Austin Freenet

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

April 2017




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The freenet is a city-wide wifi network -- sans the Internet as we know it -- that survivors use to communicate via message board, call, or text. Freenet users create their own usernames to log in with when they sign up for the Freenet, so a character does not have to post under their real name if they don't want to.

When posting to the Freenet, please specify whether you are posting a text or a public/private message board post.

Posts Tagged: '%23+username:+slapinthefarce'

Aug. 11th, 2015



From: goes_boom
Type: public post

If I don't get my hands on some sour patch kids in the very near future, someone's gonna get shanked.

Not literally. Make love, not war. Hugs, not drugs. All that cliche shit.

But seriously, I can trade. If anyone has any sort of sour candy, I would be happy to work something out. Help a lady out.

Aug. 10th, 2015




SENT FROM: andhobbes
TYPE: Post
Enjoy the little things, man. There's few things better right now than a long stretch of empty road, no shufflers or runners in view, just open concrete and sky. Can barely remember what it was like being stuck in gridlocked traffic on my way to work. This city used to have some of the nation's worst damn congestion.


[After this, but before her meeting.]

FROM: Cal Davidson
TYPE: Text to T.R. Lansing
3 new messages )

FROM: Cal Davidson
TYPE: Text to Lucy Davenport
1 new message )

Aug. 8th, 2015


SENT FROM: feelthelovebitches
TYPE: public post

So, if I had a package for someone in the Capitol, anyone got any suggestions how I get it to them? Anyone got a vehicle or something to transport something a little too heavy to carry a distance? I'll be your best friend!

Aug. 5th, 2015



From: Slapinthefarce
Type: Private message to quidproquo

I have a dog treat for you. Not sure when you want me to drop it off.

Aug. 4th, 2015




V.O: This is Nadia Beatriz Costa.

They'll remember us after we handed their world back to them whole )

Aug. 3rd, 2015



From: Slapinthefarce
Type:: Public

I am going to start doing interviews. If you are interested please let me know. sign up here with a time and place you would like to meet me.

I am currently at the Capitol and I know not everyone is welcome there in Austin.

Please be assured that regarding this documentary, I am a neutral force.
Everything that is said will be filmed, documented but I can keep your identities secret. I will if requested.

Jul. 31st, 2015



From: slapinthefarce
Type: Public

I was recently mucking about and creating a book bundle and thinking of some of my favorite quotes from each but of course, then I started to think of favorite quotes in general.

I am curious to know what your favorites might be. Don't scrimp.

Books|Songs|Films|Uncle Shorty

Pull them out and share!

Jul. 29th, 2015



TYPE: public post

who's up for a BOOK SWAP? i'm sick to death of everything i have so. does anyone want any of the following:

1. the scarlet letter -- it's totally a classic! and you can console yourself with the thought that hey at least we're not puritans
2. divergent -- turns out it's not quite as much fun to read a dystopian novel when you're living in one you've probably seen the movie (note: i don't have the sequels)
3. the time-traveler's wife -- totally a heartbreaker but SO good. i part with this only reluctantly
4. anne of green gables -- look i love anne ok? don't hate on anne
5. bitten -- werewolves not zombies, promise

if you have anything you'd be willing to lend or trade please respond! or shout out what you're looking for in case someone else can supply it! for me genre isn't important but i'd prefer a happy ending. y'know because of reasons

edited later to add:
all my books have now been claimed! thank you to everyone for trading with me!



FROM: sangue
TYPE: Public

I just realised something. Does anyone know what date it is? I might have missed my birthday -- not that these things mean very much anymore. All of the days have blurred together and I admit I got very bad about keeping track of them, for a while.

The one thing that I very much want is a garden. I'm new here -- has anyone else had any success with growing anything in Austin?


TO: Olivia
TYPE: Text
2 messages )

Jul. 23rd, 2015



From: slapinthefarce
Type:Public post

We all have our demons I guess. Some of us are prone to drink or to smoke. Some like other things more or less.

I won't pretend I don't like to get into my cups as much as I do. It's a comfort for me. Probably always will be. I know it's not always easy to put up with all of my drinking but for those that do - You are divine and I owe you so much.

What are your vices then? Tell me a story?

and does anyone have any whisky? Any kind will do. At this point beggars can't be choosers.

Jul. 7th, 2015



From: Nate
Type:Freenet Public

I am making a documentary on the status of Austin and all of the people inside the city and surrounding borders. I have my equipment.

Please tell me if you are interested in taking part.

Edit: Feel free to PM me if you cannot post publically about what it is you do but would still like to take part. This applies especially if you are an unsavory sort - Aka: Raider, Thief, Serial Killer

Yes. I was able to get to my truck, thank you to all that let me know how much they'd like to if they only had a ride themselves. The good news is, now I have a ride and I am content to return the favor with results. The bad news: I need gas.

Type:PM to Demi )

Jul. 1st, 2015



From: Nate
Type: Public

Right. I need a ride to my truck. Is there anyone with a charitable bone in their body who would do me that favor. I'm at the Capitol.

Jun. 30th, 2015



from: norabedora
type: public

So, I stole borrowed somebody's iPod. And I'm not going to say who because he is an EMBARRASSMENT to the entire world and I'm pretty sure that I can never be seen with him ever, ever again.

Just so you know, it was Cyndi Lauper.

And just so you really know, the song was "Time After Time."

And it was one of the most-played songs.

I think somebody needs an intervention.

Jun. 19th, 2015



From: Nate
Type: Text to Gray

you have (3) messages )

Jun. 17th, 2015



capitol movie night

From: ABLansing
Type: public

So, I've had a half dozen sofas pulled out of storage, and I happen to have located a tub of popcorn kernels and a copy of The Great Escape.

Charlie and I will be in the T.G. Frost Capitol Theatre at 8pm tonight for a showing of our benefactor's favorite movie, for anybody who is able and interested. The popcorn won't have butter, alas, but I'll find something to make that less sad...

(And before anybody tries to give the 'blah de blah apocalypse, blah de blah people are suffering' spiel - if people can take an hour out of their day for sex or wash or self-reproach proselytization, I can take a couple out of mine to watch a movie.)

Jun. 15th, 2015



SENT FROM: slapinthefarce
TYPE: Public Post

I've decided that the events of Austin, Texas should be preserved and the history written.

For this reason, I ask you all to be a part of this project. No matter what shelter you belong to, what place in Austin you call home I'd like to assemble everything I can get my hands on.

What I'll ask first is; Do any of you have anything to add to this collection?

I will be taken items, letters,

Please bring these things to Nate at the LBJ. Or, I'll come and pick them up. Either way.

Thank you so much.

Jun. 11th, 2015



From: slapinthefarce
Type: Public Post

Looks like the blobs have stopped raining down and the sun's out.
Will they dry up like blisters in the sun and after they do, will they remain splotch's of disease staining our Austin? How long is the virus virulent on these...blob stains - For lack of a better term?