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Aug. 12th, 2017


Who: Blake and Ethan
Setting: Their pod

I love you )
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Jun. 23rd, 2017


Who: Blake and Ethan
Setting: Right after the climb to the top.

You've slowly became my world )
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Jun. 22nd, 2017


PM to Ethan

I'm here. We made it. Where are you?
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Jun. 21st, 2017


Just Between Us Girls

Who: Kyle and Ethan
Setting: Up top, by the bar in the restaurant camp

you've been drinking )
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But What Do You Do?

Who: Cillian and Ethan
Setting: Restaurant camp up top

that is what I do )
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Jun. 12th, 2017


PM to Ethan, Tris, Christian, Tad, Mazie

What's going on? I heard somebody say people were stuck up on the surface, and it's pretty clear the monorail isn't working. Where are you guys?

Jun. 5th, 2017


To Ethan

Check in.
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Jun. 4th, 2017


Something's not right...

Who: Ethan and OPEN
Setting: The amusement park, just as the robots stop working

Ethan was a little upset that both Tris and Blake hadn't been able to come up with him, but he was entertaining himself. He'd had a beer, living on the edge with that, then rode a ride or two. He was watching the crowd just as the murmurs started. He frowned, looking more then back at the games nearby. Something was totally wrong. He chewed on the edge of his thumb, a family leaning over the counter of the game by them, with nothing happening. The rides were still going, but something seemed off. They were going, but were they stopping? What the hell?

May. 31st, 2017


Texts to Blake and Tris

Who's going to the amusement park with me!? !
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May. 27th, 2017


Domestic Bliss?

Who: Blake and Ethan
Setting: their pod

Ethan was fully aware he was a horrible roommate, but he was also pretty content ignoring the mess on the floor of his and Blake’s now shared bedroom for the comfort of lounging in one of his boyfriend’s t-shirts and his own underwear, reading a trashy romance novel he’d found at the library. Trashy romance wasn’t usually his speed, not one for love or all that muck, but there was something gratifying about happy endings that came with amazing sex.

Blake, on the other hand, was not someone to ignore the messes. He was a more organized type of person and if something were on the floor he picked it up. Which is precisely what he started doing when he entered the room. “What,” he paused as he bent over to pick up some clothing and toss into a hamper. “Are you reading?” He asked, eyebrow raised as he picked something else from the floor.

it's only goof if it's a bit trashy )
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Apr. 30th, 2017


Fancy Mud

Who: Ethan and Blake
Setting: Spa day, mudbaths!!

Ethan lived for this kind of thing. Hard conversations out of the way, he led Tris down to the room where they were doing the mudbaths, let his best friend find his significant other, while Ethan went looking for Blake. He found him after a moment, smiling at the sight and moving in closer. “You ready for this?” he asked, hands already reaching for Blake.

Blake was alone. He knew that Ethan was there with Tris and that soon enough they would be parting ways for Ethan to find him and Tris to find Christian. He was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest as he waited. When Ethan finally showed, he pushed away from the wall and dropped his arms, giving a slight smile. “As ready as I’ll ever be,” he said. “How was your time with Tris?”

volcanic ash, mud, and well...jealousy )
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Tris and Ethan: Spa

Who: Tris and Ethan
Setting: Spa day

Once they’d made it to the spa, Ethan mostly took over. Anja was good at doing her thing, but he knew that someone needed to ensure the guys were set in the right directions. He made sure that everyone was comfortable, picked out what they were up to from the list of options, starting with a haircut for Christian, who gave him a look but went along with it, even though he had to push his hair out of his eyes to glare. It really was cute how much he looked like a little puppy when he did that. Then Ethan lined up mud baths and facials, pedicures and manicures, ensuring that lined up with what Anja had planned and then tossed a few couples based massages in for everyone to have alone time with who they came with. Once everyone was set on their way, he dragged Tris down to the sauna with him, discarding his robe outside before settling himself inside with just a towel slung low around his hips.

Tris had mostly been happy to go with the flow. He knew he was entirely out of his element, so having someone else tell him what to do was more of a relief than anything else. He knew if he’d been left to his own devices, he probably would have still been sitting in the reception area, looking through options and worrying about what various choices actually meant in the scheme of things. Then he probably would have opted for a swim in the pool and headed for the gym as the ‘safe’ choices.

Time to talk about issues )
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Apr. 26th, 2017


PM to Chris, Ethan, Anja

So apparently the town has decided to 'apologise for the inconvenience' of the death threats and vandalism and given me an all inclusive spa day for myself and three others. You guys being those three others.

I say we take them for everything they can offer. You game?

Apr. 7th, 2017


Who: Blake and Ethan
Setting: After the fire @ the station

Ethan is worried )
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Mar. 26th, 2017


Let The Flames Begin

Who: Mazie and OPEN
Where: The Park
When: Early Morning

Mazie didn't really sleep like normal people did, so she'd been up long enough to see her pod's grafitti and decide to take a walk. Mostly it was just to try and focus, to try and clear her head. Normally, she would have taken to her computer, but she'd needed a moment. Maybe Tad was right? Maybe she was the driving force behind this?

If she was, she was determined to find the person responsible and have some very choice words with them. She could understand the outrage, the activism it spawned, but if their words had anything to do with the literal pyres in the park, Mazie wasn't sure words would be enough.

As she got closer to the fire, she realized that there were shapes of bodies inside each pillar of flames. "Holy shit..." Typing furiously on her wrist comm, she darted toward the fire. Maybe she'd instigated this revolution, but this? This? This was a nightmare.

Mar. 25th, 2017


Net post: Seriously?

Okay, guys - I am not a robot. Really sure I'm not a robot. This is some kind of sick joke, right?



Who: Ethan and Tris
Setting: Room 101

Tris had seen him walk in, out of the corner of his eye. Had tracked him the same way across the room, until his best friend settled into one of the booths at the back. He’d glanced over a few times, but he tried to ignore Ethan - as much as Ethan Sinclair was ignorable. Which was to say, not very. In Tris’ opinion, he drew attention like moths to a flame. Even just sitting there, alone, at his table, sipping at a drink or whatever he was doing. Probably flirting with Emma, their newest waitress.

Read more... )
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Mar. 17th, 2017



Who: Blake and Ethan
Setting: after the Mardi Gras Party, Ethan's pod
Warning: NSFW

something new.... )
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Mar. 13th, 2017


PM to Ethan

Sent late night, after the Mardi Gras party )
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Mar. 6th, 2017


Fat Tuesday! Mardi Gras Party!

Who: Open to all!
Where: The Park

By the time all the decorations were up, the park had been transformed into a piece of Bourbon Street, complete with crowds of people looking to party. Lights were strung between the trees with the occasional banner indicating a drink stand or a food cart, adding to the atmosphere. There was even a dance floor in one corner with music piped in from unseen speakers. The only things missing were the balconies to throw beads from, but that didn’t stop beads from being handed out or the occasional flash to earn them. It was as close to New Orleans as they were going to get, but they didn’t need the parades to make it a party.

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