Austin Freenet

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

April 2017




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The freenet is a city-wide wifi network -- sans the Internet as we know it -- that survivors use to communicate via message board, call, or text. Freenet users create their own usernames to log in with when they sign up for the Freenet, so a character does not have to post under their real name if they don't want to.

When posting to the Freenet, please specify whether you are posting a text or a public/private message board post.

Posts Tagged: '%23+type:+public+post'

Oct. 21st, 2016



SENT FROM: daddy_daycare
TYPE: public post
TIME: October 7th, 1:30 pm

Greetings Austin! My name is Beau, I'm a new schoolteacher in town and I'm looking for a few businesses, offices, or individuals that would be willing to host some field trips for some very energetic, very eager-to-learn preschoolers. I know having 10-15 little munchkins running around a place of business might not be everybody's cup of tea but if I could get a few of you to humor me, I'd love for my students to be able to experience Austin in a fun and educational way! If you have any questions about what the field trips would entail, or are yourself looking for a preschool or daycare for your own kids, please feel free to reply to this post, or shoot me a private message at your earliest convenience.

Unrelated but equally important, I heard there was a place called The Bar that was looking for part time work but when I dropped by it didn't seem like anybody was home? Did it shutter its doors or did I just drop in at a bad time?

Last thing, I swear. Anybody out there do alterations or tailoring? There's something about this Texas air that's got my three kids growing like weeds. I swear the oldest has shot up half an inch since we've moved here, and it's only been 2 days. If there was somebody who was handy with a needle and thread I'd love to throw some hems their way to be let down.

Sorry this post became a sort of "catch all" to all of my newcomer's the first time I've had more than two minutes to myself since we got to Austin and if I don't get it all my questions out in one fell swoop who knows when I'll have the chance next?

Oct. 19th, 2016



SENT FROM: legallyblonde
TYPE: public post
TIME: October 7, 11am

Exciting news for Austin! After a lot of hard work and upgrades to infrastructure, Austin has been reconnected to the world wide web, following the "smart city" model to allow wifi access in all of incorporated Austin. Internet is now available via mobile devices and computers. However, unlike the Freenet services we've had for the past few years, Internet access is not free. Plans are available for a monthly fee of $25 and can be purchased for immediate Internet access.

Leadership is investigating the viability of maintaining the Freenet as a free city-wide communications system for those who are unable or unwilling to purchase Internet access in order to facilitate safety and communication. For the time being the Freenet will continue to run as expected and any further updates will be announced as they are made.

One of the websites that now works again on Austin phones is Instagram ([info]remainstagram). I don't know about y'all but I'm going to go post my first selfie in three years!



SENT FROM: sweet-tart
TYPE: Public post
TIME: 10/6/19, 7:35AM

I snapped a photo of the sunrise this morning and thought maybe other people might like a reminder that there can still be beautiful things amongst the gloominess of the city right now.

Oct. 16th, 2016



From: yolo
Type: public post
Sent: 10/6 4PM

got a call from downtown telling me i got something to pick up so i went and drove down and here's what it was

guess i can't return it by this point cause i already signed the papers.

Oct. 9th, 2016



SENT FROM: sewwhat
TYPE: public post
TIME: October 4th, 9am

So this pamphlet that was slipped under my door said that the recent outbreak the city suffered began with the transfer of infected saliva. I didn't even know that could be a thing... Isn't it weird how we've been living this reality for 3 years and sometimes it still feels like the first day? Scary to know that you can turn into one of those things without ever being bitten.

Guess it just means we have to be even more careful...


SENT FROM: Paige Goodall
TYPE: text message to Nate Posey
TIME: October 4th, 9:15am

you have (1) new message )

Sep. 30th, 2016



SENT FROM: soaring
TYPE: public post
TIME: October 1, 9:45am

so i guess this stuff was supposed to arrive last month but we finally got our shipment of vaccines at the umcb!!! make your appointments to get them and if demand is greater than supply we're def going to be restocking asap!!! definitely recommend a flu shot at the very least bc winter is coming (but not in the game of thrones kind of way) and the flu is different than your common cold, especially affecting children and the elderly. plus, we're living through a zombie apocalypse so i'm pretty sure none of us want to be that person who died from the flu...

ANYWAY!!! make your appointments and i'm looking forward to seeing you at the clinic! happy october and here's to a healthy austin <3

Sep. 22nd, 2016



SENT FROM: ms_vaneeden
TYPE: Public post
TIME: 9/8, 4:45 PM

Citizens of Austin:

This morning, following the increase of zombie activity in unincorporated Austin, multiple incidents were reported throughout the downtown area, including at Walker's grocery store. Soldiers and other personnel provided a quick, decisive response, and at the time of this writing, all critical situations have been resolved. Those injured have been evacuated to the hospital or to quarantine as needed, and we are in the process of securing the city's borders once more.

At this point, for the safety of our citizens, the entirety of Austin will go into lockdown. Patrols will increase in both number and frequency throughout the next few days, and all schools, gathering places, stores, restaurants, and other establishments will remain closed until further notice. We ask that residents remain in their homes so that the streets will be kept clear as we work to reestablish our barriers and other protections through the city. Essential operations will continue as usual.

Thank you for your patience. The people of Austin have shown incredible fortitude during this time of tragedy, and our hearts go out to all those who have been affected.



FROM: burgerqueen
TYPE: public post
WHEN: 9/8/19, 3:05pm
Burger She Wrote and Rest In Peas will be closed until further notice.


Sep. 21st, 2016



From: mayor_clarke
Type: Public post
When: 9/7/19, 8AM

Citizens of Austin:

Emergency staff have been hard at work over the last day to identify the cause of the three separate zombie incidents at the University of Texas campus, University Medical Center Brackenridge, and the UMCB District. Initial investigations have proven inconclusive and our office will share more information with the public when able.

Please note that zombie populations throughout unincorporated Austin appear to be increasing. Emergency barricades have been constructed around all incorporated districts, but we urge you to take extra precaution when able and travel only when necessary. As in prior months, available soldiers will provide escort as needed.

Our thoughts are with those affected by yesterday's loss of life and the individuals waiting through quarantine at this time.

The office of
Mayor Nina Clarke
Austin, Texas



SENT FROM: sweet-tart
TYPE: Public post
TIME: 9/7/19, 5:45AM

Good morning everyone! The Doughnut Hole will be changing our hours of operation temporarily. If you're looking for your coffee or doughnut fix, come visit us between 6AM and 11:30AM. We're sorry for the inconvenience to those who need their afternoon pick-me-up, but we promise it isn't permanent! We'll also be running a special to make up for it! Buy any size drink and you'll get half-off your doughnut purchase!

Have a wonderful day!

Sep. 12th, 2016



From: mayor_clarke
Type: Public post
Sent: 9/4, 9:30AM

Citizens of Austin,

Rumors seem to be spreading quickly this morning and I want to be clear that this office no longer owns or has access to the blister agent that plagued our city for three years.

Protective forces are currently investigating the issue.

If you have questions about this clarification, please contact our office at [REDACTED].

Mayor Nina Clarke
City of Austin, Texas


From: mayor_clarke
To: silvereagle, chiefkulseth, ms_vaneeden
Sent: 9/4, 9:35AM

I would very much like it if the current patrols over in the UMCB district -- assuming adequate respiratory protection -- could report back on the source of the s'mores smell.

Thank you.



From: mcdreamy
Type: Public post
When: 9/4, 9:25AM

Hey so I know the rain was just rain, pretty obvious since nothing else but water fell from the sky but I haven't smelled marshmallow this strong since before June. I also know we're governed by Austinites again instead of power-tripping dictators but... Does anyone smell that as strong as I am smelling it right now?


From: mcdreamy
To: withaneedle
Type: Private message
When: 9/4, 9:26AM

How's things going?


From: mcdreamy
To: legallyblonde
Type: Private message
When: 9/4, 9:28AM

You guys got rid of all the gas right?


From: mcdreamy
To: thorns
Type: Private message
when: 9/4, 9:31AM

How's that new old place treating you? Can you smell the marshmallow over there?



SENT FROM: houdini
TYPE: Public post
TIME: 9/4/19, 9:15AM

Ran into a couple ladies in the UMCB district about ten minutes ago, and they seemed really panicked about S'mores gas. Is that still a problem? 'Cause the district does kinda have that smell...

Just wondering if everyone should be heading indoors.

Sep. 7th, 2016



SENT FROM: bellagio
TYPE: public post
TIME: September 3rd, 10:30am

I have such a light schedule today, with only some afternoon meetings scheduled, that I decided to read the book club book this morning. With it still raining outside I stayed in my pajamas and under the comforter all morning. Can't remember the last time I did that.

For those of you unaware, tomorrow's bookclub selection is The Great Gatsby. I read it for English class when I was in high school, but that seems like a lifetime ago, so it was quite a treat to read it again. I hope it will be added to the new GED curriculum, if it's not in it already, because it's a classic for a reason. All of the imagery, from Doctor T.J. Eckleberg's watching eyes to the green light, it really helps give the story a deeper meaning. I look forward to discussing it tomorrow with my fellow bookclub attendees.

Sep. 6th, 2016



SENT FROM: ms_vaneeden
TYPE: Public post
TIME: 1PM, 9/2/19

As part of our ongoing effort to ensure the safety of the people of Austin, a 24-hour citizen hotline has been created to report the presence of the undead within the city's protected limits. If you personally witness one or more of these creatures in the area, please call [shared contact] to officially register a sighting. In the event that the presence of a shuffler is merely suspected rather than confirmed, citizens are asked to refrain from investigating further. Instead, vacate the immediate area right away and contact us via the hotline.

Sep. 5th, 2016



TYPE: public post
TIME: 9/2/19, 8:45 AM

omg it's RAINING. like, actual real rain. not a single blobby horror falling from the sky as far as the eye can see. i mean, god, remember how much that sucked? i never thought i would be so happy to look at rain and not have to worry about whether the landscape outside was about to turn into an infectious wasteland, but let me tell you I AM THRILLED TO PIECES ABOUT IT.

if it's still raining when i get home from school this afternoon, i am totally going to go out in the backyard and just ... idk stand out in a for a while and really really appreciate how normal it all is.

Aug. 30th, 2016



SENT FROM: legallyblonde
TYPE: public post
TIME: 8/10/19, 3:25pm

Today has been such a good day. As I was leaving the Capitol building I ran into the office clerk for the commerce department and she told me that my application for the community center has been approved! I managed to get the paperwork before I left for the day which means I can start working on development and construction immediately.

Since it's an old grocery store the place was entirely picked over and the US Government took all the salvagable appliances, but the bones are good. I think once it's fully cleared out and fixed up it's going to be a really special place.

There's a lot of work to be done but I'm so excited! Think I'll head over there tonight to get a head start. The building is on 31st & Guadalupe if anyone wants to stop by and take a look!

SENT FROM: Savannah Posey
TYPE: text message to Art Jenner
TIME: 8/10/19, 3:55pm, after this conversation with Maizie and Olivia

you have (2) new message )

Aug. 29th, 2016



SENT FROM: inthemiddle
TYPE: Public Post
TIME: August 10th, 2019 - Late Morning

Hello Austin! Erase whatever it was you might have had penciled into your calendar for tomorrow night, because The Bar is hosting Austin’s very first speed dating night! You read that right, Austin’s #1 bar is branching out to help anyone and everyone looking for love to find that special someone.

Come out and be bitten by love! If nothing else we promise it's better than a zombie bite!


SENT FROM: Demi Rafferty
TYPE: Group Text
TO: Bishop Coldiron, Arthur Jenner, Pikachu Garcia, Noa Bellamy, Sasha Whittaker, Bunny Dolan, Ryan McCormick, Violet Holladay, Nina Clarke, Savannah Posey, Pete Whelan, Lita Singh, Kitty Gilmore, Nathan Posey, Luc Flores, Nick Choi, Dani Diaz, Mina Kulseth and Bea Rodriguez.
TIME: August 10th, 2019 - Late Morning.

> Cancel whatever plans you might have tomorrow night because this is an official invitation to come out and be bitten by love!
> There will be booze, attractive people and hopefully good conversation.
> If there’s not don't blame us, we can’t control every conversation.
> Cherry and I would love to see your bright and smiling faces at The Bar on September 1st.
> Scratch that, they don’t even need to be bright and smiling. We just want to see you there!

Aug. 25th, 2016



FROM: burgerqueen
TYPE: public post
WHEN: 8/9/19, 11am
Hello Austin! From the minds and cooks who brought you Burger, She Wrote, I'm pleased to announce the opening of a brick and mortar restaurant that can be found in the Barton Creek Greenbelt: Rest in Peas.

With more than a truck at our disposal, we're able to offer a greater menu variety. Feel free to stop by the grand opening today! Or come on by another day - we'll be here. This doesn't mean the end of the truck, but it won't be out full time anymore. We are still open to requests, as we're here for you. If you want us somewhere, we'll see what we can do to make that happen. Don't be afraid to ask.

Come visit Rest in Peas! We would love to feed you.

smoked jalapeño poppers;
bacon, spinach, and four cheese-stuffed mushrooms;
cajun shrimp guacamole bites

roasted tomato soup (with optional grilled cheese crostini);
rotating soup of the day (today's is a corn bisque with beef brisket "croutons")

wedge salad with gorgonzola and bacon;
couscous salad with roasted butternut squash;
mexican street corn salad

regular burger;
cheeseburger - cheddar, swiss, or provolone;
chili pepper burger;
green eggs and ham - has a fried egg, bacon, basil mayo;
sweet potato black bean burger.
*Add beef brisket to any burger to do it up Austin style!*

french fries, onion rings, roasted vegetables

spiced apple pie;
toasted s'more milkshakes (limited supply!)

Aug. 24th, 2016



SENT FROM: Littlebird
TYPE: Public post
TIME: August 8th, 2019 - 6:00PM

Fair warning to anyone thinking they might want to visit Walker’s. You may want to be prepared to see some walkers in the process. Who knew that a trip to the grocery store would require you were up on your cardio. That was definitely not the early evening activity I had in mind for my day off.

Also I hate calling people out publicly so I won't use your name, but to the woman who became my running partner, I hope you're doing okay.


SENT FROM: Ria Otieno
TO: Amanda van Eeden
TYPE: Text
TIME: August 8th, 2019 - 6:15PM

You have (4) new messages )

SENT FROM: Ria Otieno
TO: Delia Wallace
TYPE: Text
TIME: August 8th, 2019 -6:30PM

You have (3) new messages )

SENT FROM: Ria Otieno
TO: Yvie Devkopa
TYPE: Text
TIME: August 8th, 2019 - 6:35PM

You have (3) new messages )