; commander shepard (004)

( ooc; ever so slightly backdated to earlier today to before neville's posts. also something of a content warning under here because they're talking about dead people. )

The good news is that we got our hands on the pod the Grounders got to first, so we won't be running out of toothpaste anytime soon.

The bad news is that we have it because the Grounder village that grabbed it is gone. I'll skip the gory details, but something running around out there is aggressive and starving. I haven't seen people torn up like that since... last month, actually.

Do we know how Grounders care for their dead? We can't just leave those people baking in the sun if we can help it.

ETA: The scouting party just got back, but I'm turning right back around. Clarke and Bellamy are going on ahead; these people need their funeral rites. They burn their dead, so we need people who will help build a pyre and can handle moving the deceased.

If you're already helping Adaar with the demon, stay here. This won't be a short job, and you won't come back stable enough or awake enough to go right back to demon patrol.

May. 3rd, 2015


Okay, fine My name is Katniss Everdeen. I've been here for over a month and I'm one of the hunters.

EDITED We don't have to be friends. I'll still bring back as much food as I can I'm not very good at getting to know people. But. Hi.

May. 1st, 2015


Since I've heard some people asking around about what happened today, I'll explain.

cut for trigger warning: suicide (today's calendar prompt) )

THE 100:
Everyone okay?

Apr. 30th, 2015


Alright, strange world that I've been deposited in that is still marginally better than mine.

I'm Johanna Mason. This isn't a confession that I'm actually half-leopard or something, I'm only just introducing myself because I realized I never did and sometimes my friends think that I ought to talk to more people. The only reason I happen to be apprehensive is that my world does a really great job in skewering your senses and make you doubt what's real and what isn't. But here I am, trying. So. Hi.

Apr. 28th, 2015


I know a bunch of you have magic and super powers and stuff, but I thought maybe I should ask what all you guys can do? I know that Carol can fly -- which I keep meaning to talk to her about -- and that one guy whose name I can't remember can summon spirits or whatever that was. I've never really seen super powers, just read about them. I kind of lived under the floorboards so my brother had to sneak me books. I only had my imagination to go by so it's kind of hard to visualize any of this.

Are you done sulking yet?

Apr. 24th, 2015


Network Post: Illyana Rasputina

By the Abyss, what's with the blue мудак?! they were my FRIENDS mercy doesn't change I should have just killed Belasco when

I tried to strike it, but it disappeared before I could make contact.

ETA: I'm supposed to be a "hunter" here? After that, I could use a hunt.

Apr. 21st, 2015


I'm going out. I'll be back later.


Who: Bellamy Blake
When: Today!
Where: Level 3, headed to the warehouse!
What: Bellamy sees a spirit and he gets a reminder of what he did.
Warnings: Ummm, some details about the end of season 2? Mentions of past violence, death, etc.

The more he had to do, the more he was able to push it - his thoughts, his feelings, the memories - aside. )


Is it true, what they're saying? That Jaha somehow rigged the blast doors to close on the Ark to try to kill us?

Apr. 17th, 2015


Everyone who was trapped in the defunct Ark station has now been rescued. The volunteer team set out for Mount Weather this morning and should be back before this evening.

Thankfully there were no casualties, but several people are suffering side-effects from being without a proper air supply for so long. Oxygen deprivation is a condition we've been dealing with our entire lives, and our medical team is confident we'll be able to give them proper treatment once they arrive back here.

On behalf of Chancellor Griffin and the Council I'd like to thank you all for volunteering and offering your help. I know for some of you arriving here has been a huge adjustment to make, but cooperation and collaboration are going to be vital for us all in the coming months. How well the community responded to this crisis gives me hope that we'll be able to rise to the challenge.

Apr. 15th, 2015


This is not an alternative universe I would have preferred to fall into, but at least it does not smell of Arcade's Arena.

Apr. 5th, 2015


I'm going to go over a few things here, just in case it wasn't that clear when you woke up or we didn't explain it well enough. It's been hectic around here with all of you arriving out of nowhere like this, but if it keeps up, we'll get better at this.

I'm Bellamy Blake. You can usually find me with the other soldiers, or out on scouting missions. You've met my sister Octavia already, and some of you have met Clarke. We were some of the first people who landed back on Earth. Abby Griffin is the chancellor, and our chief doctor. Marcus Kane is one of the councillors. Sinclair's infrastructure. Our friend Raven's over in infrastructure/engineering too. If you need anything, just ask us. We're here to help.

The year is 2150. This is Earth - what used to be Virginia. We're all living in a base called Mount Weather, and we have a second camp out there that you'll hear people talking about too, Camp Jaha. Back in 2052, there was a nuclear war. Earth was, at least as far as we knew at the time, completely uninhabitable. The people you've met here are all descendants of what remained of humanity back then: thirteen countries had space stations in orbit at the time, and they came together to do whatever they could to ensure our survival. If you hear us talking about the Ark, that's where we all used to live. One giant space station, cobbled together from whatever was left up there.

Last year, some of us arrived back on the ground, including me and my sister. More of our people joined us later, after we knew we could survive down here, but most died on the way down.

We are not the only humans left, however. We call the others Grounders. This world has been their home for a long time, and that's why it's important that you listen when we tell you where not to go, or not to go out alone. Most of them aren't going to bother asking you who you are or what you want. The last thing we want right now is to draw them to us when we're just trying to make lives for ourselves here. I'm sure they already know something's happening, but let's not push it. We don't want another war.

And be careful of the mutant animals. They're not all friendly.

I think that's about it for now. Welcome to Earth.


Damn, you guys move fast when we wave new technology under your noses.

To avoid missing anyone I haven't met yet, I'm Raven Reyes. Don't go by the titles they've assigned to us here - I'm a mechanic underneath the fancy "Infrastructure Engineer" title they gave me. In short, I'm awesome and you want me on your team.

PSA: Don't step foot in my space unless you've been given clearance, and then only touch things you've been cleared to touch. I don't want to explain to everyone why you're suddenly down a finger or that you drank pure ethanol when you were looking for a way to get drunk fast.

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