Jul. 19th, 2016


net post - holy shit this place is awesome!

I just got here, and this place is awesome! It looks amazing and incredible and I really want to go to that amusement park I saw up there! Who's with me? I'll buy them a beer.... beer. It's good. You want some. You ALL want some!

Also Hi, I'm Bear, coming to you for your paramedic needs and if anything's on fire, call. Peace!

Jul. 7th, 2016


[net post]

So if someone, say anyone, doesn't attend this required party, does that mean we will suddenly find ourselves being taken to a meat grinder? Because that's what I'm getting out of it.

I never signed up for Tinder, so why the fuck would I want to hand some stranger a fucking charm I don't give a shit about. Did I get stuck on a swinger's island? Orgy every Sunday?