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Aug. 18th, 2017


placeholder for Sion and Cillian
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Jul. 18th, 2017



Who: Cillian and Kyle
Where: The train station

Cillian sat back and looked at the controls, a pleased little smile on his face as the train hummed. It had taken him a while, longer than he'd expected actually, but he'd figured it out. He'd actually hot wired a train. It wasn't exactly the kind of thing he could put on his resume, but it felt like an accomplishment. Now he just had to figure out how to drive it, but that shouldn't be too hard. It only went one way, so only one track, but he wanted to make sure he knew how to stop it if there were people on the tracks. That part scared him, that someone else might be climbing the tracks when they went to use the train. He'd need to make sure they moved as slowly as possible, and maybe an emergency way to pick up the people if they ran into them. Thinking through all that could go wrong, maybe hot wiring the train had been the easy part.

Read more... )
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Jun. 27th, 2017


Shirking Responsibilities

Who: Cillian and Clementine
Where: The train

When the group from below finally made it up to the amusement park, Cillian faded into the background, watching everyone for a bit before heading to the train. Maybe he could help out there, make it easier for people to get back down, if that's where they wanted to go. It was a far more sophisticated machine than he was used to working on, but he figured that if he tinkered with it long enough he would be sure to get it working. At least, he hoped so. Going back down the tracks the opposite way, by himself, really wasn't an option.

Read more... )

Jun. 21st, 2017


But What Do You Do?

Who: Cillian and Ethan
Setting: Restaurant camp up top

that is what I do )
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PM to Cillian, late night

I miss you. Everything still going okay?
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Jun. 5th, 2017


Group PM

TO: Kyle, Adam, Clementine, Chase, Zeke
CC: Christian, Ethan, Tris, Sion

If you're stuck up top, a few of us have set up camp in the little restaurant next to the funhouse. We've got food, water, bathrooms, a first aid kit, and some souvenir blankets from the gift shop. Is everyone okay?


Private to Sion

Something's wrong with the robots. They've all stopped working. I think maybe they've been hacked, or got a bug in the system, or something. It's a little beyond me. But the monorail's stopped working and we're stuck up here. Going to send out a group communication, but I wanted to fill you in first. Be safe.
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and then things go so so wrong

Who: Cillian and Christian
Setting: The amusement park

it's not all fun and games )

May. 31st, 2017


Text to Cillian

Hey, Tris has to work so he's going to meet me there later, but do you want to head up to the amusement park together?

May. 5th, 2017


So bad at this

Who: Cillian and Adam
Setting: Spa, gym

Adam had given Kyle a lot of looks on the way to the spa, but somehow he was still there. Nonetheless, he managed to get away a little bit, heading down to the gym. That was more his style at least. He finished off another set, not a huge weight, but enough to show off the muscles he was actually exposing for the first time. Normally he’d be in huge shirts, but today he was in just a cut of t-shirt and a pair of gym shorts.

Cillian wasn’t sure what he was to do with himself at a spa, but a gym was familiar grounds to him. He figured he’d start there and then see what else there was. When he spotted Adam, he smiled and started over towards him, making an attempt not to check him out for once. Which was hard, considering. He looked good. And really should wear clothes that fit him. But Cillian wasn’t about to bring that up. “Hey,” he smiled. “How’s it going?”

why are people so complicated )
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May. 1st, 2017


Pool Party: group scene

As MABEL promised, from midafternoon, a party begins by the outdoor pool in the spa zone. A robot-manned grill fires up cooking steaks, burgers, ribs, corn etc and alongside are the usual accompaniments. There is also a fully stocked bar. The music is upbeat and the whole area is lit beautifully with tiny, multi-colored lights. It also feels warmer than New Eden usually does - definitely the kind of weather for hanging out in not very much.

The party is going until late into the night.

There is a grand and spectacular fireworks display at 10pm.

[Open scene for any smaller threads people want to put up]

Apr. 28th, 2017


Spa Friends

I seem to have a few free spa tickets! Is there anyone here that needs a ticket and would like to join me for a day of revitalization at the spa?

If anyone is going and would like to join me for a yoga class, I would love the company.

[PM to Cillian]
Do you have a ticket?

[PM to Sion]
We've not met yet, but I think you're a friend of my friend Cillian. Would you like a spa ticket?

Apr. 26th, 2017



Public Message

I was thinking about opening a club here and wanted to see if anyone had experience around design and aesthetic. I have some theme ideas, but this is not my expertise. Please message me privately if you're interested. Thank you.


I would like to inquire about the possibility of opening a club here in New Eden. What spaces are available and how much would they cost per month? How would I go about performing interior renovations? Could you please send me any available information about starting up a business here. Thank you.


PM to Cillian


So, I have found myself in possession of four spa tickets for the day (apparently all paid for, all inclusive) and I was wondering if you would like one of them.

Let me know.

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Apr. 8th, 2017



Who: Sion and Cillian
Where: Sion’s pod
Warnings: NSFW

I wasn't sure where we left things )
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A Perfect Soul

Who: Clementine and Cillian
Where: The Farm

Cillian was shaken by the time he left the park, mind spinning multiple directions as he tried to anticipate what might happen next. Some people may have been relieved to find out the bodies were actually robots, but that opened an entirely different can of worms. They had passed for human until burnt down, confirming what he'd already known, that Connies were real. It was the sort of realization that could inspire a witch hunt, if people got it through their heads that Connies were dangerous. So far, Cillian only knew of one Connie that had posed a threat, even if it had been an accident.

He hurried off to find Clementine, needing to see her even if she'd said she was okay. It felt good to be outside and thought there might be something to her wisdom, returning to nature. He brushed his fingers across the leaves of the plants as he wandered her farm, looking for her. It was quiet. Peaceful. A contrast to the thoughts bouncing around in his head.

Follow your heart. It knows the way. )

Apr. 3rd, 2017


PM to Sion, Adam, Kyle, and Christian

Everyone okay? Just wanted to check in.

Mar. 26th, 2017


[Net Post - Early Morning] Everoyne - FIRE

There's a FIRE happening in the park. AGAIN. And it looks like there are people being burnt!



Let The Flames Begin

Who: Mazie and OPEN
Where: The Park
When: Early Morning

Mazie didn't really sleep like normal people did, so she'd been up long enough to see her pod's grafitti and decide to take a walk. Mostly it was just to try and focus, to try and clear her head. Normally, she would have taken to her computer, but she'd needed a moment. Maybe Tad was right? Maybe she was the driving force behind this?

If she was, she was determined to find the person responsible and have some very choice words with them. She could understand the outrage, the activism it spawned, but if their words had anything to do with the literal pyres in the park, Mazie wasn't sure words would be enough.

As she got closer to the fire, she realized that there were shapes of bodies inside each pillar of flames. "Holy shit..." Typing furiously on her wrist comm, she darted toward the fire. Maybe she'd instigated this revolution, but this? This? This was a nightmare.


[Net Post] Sad

I don't think this game is funny. Words hurt more than people realize.

To anyone who has had their home violated, I am sorry. It's terrible and I hate to see us all like this, but let's try to remember that we're stronger if we're together. That letting words like this separate us, isolate us, is a very bad idea.

If you need me, I'll be checking on my plants at the farm. Please join me; Mother Nature is always the first healer.

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