Austin Freenet

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

April 2017




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The freenet is a city-wide wifi network -- sans the Internet as we know it -- that survivors use to communicate via message board, call, or text. Freenet users create their own usernames to log in with when they sign up for the Freenet, so a character does not have to post under their real name if they don't want to.

When posting to the Freenet, please specify whether you are posting a text or a public/private message board post.

Posts Tagged: '%23+2018+%5B08%5D+august'

Aug. 14th, 2015



TYPE: text to Savannah

You have (2) messages. )

Aug. 13th, 2015



FROM: Adelaide
TYPE: text to TR (sent yesterday)

you have (4) new messages )



SENT FROM: sangue
TYPE: PM to firebird
Hello -- is this Marina? Nadia Costa here. I heard you were requesting my information after the freenet interview.



SENT FROM: Noa Bellamy
TYPE: Group text to the LADIES of the Dog Park

You have (3) new messages )


SENT FROM: Noa Bellamy
TYPE: Text to Adelaide Hawkins

You have (1) new message )



From: Nathaniel Quinn, Laird and Master
Texts to:


(1) messages )


(2) messages )


(3) messages )

Aug. 12th, 2015



From: slapinthefarce
Type: PM to Sangue

I've gotten a lot of compliments about your interview. I can see why. It was a great interview.

I've also received a request from a Marina for your information. I didn't feel right just giving it to her. I wanted to check with you.

She said I could give you her information. She's firebird on the freenet.

I hope this is good news.

Aug. 11th, 2015



SENT FROM: firebird
SENT TO: slapinthefarce
TYPE: private message

I saw your interview on the freenet. Would you give me the username of the woman in the video?



From: Olivia Jensen
To: Josh Castillo
Type: Text

4 new messages )



Overdue Post is Overdue

Type: Public Post issued from the Capitol
Date Sent: August 10th (Basically backdate this to the second news of the firefight reached TR. He's on it.)

People of Austin

It saddens us deeply to report that we have lost lives in a recent firefight outside of the city limits. A routine patrol was fired upon by raiders, resulting in the deaths of two officers and one civilian who was caught in the crossfire. An investigation into this tragedy is being conducted, and if anyone has any information, please contact the hotline below.

In this time of turmoil, loss of human life to criminal activity is abhorrent. There is no reason for the living to fire upon the living when the dead walk the earth. Yet, these criminals have taken lives indiscriminately in their commitment to lawlessness and anarchy.

307 living people have been needlessly murdered in supply raids and firefights against law enforcement over the last two years. Three names have been added to that list as of yesterday. Needlessly. I cannot stress that word enough. There are four men in critical condition, and we fear that number will only grow. The only reason for these hostilities is the determination of those who choose to live outside the law. The people who would prefer capitalizing on violence to rebuilding society.

The following list is limited to the direct victims. There are other lives that have been lost due to the theft of medicine, food, and water; the choking of trade routes between shelters. That number is more difficult to calculate, as is the number of raider losses. If I had their names, I would list them here as well. We wish to honor and mourn all of the men and women who have been killed violently in this senseless turf war.

Grayson Michael Wolfe - 31, Civilian Leader of the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library Shelter, former Corporal of the US Army, survived by his wife and daughter. Killed in a crossfire between raiders and a patrol on August 9th, 2015.

Justin Lee Cunningham - 27, Capitol patrolman, former Officer of the US Army, survived by his brother. Killed in a firefight between raiders and a patrol on August 9th, 2015.

Andrew Tobias York - 46, Capitol patrolman, former protection agent, survived by his son and daughter. Killed in a firefight between raiders and a patrol on August 9th, 2015.

Michele Andrea Bradley - 34, Capitol supply driver, former school bus driver, presumed the last living member of her family. Killed in a supply raid on August…

[OOC: This list goes on and on, but I’m not going to invent that many NPCs. Y'all get the gist, right?]

As we have stated many times, every human life is a life that should be valued. We are all of us survivors. For the sake of our continued survival, this violence must stop. Too many lives have been lost as it is. For now, we mourn the victims of this misguided destruction on all sides, and our hearts go out to their loved ones.

With regrets,

T. R. Lansing
Council President for the City of Austin

Aforementioned hotline for information regarding this or any other ongoing investigation: xxx-xxx-xxxxx
You will be forwarded to the appropriate department. Thank you.



From: Anonymous
Type: Delivery to Maizie Lou

There's no card, no nothing. It's been delivered after a lot of strings pulled and favors owed. It should be clear who it's from. )



SENT FROM: Jadyn Hunter
TYPE: Private Post to LBJ Presidential Library Residents

I'd like to thank everyone who'd attended and helped with the ceremony yesterday. Gray Wolfe was a wonderful, kind, and courageous leader who'd loved and looked out for all of us. We will forever have him within our hearts and our memories.

I know this is a difficult time right now, but, as with any hardship, we must look towards the future. No matter what you hear, you must remember this: Gray's death is on the Capitol. They are the ones who took our leader from us and we will not forget it.

With that being said, I ask you not to act impulsively. Don't let your emotions control you. We cannot trust the Capitol, but we must handle this matter with care. If you run into Capitol men outside, I strongly advise you to stay away from them. They are dangerous and cannot be trusted.

I also advise all of you to continue being wary of both Hellhounds and Ghouls as well.

Now that Gray has passed, Savannah will be taking over his position. Please lend her your support as the shelter's new leader. I will be filling in the role of second-in-command to better assist her with her new duties.

If you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to me. The family is still in mourning, so it would be appreciated if you could continue to give them as much privacy as possible. Thank you.




SENT FROM: Adelaide
TYPE: Text to Rodeo

you have (2) new messages )

Aug. 9th, 2015



SENT FROM: Savannah Posey
TYPE: Private post to survivors at the LBJ Library shelter

Many of you have noticed the absence of Gray around the library the past month and it's time you all finally have the truth.

He was taken by two unidentified 'ghouls' over a month ago, detained for several days and then forced to endure a zombie bite before being ejected from their hideout. He was discovered by a member of the Hellhound biker gang and soon after Gray and his Hellhound rescuer experienced a confrontation with Capitol patrolmen. We all know the Capitol has it out for the Hellhounds and when Gray was initially found, the Capitol men were planning on killing Gray and blaming it on the Hellhounds. Thankfully Gray and his rescuer were able to overpower the Capitol men and escape.

Gray was brought to the Dog Park where he successfully underwent quarantine. Day, Maizie and I visited him at the Dog Park and saw first hand what rough shape he was in. He was in no shape to travel back to the library at that time so for the past few weeks he's been there healing up. Today he was finally going to come home but as he was being accompanied back to the Library by the Hellhounds, they were once again ambushed by Capitol patrolmen. Gray was shot and killed by men of the Capitol.

Gray cared about you all and about the LBJ Library so I can't even begin to describe what losing Gray means to my family or this shelter. I do know that all we can do is carry on and keep the integrity of our shelter intact, hopefully honoring his memory. Effective immediately, the Capitol is not to be trusted. They've already killed our shelter leader and they're not going to cause us any more damage.

I know this is a lot to take in but I do ask that everyone give my family as much privacy as possible during this difficult time.

We will be holding a memorial service for Gray in the auditorium tomorrow evening at 5pm.

Thank you,
Savannah Posey