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Aug. 1st, 2015


With every month and every obstacle thrown your way you all continue to embody the very nature of humanity that I have always believed in. So, I thank you, for all that you have done and will continue to do.

Yesterday you all cast your votes in favor of the two candidates that you felt would best represent your needs and concerns in the days to come. I -- along with Councillor Kane -- counted the votes and the council is honored to welcome Asala Adaar and Steve Rogers. Councillor Adaar and Rogers I personally welcome you to the council and look forward to working with you both. You both are welcome to address everyone just prior to dinner.

Filter: Clarke, Bellamy, Octavia and Lincoln
I have a few things that I would like to discuss with the four of you

Jul. 31st, 2015


Wick decided to stop using this thing like the "superior engineer" that he is, so feel free to give him crap for being a hypocrite if you see him around and he has no idea what you're talking about.

Jul. 28th, 2015


Unlike my sister, I am slow to embrace the truth when it is presented to me. Though I have done my duty to the best of my ability (and moreover diligently), I hadn't embraced this world. I hadn't looked at its reality and determined that it was mine. Being re-introduced to a certain kind of mortality and being further shown that life breeds shadows, and not all shadows are of ill intent ...

It was a revelation. And so, with a glad heart, I embraced this world. I gave myself to its strange sights and sounds, to its unencumbered resilience. Being here, and learning about all of you, I find that I want to understand more. So, tell me something you have learned about yourself while you are here. Tell me something that you discovered because you were pulled out of your element.

I have learned that though my arrow never misses, I often fall far short of the target.

Jul. 26th, 2015


Someone said this was the future?

What happened here? I need to know. It's important.

Jul. 18th, 2015


If we didn't fill your July quota of fun by going to that wedding, we should go see that play.

Jul. 16th, 2015


I don't want to sit here waiting for Emerson. Want to go on a scouting mission?

Think I can talk you into an overnight?
Emerson is smart enough not to get caught in the same area. I think we need to widen our search.

Jul. 15th, 2015


Network Post: Caprica Six

Thank you to everyone who came to the groundbreaking today for the memorial garden. I hope my brief speech wasn't too bad? It's been awhile since I gave one.


I thought you might like to know that I have some seeds with me from home.

Jul. 7th, 2015


Did anyone else feel that this morning? I haven't been here long enough to know if that's a common occurrence or not.

Also, Cards Against Humanity? Fucking brilliant. Never have I been that grossed out, horrified and amused all at once. Well done.

Jul. 6th, 2015


Hey, I need your help with something.

Jul. 3rd, 2015


THE 100:
Lincoln and I will be taking Hale away from the mountain and giving him the Grounder burial rites. We'll have our walkie-talkies, but Lincoln says we have to do this alone.

He'll probably want to stay outdoors tonight, so I don't think we'll be back till morning.


» What do you think it'd take for something good to happen for once?

Jun. 29th, 2015


I offer my thanks to all who have shown great kindness since my recent ordeal. In my world, werewolves are not unheard but neither are they often seen. They are creatures of dark will and ill omen who follow fell powers. They will never be permitted to enter Aslan's coun I saw one once, but from a distance, during a ceremony.

However, I shall make the promise to heal as quickly as I can. If I am to be wolfkind, better to keep me locked under the full to make sure I in turn do no harm to anyone. Better to turn me out into the wild where I will surely Though others of the world have ensured me that it will simply
well, I

Jun. 17th, 2015


network; asala adaar (012)

I don't want to see shit like this again. If you can't have some respect for a man going through a traumatic experience, or you can't stop yourself from arguing with Bellamy, then we'll find you a more appropriate place to be.

I'm mostly talking to you, Ward, but this is for all the prison guards. If you can't handle the crazy that will inevitably happen when people are in cells, for whatever reason, this is not the right job for you. And Carmichael, if you try to touch the prisoner for any reason other than that he's escaped and is literally about to claw someone's face off, you won't know what hit you.

Bellamy and Octavia have done nothing but try to do right by us, and they're the most involved with us since we all got here. Have some respect, and stop accusing them of things they've never seemed to have any intention of doing. They're on our side. Act like it.

Jun. 15th, 2015


You know what, fuck deluded god complexes. I've had enough of them for a lifetime.

I'd say there wasn't enough coffee in the world for this job right now but there isn't even coffee in the world.

[Guards and anyone involved in the Werewolf capture]

He's god. Did you know he was god. Divine fucking purpose since he started deciding he'd grace us with his words yesterday.

Seriously. Can we gag him?

Jun. 13th, 2015


I didn't think saying this would be necessary, but apparently it is.

If you think you're only here as our work force, because apparently none of us do any damn work around here, you know where the door is. If you think we're all murderers and you have that much of a problem with what happened here before that you're going to blame an entire group of people for the actions of a few, and use that as leverage to give yourself more instead of working with us as a whole, you know where the door is. If you think you're being forced to stay here, I'm sure I'm not alone when I say you're welcome to leave of your own volition, should you wish to. No one is trapped here. You can leave and take your chances with a world you don't know. You can take your chances with a leader who threw us to the wolves to save her own people, even though we had risked our lives to save hers. What do you think she'll do to you if she walked away from our alliance, knowing she was signing our death sentence? But hey, leaving is your choice. Good luck.

What happened to the people who lived here before was a tragedy that began generations ago, brought on by their failed leadership. Most of the Sky People weren't even here when the mountain men died. That burden rests on two of us, myself and one other. We made a call that I didn't want to, but we had to because we all would have been slaughtered instead, slowly, one by one. We would have been tortured. You can think we were wrong, that's your choice. But it isn't right to take that out on all of my people. If you want to blame someone, if you want to call someone a murderer, if you want to play this morality game when you weren't in our shoes and we can't see every terrible thing you've done, fine, but say it about me. Don't say it about anyone else. I did it. I'm responsible.

Don't disregard everything that Chancellor Griffin, Marcus Kane, the rest of the council and all of us have done for you. Everything we've done has been a choice, because it was right to do, because we saw someone in need and we knew we had to help. That's all there is to it.


Probably not the smartest idea to hack the network so... Anyone got any information I could use?

Jun. 7th, 2015


To those of you who saw the echoes of what battles passed before you, I can only offer my commiseration as you bear up grimly within your memories. It hasn't been too long since I, waking ever managed being easier. Only, eventually, I have learned to carry what is incommunicable. So, I am sorry.

But to those of you who will be in the play, I say bravo. I hadn't ever thought to be an actor, so it is kind of you to cast me.


What Clarke said. I was here in Mount Weather for most of what you saw yesterday, and some time before that. Some of you might have seen me around. If you have any questions about what happened and why, I'll answer.

I'm sorry you had to see all of that.

Clarke and I are going out. We'll be back.

Jun. 6th, 2015


I'm in Command. We've got sights on the Grounder army outside. Clarke, you're there. Along with Lexa.

Jun. 4th, 2015


There's a girl here saying she can sense the death in here.

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