Austin Freenet

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

April 2017



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July 6th, 2015



SENT TO: Savannah and Maizie
TYPE: Group Text, right after finding Gray's cell.

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SENT FROM: Head of Security, Jadyn Hunter
TYPE: Private Post to LBJ Presidential Library Residents

For the ones who have been wondering where Gray has been, I have an unfortunate announcement to make. He was separated from a supply scout on July 4th, due to unforeseen circumstances. There has been no trace of his person yet, except for his cellphone we'd found at Upper Crust Bakery on Burnet Road yesterday. We strongly suspect he is still alive, but he is now officially a missing person.

Savannah will be the acting leader until we find Gray again. I will be seeking any and all volunteers of legal age to join me in the search for him. Due to the recent murders over at UMCB, we will be going out in groups of three or more. I also advise we keep this matter strictly in-house for both the safety of the shelter and Gray himself.

If you have any questions or concerns, Savannah and I will do our best to answer them. Thank you.




From: Olivia Jensen
To: Maizie Wolfe
Type: Text!

> tom got me a bruce springsteen cd and some new headphones if you want to listen to some music with me today.


From: Olivia Jensen
To: Savannah Posey
Type: Text!

> let me know if you need anything, okay?


From: Olivia Jensen
To: Tom Kerr
Type: Text!

> do you know anything about what day put up?


From: Olivia Jensen
To: Josh Castillo
Type: Text!

> feel like going on a ride any time soon?
> i didn't mean for that to sound so suggestive


From: Olivia Jensen
To: North Ainsworth
Type: Text!

> you think there are zombies at sea?
> i'm starting to think anywhere might be better than here



SENT FROM: Noa Bellamy
TYPE: Text to Rodeo

> Hey, anything I should know about sweetheart?
> Don't sound like you've let Vic lock us down tight, but thought I'd check anyway.



SENT FROM: leaveyouinstitches
TYPE: Public Post

Listen, I know that nobody is looking at the UMCB as a potential time share right now, with good reason. That being said, I'm just coming on here to urge all of you not to be extra dense in terms of your health these days. Sure, maybe now isn't the best time to stop by and pick up some cough drops or get your prostate checked. But if you're really sick or are hurt, please do not stay away. Do not get your buddy to try and stitch you up because he got an B+ in Home Ec. There is only one sick fuck here looking to hurt someone and about a thousand others looking to help you out.

So don't be a dumb ass. Use your best judgement. And above all, be safe. Good rule of thumb is if something that was once attached to you is looking like it's going to fall off, it might be time to do something about it.

TYPE: Text to Josh
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SENT FROM: leaveyouinstitches
TYPE: Private Message to parthenogenetic
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TYPE: Text to Maizie
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From: yolo
Type: public post


anyone lose a fuckin enormous cat anywhere near the petsmart in the south side of the city?

and if you're thinking i'm saying 'fuckin enormous cat' and the cat is some ten pound tabby cat? don't get it twisted, i swear to god the thing weighs a good thirty pounds. sasha stretched him out, pretty sure he's like four feet long.

if this was your cat and you lost it, sorry to say but your cat now belongs to me. and my wife. she's making me get it a couch.



From: T.R. Lansing
To: Adelaide Lansing
Type: Text (same night as this call)

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From: T.R. Lansing
To: Personal Assistant
Type: E-mail

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