Austin Freenet

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

April 2017




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The freenet is a city-wide wifi network -- sans the Internet as we know it -- that survivors use to communicate via message board, call, or text. Freenet users create their own usernames to log in with when they sign up for the Freenet, so a character does not have to post under their real name if they don't want to.

When posting to the Freenet, please specify whether you are posting a text or a public/private message board post.

Posts Tagged: '%23+username:+yolo'

Sep. 29th, 2015



SENT FROM: legallyblonde
TYPE: public post
TIME: September 10th, 10:30am

Starting tomorrow, October 1, the people of Austin are invited to check out the LBJ lending library being housed in the Thomas Conference Center building just north of our main library building. Rentals cost a can or box of food and once you return your book you'll get your collateral back. Our book collection is still growing and donations are always welcome. Hope to see y'all there.

[private to @fireinthehole]
My head of health has been asking for alcohol for medical reasons. Bottles are running in short supply around Austin. Any chance you could supply us with moonshine if we got you the supplies you need to make it? If you want any other compensation, I'm all ears.

[private to @withaneedle & @yolo]
Since I'm the newest member of this widows club maybe y'all can give me some advice or share some wisdom. How do you remember them? I hate that bullshit of how he'll always be in my heart and he's just a thought away. Soon I'm not going to remember what his voice sounded like or the way he smelled. I'm struggling right now and I don't want to lose him.

Sep. 26th, 2015



TYPE: Post filtered to DOG PARK Residents
TIME: 9/09/18 7:50 AM

Last night my sister was arrested by the Capitol, allegedly while they investigate her relationship with the Hellhounds. Our connection was revealed when the Mayor was given my name by an unknown source. There is no evidence tying my sister to any criminal activity. She and her infant son are currently being held in the Department of Justice. This extrajudicial imprisonment is an act intended to provoke us to respond with immediate violence. We're not gonna give them the bloodbath they're looking for, but we will not lie down and accept such a gross violation of human rights and basic fucking decency. We will defend ourselves against this infringement on human freedom. Our strength is our unity of purpose. To that high concept there can be no end save victory.
TYPE: Text to Marina
TIME: 9/09/18 8:10 AM

You have (2) new messages. )
TYPE: Text to Nate
TIME: 9/09/18 8:17 AM

You have (3) new messages. )
TYPE: Text to Savannah
TIME: 9/09/18 8:24 AM

You have (3) new messages. )
TYPE: Text to Theo
TIME: 9/09/18 8:40 AM

You have (1) new message. )

Sep. 25th, 2015



SENT FROM: Derek Hunt (blackfinger)
TYPE: Private to Dog Park Residents & Hellhound Allies
TIME: Sept, 8th - Around 8:00 PM

Guess whose ass is finally back! So is someone going to let me in or do I have to camp out in this piece of shit Ford for another night? You'd think someone would have noticed the noisy ass truck and trailer outside the gates by now. The hell is going on in there?

Sep. 4th, 2015



SENT FROM: withaneedle
TYPE: private message between withaneedle, yolo, and legallyblonde
TIME: 09/02/18 10:30AM

Hey sweetheart, you don't know me but I hope someone gave a warning we might be getting in contact, my names Noa. Me and my friend Vic thought we'd reach out to you, maybe talk. Your hurts are probably still raw and red 'round the edges, but me and him know a thing or two 'bout wounds like that.

I lost my man 'cause of the APD, just shy of half a year ago now. Vic lost his wife last year. Neither one of us are looking to be therapists, but it never hurts to know you ain't alone, you know.

Sep. 1st, 2015



From: yolo
Type: Public Post
Date: September 1, 9:30AM


i swear to god if the heat don't break soon i'm gonna lose my god damn mind. also who decided it'd be a good idea to make cats with this much hair on them? gets all over the damn place. but that might be human error because i caught the kid combing him with a regular comb instead of something meant for pets?

this is what my life has become apparently just a whole load of bitching about cats. fuck. i been cooped up in here too long.

physical therapy starts this month at least. something new.


From: Vic Scherbatsky
Type: Text to Max Mendelson
Date: September 1

3 New Messages )

Aug. 4th, 2015



From: Vic Scherbatsky
Type: Text to Teagan Morgan

2 new messages )


From: Vic Scherbatsky
Type: Unanswered Texts to Rodeo Hawkins

4 new messages )


From: Vic Scherbatsky
Type: Texts to Sarge Terrell, Bode Coldiron, Teagan Morgan

5 new messages )

Aug. 3rd, 2015



FROM: Fireinthehole
TYPE: Public Post

Alright. So apparently I managed to survive another year on this planet and forgot to even celebrate it. So tell me, is this a sign of old age OR is forgetting milestone events like this a common occurrence now that we're all trying to survive the end of the world?


TYPE: Text to Nate

You have (3) new messages )

Jul. 30th, 2015



From: badmoonrising
Type: filtered to Dog Park people

i've been working on something. don't care who says i'm crazy, some of you lard asses need a good workout on the daily. and after seeing some of you pathetic idiots doing what you think is hand to hand... a lot of you need a refresher that ain't bruce lee movies.

so i've been gathering some equipment, just some ropes and weights and a couple mats for now because i don't want any of you to whine because your back is bruised up from being thrown around but we'll be having a gym at the park soon. if i get some shit together we might even have a ring, so those that know what they are doing all five of us can use that too.

all others... maybe we can teach you are thing or two. no roundhouse kick attempts or i will break your fucking neck.



From: Something
Type: Public

The crow done died on me in the night.

Hope it isn't a sign. It sure feels like one.

Jul. 29th, 2015



TYPE: public post

who's up for a BOOK SWAP? i'm sick to death of everything i have so. does anyone want any of the following:

1. the scarlet letter -- it's totally a classic! and you can console yourself with the thought that hey at least we're not puritans
2. divergent -- turns out it's not quite as much fun to read a dystopian novel when you're living in one you've probably seen the movie (note: i don't have the sequels)
3. the time-traveler's wife -- totally a heartbreaker but SO good. i part with this only reluctantly
4. anne of green gables -- look i love anne ok? don't hate on anne
5. bitten -- werewolves not zombies, promise

if you have anything you'd be willing to lend or trade please respond! or shout out what you're looking for in case someone else can supply it! for me genre isn't important but i'd prefer a happy ending. y'know because of reasons

edited later to add:
all my books have now been claimed! thank you to everyone for trading with me!

Jul. 27th, 2015



I had the strongest craving for borshch today which is weird because the last time I had that I was a teenager. Too bad there aren't any beets around to make it.

So Austin, what is one food you miss most?

[Dog Park Residents]
Are we still on lockdown? The assholes who beat me up stole also all my shit before I got here so I have exactly one outfit to wear. Not that I don't love sitting around half-naked while I wash my only clothes and wait for them to dry, but it might be nice if I could go look for something else to wear.



From: Something
Type: Public

Does anyone know anything about animals - birds particularly? Found a crow with a broken wing? I think. I've boxed him/her.

Read more... )

Jul. 13th, 2015



SENT FROM: Bartholomew
TYPE: Public Post

I miss music. When ya used to get a song in ya head so ya'll'd play it on repeat till it was gone. Yeah, I miss that.

Also, what's the diamond market like nowadays? Or are we all too caught up on the dead walkin' around to care?

Jul. 10th, 2015



SENT FROM: devildoll
TYPE: Private post filtered to DOG PARK residents and HELLHOUNDS.

Since I remember how rampant the rumor mill is around that place. For the record, yes I'm alive, yes I'm fine and no I don't need saving. So please don't go off on some half-cocked plan to charge into the Capitol to save me.

And Noa's assured me my dog is fine, so thanks to whoever's been looking out for him. It's not likely I'll be able to nab him anytime soon, so please try not to spoil him too much. If he gives you sad puppy eyes, just ignore him.

Jul. 8th, 2015



SENT FROM: dogeatdog
TYPE: Private post filtered to HELLHOUNDS only.

I've been informed that Gray Wolfe went missing on a run a couple days ago. I only received limited details, but for now I need all eyes out in Austin. The library's always been fair to us. We do not want the shelter falling into the wrong hands in Wolfe's absence. Be on the lookout and report any findings back to camp. And keep this to yourselves. News of this can't reach the Mayor, else he'll ball the jack straight over to his new vacation home at LBJ. Old Ladies only.

Jul. 6th, 2015



From: yolo
Type: public post


anyone lose a fuckin enormous cat anywhere near the petsmart in the south side of the city?

and if you're thinking i'm saying 'fuckin enormous cat' and the cat is some ten pound tabby cat? don't get it twisted, i swear to god the thing weighs a good thirty pounds. sasha stretched him out, pretty sure he's like four feet long.

if this was your cat and you lost it, sorry to say but your cat now belongs to me. and my wife. she's making me get it a couch.

Jun. 30th, 2015



from: norabedora
type: public

So, I stole borrowed somebody's iPod. And I'm not going to say who because he is an EMBARRASSMENT to the entire world and I'm pretty sure that I can never be seen with him ever, ever again.

Just so you know, it was Cyndi Lauper.

And just so you really know, the song was "Time After Time."

And it was one of the most-played songs.

I think somebody needs an intervention.