Austin Freenet

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

April 2017




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The freenet is a city-wide wifi network -- sans the Internet as we know it -- that survivors use to communicate via message board, call, or text. Freenet users create their own usernames to log in with when they sign up for the Freenet, so a character does not have to post under their real name if they don't want to.

When posting to the Freenet, please specify whether you are posting a text or a public/private message board post.

Posts Tagged: '%23+username:+withaneedle'

Oct. 21st, 2015



From: 5K181232
Type: Public Post
Sent: 10/7/18, 2:57PM

Okay so when I moved back down to the SJW there was this super rude note on my blankets from an anonymous source (but between you and me I'm pretty sure it was Edward) saying he was going to steal all my stuff if I continued to just claim the corner and not actually live there. Except there was a cat on top of the note, too, and I was pretty sure Edward hadn't put the cat on the note. I moved back a few days ago and I was just kinda letting the cat come and go as it wanted since it was probably someone else's cat? But now it won't leave and it's actually kinda cute.

cut )

Lucy, is this one of yours? Do I have to give him back?

Anyway. Who all's going to the greenhouse thing?

Oct. 12th, 2015



SENT FROM: dogeatdog
TYPE: Public Post
TIME: October 4, 2018 3:42 AM

Reader, I'm relieved d to inform you that my darlin sister does not have her own space galleaon capable of journeyin thru the skies & stars, armed with illegal radiation cannons and murder harpoons nor packed stem to stern with every form of decadence and finery and pretty much any dessert you can think of cooked to perfection. Because that would be too much. That would sort of be more n I can take from her. I mean I love her dearly but if she had her own space galleon on top of all the other amazing merits she got to her name I'd have to be like, I wish you would stop now. I mean how. How did you achieve all this. We got the same dumb parents. We dropped outta the same dumb high school. How did you even. And more importantly, why are we botherin with adventures and escapades and complicated revenge plots when we can just travel through space n time? (Oh, did I not mention the goddamn tesseract drive?) But it's alright cause as it turns out she only rents this cabin on a space galleon so we're good. That's nothing. That don't make me feel bad. One thing I learned in life it's this, that anyone can rent anything from anyboddy. So OK yes addmittedly yes this rented cabin on the space galleon is nicer n most nations. And yes I have to say I'm sorta wishing we never make it to the desalination plants cause I never wanna leave the bean bag chairs and calamari poppers and pleasure apps and music that sounds like the cool side of the pillow. But then I see my sister lookin out the porthole down at the stars, and I know this ain't about my wishes and wants. It's about hers. And hers are mine, now and always. And so we both want the following things and that's that:

1) To see Paris
2) To see anything (we're blind.)
3) Swim WITHOUT dolphins for ONCE
4) Milk one of God’s lesser beasts (bat, eel, etc.)
5) Climb a mountain (acceptable types of mountains: hard rock candy, Brokeback)
6_ Go back in time n go to Hitler and be like hey come on
7) Get down to my birth weight (9.1 lbs)
10)Build a ship in a bottle (a full-sized navy-sized ship in a baby bottle, this is gunna be tough)%
11) Mate a Labrador with another Labrador n create designer breed LabraLab

Oct. 6th, 2015



lots of time spent with her phone

SENT FROM: "Christine"
SENT TO: "Uncle Pete"
TYPE: Text
TIME: 10/2, 12:06am

You have (1) new message. )

SENT FROM: bullshit
TYPE: Post filtered to DOG PARK Residents
TIME: 10/2, 11:22am

I need help with livestock. If you volunteer you'll get first dibs on the milk or eggs; next dibs goes to mothers with children under 10, and whatever is left will go to the resource tent. Once chicks have hatched and are old enough to lay, everyone who's helped thus far will get a share of lottery tickets, and the older chickens will be given to winners of the lotteries, as often as is sustainable. If we have to slaughter the cows for any reason, the meat will only go to those who have helped sustain their lives, so the only way to steak and roast and marrow is to get in on the ground floor, or find yourself friendly with someone who did.

The work entails standing guard, hauling and breaking apart bales for feed, rationing grain and grinding it into the ground for chickens to pick, hauling water, collecting eggs, possibly driving with me to look for more hay and feed, mucking, and turning compost for any future greenhouses. What you do is first come first serve for now, but if you suck at the job you choose you may get assigned to something else.

SENT FROM: bullshit
TYPE: Public Post
TIME: 10/2, 11:28am

Nadia, I don't know your username or phone number but if you're on here, respond and let me know?

TYPE: Text
TIME: 10/2, 11:33am

You have (1) new message. )

SENT TO: Rodeo
TYPE: Text
TIME: 10/2, 9:00pm

You have (1) new message. )

Oct. 4th, 2015



SENT FROM: f_for_feminist
TYPE: Public Post
TIME:Oct 1st 9pm

I do not support the killing of innocent people, especially not now when we've managed to survive so much. But I also do not believe in trusting everything I'm told, particularly not from the ruling classes.

And so in the spirit of hearing both sides of the story I would to know this if any of the Hellhounds can tell me what happened in their eyes, because I've been to may a peaceful protest that's ended in violence because of the police but certain media always make it looks like the protesters are in the wrong.

I think people deserve to know the truth.

Sep. 29th, 2015



SENT FROM: legallyblonde
TYPE: public post
TIME: September 10th, 10:30am

Starting tomorrow, October 1, the people of Austin are invited to check out the LBJ lending library being housed in the Thomas Conference Center building just north of our main library building. Rentals cost a can or box of food and once you return your book you'll get your collateral back. Our book collection is still growing and donations are always welcome. Hope to see y'all there.

[private to @fireinthehole]
My head of health has been asking for alcohol for medical reasons. Bottles are running in short supply around Austin. Any chance you could supply us with moonshine if we got you the supplies you need to make it? If you want any other compensation, I'm all ears.

[private to @withaneedle & @yolo]
Since I'm the newest member of this widows club maybe y'all can give me some advice or share some wisdom. How do you remember them? I hate that bullshit of how he'll always be in my heart and he's just a thought away. Soon I'm not going to remember what his voice sounded like or the way he smelled. I'm struggling right now and I don't want to lose him.

Sep. 26th, 2015



TYPE: Post filtered to DOG PARK Residents
TIME: 9/09/18 7:50 AM

Last night my sister was arrested by the Capitol, allegedly while they investigate her relationship with the Hellhounds. Our connection was revealed when the Mayor was given my name by an unknown source. There is no evidence tying my sister to any criminal activity. She and her infant son are currently being held in the Department of Justice. This extrajudicial imprisonment is an act intended to provoke us to respond with immediate violence. We're not gonna give them the bloodbath they're looking for, but we will not lie down and accept such a gross violation of human rights and basic fucking decency. We will defend ourselves against this infringement on human freedom. Our strength is our unity of purpose. To that high concept there can be no end save victory.
TYPE: Text to Marina
TIME: 9/09/18 8:10 AM

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TYPE: Text to Nate
TIME: 9/09/18 8:17 AM

You have (3) new messages. )
TYPE: Text to Savannah
TIME: 9/09/18 8:24 AM

You have (3) new messages. )
TYPE: Text to Theo
TIME: 9/09/18 8:40 AM

You have (1) new message. )

Sep. 25th, 2015



SENT FROM: Derek Hunt (blackfinger)
TYPE: Private to Dog Park Residents & Hellhound Allies
TIME: Sept, 8th - Around 8:00 PM

Guess whose ass is finally back! So is someone going to let me in or do I have to camp out in this piece of shit Ford for another night? You'd think someone would have noticed the noisy ass truck and trailer outside the gates by now. The hell is going on in there?

Sep. 14th, 2015



SENT FROM: withaneedle
TYPE: Public Post
TIME: 9/5/18 1:30PM

There are days I miss wall calendars. Marking those squares used to be real satisfying.


SENT FROM: Noa Bellamy
TYPE: Text to Rodeo Hawkins
TIME: 9/5/18 3:30PM

You have (4) new messages )

Sep. 11th, 2015



SENT FROM: captaing
TYPE: Public Message

I'm Captain Greenling. I was in Austin a few months ago and left to attend to personal affairs. I've settled back in Austin now.

Previously, I was asked by members of multiple groups for medical aid due to my training as an army nurse. During my tours I dealt primarily with field injuries and in trauma centers. While I cannot guarantee my physical presence, I will do what I can do to help.

Sep. 4th, 2015



SENT FROM: withaneedle
TYPE: private message between withaneedle, yolo, and legallyblonde
TIME: 09/02/18 10:30AM

Hey sweetheart, you don't know me but I hope someone gave a warning we might be getting in contact, my names Noa. Me and my friend Vic thought we'd reach out to you, maybe talk. Your hurts are probably still raw and red 'round the edges, but me and him know a thing or two 'bout wounds like that.

I lost my man 'cause of the APD, just shy of half a year ago now. Vic lost his wife last year. Neither one of us are looking to be therapists, but it never hurts to know you ain't alone, you know.

Sep. 1st, 2015



From: yolo
Type: Public Post
Date: September 1, 9:30AM


i swear to god if the heat don't break soon i'm gonna lose my god damn mind. also who decided it'd be a good idea to make cats with this much hair on them? gets all over the damn place. but that might be human error because i caught the kid combing him with a regular comb instead of something meant for pets?

this is what my life has become apparently just a whole load of bitching about cats. fuck. i been cooped up in here too long.

physical therapy starts this month at least. something new.


From: Vic Scherbatsky
Type: Text to Max Mendelson
Date: September 1

3 New Messages )

Aug. 10th, 2015




SENT FROM: andhobbes
TYPE: Post
Enjoy the little things, man. There's few things better right now than a long stretch of empty road, no shufflers or runners in view, just open concrete and sky. Can barely remember what it was like being stuck in gridlocked traffic on my way to work. This city used to have some of the nation's worst damn congestion.


[After this, but before her meeting.]

FROM: Cal Davidson
TYPE: Text to T.R. Lansing
3 new messages )

FROM: Cal Davidson
TYPE: Text to Lucy Davenport
1 new message )

Aug. 5th, 2015



Sent from: seeknfind
Type: Public post

Getting pretty fed up with this shaggy mess going on on my chin. I know there were barber shops in Austin. I remember seeing them. There's gotta be some straight razors and bars of shaving soap still to be found somewhere out there. Hell, I can't be the only guy not loving what the Grizzly Adams look does for us.

Anyone remember where any old-school barber shops were?

Aug. 3rd, 2015



FROM: Fireinthehole
TYPE: Public Post

Alright. So apparently I managed to survive another year on this planet and forgot to even celebrate it. So tell me, is this a sign of old age OR is forgetting milestone events like this a common occurrence now that we're all trying to survive the end of the world?


TYPE: Text to Nate

You have (3) new messages )

Aug. 2nd, 2015



From: strangelet
Type: public

I'd love some pretty paper and a wooden ruler if anyone has any to give. Most of the paper I've found is rotten or moldy, tattered or torn.

I'll try to make a trade.

SENT FROM: feelthelovebitches
TYPE: public post

Anyone else miss those annoying ads that were everywhere before, y'know the ones with the repeating .gif that dropped your IQ the longer you looked at it?


But I do miss the ones that were like, perfect loop ones of machines doing their thing. Those were neat.

So, real quick! Lemonheads, Skittles, Starburst or Red Hots?

No, I didn't think my options through. But if you had to pick, what would you go for?

Aug. 1st, 2015



Sent From: rubyxcube
Type: public post

someone might have been crazy enough to have a baby as the world was turning to shit and is in need of baby clothes for a 15 month old. anyone want to help a mama out before this kid busts through any other clothes? I'm handy with a needle and thread but I can't make fabric appear from thin air. clothes, or fabric and sewing supplies would be much appreciated!

Aug. 2nd, 2015


Sent From: dearpiper
Type: public post

It's that time again, ladies and gents. Dear Piper. Got questions? Sticky situations you want advice with? Just wanna shoot the shit with someone? I'm here for all your listening needs and more.

Hit me up, Austin. I'm your girl.

Jul. 31st, 2015



From: slapinthefarce
Type: Public

I was recently mucking about and creating a book bundle and thinking of some of my favorite quotes from each but of course, then I started to think of favorite quotes in general.

I am curious to know what your favorites might be. Don't scrimp.

Books|Songs|Films|Uncle Shorty

Pull them out and share!

Jul. 30th, 2015



From: badmoonrising
Type: filtered to Dog Park people

i've been working on something. don't care who says i'm crazy, some of you lard asses need a good workout on the daily. and after seeing some of you pathetic idiots doing what you think is hand to hand... a lot of you need a refresher that ain't bruce lee movies.

so i've been gathering some equipment, just some ropes and weights and a couple mats for now because i don't want any of you to whine because your back is bruised up from being thrown around but we'll be having a gym at the park soon. if i get some shit together we might even have a ring, so those that know what they are doing all five of us can use that too.

all others... maybe we can teach you are thing or two. no roundhouse kick attempts or i will break your fucking neck.