Austin Freenet

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

April 2017




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The freenet is a city-wide wifi network -- sans the Internet as we know it -- that survivors use to communicate via message board, call, or text. Freenet users create their own usernames to log in with when they sign up for the Freenet, so a character does not have to post under their real name if they don't want to.

When posting to the Freenet, please specify whether you are posting a text or a public/private message board post.

Posts Tagged: '%23+2019+%5B01%5D+january'

Jan. 20th, 2016



backdated to 1/6

SENT FROM: sangue
TYPE: Public network post
TIME: Jan 6 [BACKDATED slightly!]


Who has made resolutions for 2019, benzinhos?



Backdated to 1/5/19

SENT FROM: Noa Bellamy
TYPE: Text to Ruth Fields
TIME: 1/5/19, 2:00PM

you have (2) new messages )



SENT TO: Olive
TIME: 1/7, 8:20 AM
TYPE: Text

You have (3) new messages. )


SENT FROM: parts
TIME: 1/7, 8:35 AM
TYPE: Private Post to Greenhouse Volunteers

So, I have good news and I have bad news. I'll start with the bad news first.

I'm finally back. I know. Disappointing, right? I feel like that guy is not going to be ecstatic at all. A month away is just not long enough for anyone. On the bright side, I've brought a ton of supplies back and we can begin actual construction of the greenhouse whenever you're ready.

We could always do another get-together at the White Trail. It's more convenient than my garage. Of course I'm kind of a little behind on recent events, so I guess the real question is: what's been going on with all of you?

Jan. 19th, 2016



SENT TO: Isaac
TIME: January 6th, 10:27 AM
TYPE: Text

You have (1) new message. )


TIME: January 6th, 10:31 AM
TYPE: Text

You have (2) new messages. )


SENT TO: Torrie
TIME: January 6th, 10:34 AM
TYPE: Text

You have (2) new messages. )


TIME: January 6th, 10:37 AM
TYPE: Text

You have (1) new message. )


TIME: January 6th, 11:05 AM
TYPE: Text

You have (1) new message. )

Jan. 17th, 2016



FROM: Gemma
TO: Isaac
TYPE: Text @ 1/5 around 1pm

>where are you?
>I heard



From: Nina Clarke
To: Isaac Callahan
Date/Time: 1/5, 12:32PM

> Is it true?


From: Nina Clarke
To: Savannah Posey
Date/Time: 1/5, 12:39

> Demi's been locked up again.
> I thought someone needed to let you know.


From: Nina Clarke
To: Gemma Wagner
Date/Time: 1/5, 12:40

> I know I'm late.
> But a few things have come up and I can't make it.
> Can we take a rain check?


From: Nina Clarke
To: Daniela Diaz
Date/Time: 1/5, 7:29PM

> Before the Capitol gets a chance to report anything about this, I wanted to let you know that Demi's been arrested.



SENT FROM: Adelaide
TYPE: Text to Nina
TIME: 1/5 12:30pm
you have (3) new messages )

SENT FROM: timshel
TYPE: Group text to Noa, Nate, Roman.
TIME: 1/5 12:45pm

> Isaac Callahan just texted me. They just arrested Demi and brought her back to LQ, and he wants to know when we're planning our jailbreak.

> I think we can use this.

> Is that CO still in our pocket?

SENT FROM: Adelaide
TYPE: Text to Teagan
TIME: 1/5 3pm
you have (1) new message )



SENT FROM: callahan
TYPE: private message to timshel
TIME: January 5th, noon

Just watched Patrolmen drag Demi back to La Quinta for no fucking reason. I know this must be rich coming from me, but I need to get her out. When are you planning on breaking your brother out?

Jan. 14th, 2016



backdated to 1/1/19

SENT FROM: Noa Bellamy
TYPE: Text to Adelaide Hawkins
TIME: 1/1/19, 7:45PM

you have (1) new message )

Jan. 11th, 2016



From: Dionaea
Type: Public


The idiot bird leaps out and drunken leans
Atop the broken universal clock:
The hour is crowed in lunatic thirteens.
Out painted stages fall apart by scenes
While all the actors halt in mortal shock:
The idiot bird leaps out and drunken leans.

Streets crack through in havoc-split ravines
As the doomstruck city crumbles block by block:
The hour is crowed in lunatic thirteens.

Fractured glass flies down in smithereens;
Our lucky relics have been put in hock:
The idiot bird leaps out and drunken leans.

The monkey's wrench has blasted all machines;
We never thought to hear the holy cock:
The hour is crowed in lunatic thirteens.

Too late to ask if end was worth the means,
Too late to calculate the toppling stock:
The idiot bird leaps out and drunken leans,
The hour is crowed in lunatic thirteens.


Jan. 9th, 2016



SENT FROM: treble
TYPE: Public post
TIME: 1/3/19, 10:30PM

So far 2019 hasn't been anything impressive.


SENT FROM: Torrie Reed
TYPE: Text to Alejo Costa
TIME: 1/3/19, 10:35PM

you have (3) new messages )


SENT FROM: Torrie Reed
TYPE: Text to Solomon Reed
TIME: 1/3/19, 11:00PM

you have (1) new message )

Jan. 4th, 2016



From: Pete Whelan
To: Max Mendelson
When: 1/2/2019, 2:17PM
Type: Text

you have 5 new messages )


From: Pete Whelan
To: Teagan Morgan
When: 1/2/2019, 8:49PM
Type: Text

you have 1 new message )


From: Pete Whelan
To: Noa Bellamy
When: 1/2/2019 10:12PM
Type: Text

you have 1 new message )