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Jan. 21st, 2016


The last few days have been difficult. I remember I saw a village burned If I don't keep busy, I'll be lost in the past, and there are things I'd rather not remember any more than I already do. So if someone would like for me to craft a weapon, or a piece of jewelry. Anything. I'm very good! I'm not as good as my uncle was, but it's in my blood.

It is either this or convincing someone to let me mine further into the mountain, and as I think I may be the only one here who feels at home under ground, I would rather be useful.

Are you still here, my friend?

Jan. 17th, 2016


I have two big announcements:

One: Teamwork, ingenuity, magic, and dedication to the pursuit of quality drunkenness has granted us a glorious gift: the queen of all liquors, the water of life...whiskey. With a little help from Messeres Nico Minoru and John Constantine and Serah Kili the smith, we've been able to age it in magical barrels and have produced something that is, I dare say, quite drinkable.

Two: I realized that a name for the tavern's actually been staring me in the face this whole time, and I just didn't see it. The place is henceforth to be called The Rose. Feel free to ask me for the story on why, unless you're the type who hates mushy stuff - if that's the case, you'll only be disappointed. Now, who's got some artistic talent and wants to make us a sign for the place?

Jan. 9th, 2016


I found myself thinking of my old friend Oghren as I was boiling a new mash this morning. It's a good thing he's not here, you know - he'd already have drunk every drop of alcohol we've managed to make as fast as we could brew it. Even for a dwarf, he was prodigiously good at drinking. Dwarves in general seem to have a high tolerance for liquor, but Oghren was special. Heart of a stout oak and a stomach of steel. A third or so of the people who take the Grey Wardens' Joining die in the process, and the ones who survive it usually pass out cold. Oghren, on the other hand, quaffed the whole chalice of darkspawn blood, belched so loud they probably heard it in Antiva City, and declared it "not bad."

He was a vulgar fellow, Oghren was. I don't think he ever met a female person without making at least one horrendous sexual comment. I tried not to take him in public any more than necessary. He told stories that could keep you laughing for hours, though, and sometimes his utter lack of politeness could be just delightful. Rudeness isn't nearly so bad when it's directed at people who deserve it. Oh, and you never saw anyone wield a battleaxe like that dwarf! I once saw him take it and just spin and take out a half dozen darkspawn in one huge swing. He wasn't charming, but Maker was he effective.

I can't say I miss Oghren, exactly. He was a massive pain in my arse a great deal of the time we spent together. I find, though, that I like to think of him now. Things turned out badly for so many of my old friends. Thinking of Oghren never makes me sad.

See, this is what happens when there's nothing to do with the whiskey but wait and it's morning in the tavern. Nobody around to blather at in person means I'm going to blather at all of you instead.

Oh yes! That's the news! We're working on whiskey, and I was any of you magical or mutant types have skills that could speed up time in one very small area? Say, the inside of a barrel? The blacksmiths have managed to double as coopers for us (thank you!), and we've got the whiskey sitting, but if we could make the time go along faster we'd potentially have good whiskey much sooner.

Jan. 6th, 2016


This place is really damn weird.

But I hear there's dragons, so SIGN ME THE FUCK UP.

Jan. 4th, 2016


Not to ruffle any feathers, but have we actually confirmed that our dragon isn't the one causing mayhem?

He can do that, right? Turn from hottie Khal Drogo into a dragon?

Have you been brushing up on your dragon slaying?

Dec. 30th, 2015


How do you celebrate the new year here? Is there singing? I could go for some singing right now. I always enjoyed the start of a new year at home. There was so much... hope and promise. I mi I think we could use more of that after what we've been through together.

Dec. 28th, 2015


This is all very unsettling, is it not? I have not experienced anything like this before. Which now I am grateful for it. I've always valued truth, but it's foolish to think there are no secrets between people, friends or family. Where would I be had I been truthful about my fear of ruling? I believe there may be some truths that are better left unsaid.

Dec. 22nd, 2015


I suppose this is as good as a next adventure as any, though I wouldn't have minded just a bit more time to enjoy the Shire before being brought here. Living underground is quite interesting, as well.

Guess it wouldn't be proper to not introduce myself now, would it? I'm Bilbo. Bilbo Baggins, of the Shire. I know at least one of my roommates, it seems. Is anyone else here who knows me? Gandalf, by chance? I daresay I only brought enough pipe weed to last a month. Goodness knows what I'll do if I run out.

Dec. 10th, 2015



With everyone on edge, I thought it might be a good idea to enact an event that Jacob and I have back home, in London. We call them Fight Clubs, and they are essentially just as they sound - a way to unlock your inner pugilist. Prize fighting, with your fists. No weapons, no other powers or anything besides you and your opponent in a ring, punching the living daylights out of each other. You fight until you or your opponent is on the ground, not to the death and taking care to not cause any permanent damage - especially given medicine is rationed. It's not for beginners, mind you, but should you have skills in fisticuffs, we welcome you to join us.

I'll be giving a demonstration tomorrow evening, in the gym. 7pm. Should you wish to also participate in the trial run, I welcome a challenge. And you can also go up against my brother, he's quite fun to smack about. But following this, we'll make it a more official thing, say once a month? For bragging rights, given that money is rather useless here.

Dec. 6th, 2015


My apologies if this has been talked about before, I'm afraid I'm still not used to this device and I don't always think to check it. My work keeps me busy, which I am grateful for. I forget how important it is to be social.

My question is about the holidays of this season. I've heard many different names, but I would like to know about these celebrations.

I've spoken to Lily Potter about a group that meets for people who learn of their death. I'd like to see it for myself, will you join me?

Dec. 3rd, 2015


Someone here's got to hate Vosch as much as I do. Tell me where he is and I'll put a bullet in his head.

Nov. 16th, 2015


I have good news. The brewers have made vodka. The catch is that it's blue. I sent some samples to the lab and was told that there's nothing wrong with it, it's safe to drink. It's just blue. And right now it's being infused with various flavours, so there's that.

It's pretty brilliant, we've got an alcohol now that's not bad, in all honesty. And it's been diluted down to a strength that won't kill anyone on contact.

There was something else oh, right The tavern is pretty well open for operation, and has been for a little while. But we're still working on a name, so if anyone has any suggestions, that'd be brilliant.


This is what I get for leaving Ariadne's thread at home, I guess.

I'm Zed. They already told me that I can't blame John for all of this, but I'm tempted anyway.

Nov. 10th, 2015


My uncle is gone.

I know many of you know our story, so you would know his fate, as well as the fates of both myself and my brother. Grieve for his absence if you wish, as I will for the rest of my days, however many that may be, but do not feel sad for us. He is where he should be, and we will see him again one day.

Last week, when people received gifts from one of the pods, I found the runestone that Mother gave me.

Oct. 28th, 2015


Filter to Fili and Kili
I behaved very badly towards the two of you yesterday, and I'm very sorry. It has been a lifelong besetting sin that along with my red hair, I have a temper to go with it, and I unfairly unleashed it on you both. You were blameless, and I apologize. I also want you to know that when Smaug came to visit me later, I scolded him very properly for his post and the taunting that he subjected you to. Again, I am very, deeply sorry, and I beg your forgiveness.

Oct. 27th, 2015


This place is beginning to reek of dwarves. How many are there now?

Oct. 26th, 2015


network; alistair theirin (003)

You're all going to hate me for saying this, but Maker I'm sleeping so much better, even living in this bizarre, technically underground city with no dwarves in it. Except the dwarves who are here, but they're different, they're not if-you-see-the-sky-you'll-fall-into-it dwarves.

Thank you to whatever god created this place for not also making nugs, as well. Bless this reality.

Oct. 22nd, 2015


I have talked them into allowing meThe doctors have cleared me for 'light duty', whatever that is.

Filter to Kili, Fili
I would be close to my kin. Tomorrow I will have us all moved into the same quarters.

Oct. 16th, 2015


Very interesting magic you all have here.

I am told this is where I am to make my introductions. I am Fili of the House of Durin.


What kind of world is this where this is possible? This must be dark sorcery of some kind. I don't like it.

I'd like to return to my proper form now. Men are so... short-lived.

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