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Jul. 18th, 2017



Who: Cillian and Kyle
Where: The train station

Cillian sat back and looked at the controls, a pleased little smile on his face as the train hummed. It had taken him a while, longer than he'd expected actually, but he'd figured it out. He'd actually hot wired a train. It wasn't exactly the kind of thing he could put on his resume, but it felt like an accomplishment. Now he just had to figure out how to drive it, but that shouldn't be too hard. It only went one way, so only one track, but he wanted to make sure he knew how to stop it if there were people on the tracks. That part scared him, that someone else might be climbing the tracks when they went to use the train. He'd need to make sure they moved as slowly as possible, and maybe an emergency way to pick up the people if they ran into them. Thinking through all that could go wrong, maybe hot wiring the train had been the easy part.

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Jun. 27th, 2017


Reach the Top

Who: Kyle and Adam
Setting: The Surface

Adam was exhausted, but that hardly mattered. What mattered was getting to his boys. He followed Blake, assuming everyone would be together and he left Blake with Ethan outside, pushing into the place looking around until he heard a shout. “Dad!”

He'd barely turned towards it before Riley smacked into the side of him, arms around his knees. Adam ducked to scoop Riley up, holding him against him tightly. “I'm here, bud,” he promised. “Came to get you.”

We should have run away )
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Jun. 21st, 2017


Just Between Us Girls

Who: Kyle and Ethan
Setting: Up top, by the bar in the restaurant camp

you've been drinking )
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Jun. 5th, 2017


Message to Kyle

Where are you? Tell me you came home early, you're at home, and I have nothing to worry about.
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hold on tight

Who: Riven and Kyle (and Riley)
Where: The Amusement Park Carousel

Riley was super excited. Beyond super excited - the kid had been practically vibrating with excitement ever since they'd got on the monorail with Riven to head for the surface, clinging onto Kyle's hand and talking ten to the dozen about what he wanted to do and see and all the fun they were going to have.

Kyle was thankful for a break when they finally got Riley onto the kid's carousel, standing back as the music started and the whole thing began to rotate. Looking over at Riven, he said, "I hope he's not too much..."

and don't let go )
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May. 30th, 2017


Message to Riven

Hi - I was going to take Riley to the theme park today. Did you want to come with? Adam's working and I don't think I'm ready to single parent. Well - you know what I mean.
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May. 8th, 2017


We need to talk

Who: Kyle and Adam
Setting: The spa, just before the party

Adam had done as instructed, at least after the gym. He’d followed Cillian to the sauna, but didn’t quite get the idea of being hot for no reason and eventually ducked off to get the massage he’d been signed up for. That, he got the appeal of and sunk into a very relaxed state by the time it was over. He was still in the cut off t-shirt, but yanking on a hoodie to cover the tattoo on the inside of his arm as he arrived at the daycare type thing they’d had set up for kids. There was a pool party after and Adam didn’t want Riley to miss it, sure he’d enjoy splashing around in the water.

Kyle had been waiting for Adam, wanting to catch him before he collected Riley. He didn’t want to do this in front of the kid. It just wasn’t an appropriate conversation. “Hey,” he said as he saw Adam approach. He smiled a little, catching his lower lip between his teeth, nervously. “Any chance you could put off…” he gestured toward the daycare. “Just for a little while. We kinda… we need to talk.” Which was never a good way of putting things, but there really was no good way of saying that. Even when it wasn’t intended to be something bad.

Can we try? )
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May. 3rd, 2017


Maybe It's Fate

Who: Riven and Kyle
Where: Spa: Nail Salon

Riven had been thrilled to get invited to the spa even before arriving there, but nothing had prepared her for the laundry list of inclusions attached to the invitation. She was pretty sure it would've cost a boatload back home, way out of her price range, so she might as well live it up while she had the chance. She started the day in the gym, followed by aerobics and yoga before she finally cleaned up. After that she wanted to pamper herself and scheduled a variety of services, including a mani-pedi for herself and Kyle. Because she was sure she could talk him into it.

Fortunately, it took no work at all and she settled into the chair after ordering herself a glass of champagne. "I'm going to be thanking you for this for weeks," Riven smiled, looking over at Kyle.

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May. 1st, 2017


Pool Party: group scene

As MABEL promised, from midafternoon, a party begins by the outdoor pool in the spa zone. A robot-manned grill fires up cooking steaks, burgers, ribs, corn etc and alongside are the usual accompaniments. There is also a fully stocked bar. The music is upbeat and the whole area is lit beautifully with tiny, multi-colored lights. It also feels warmer than New Eden usually does - definitely the kind of weather for hanging out in not very much.

The party is going until late into the night.

There is a grand and spectacular fireworks display at 10pm.

[Open scene for any smaller threads people want to put up]

Apr. 26th, 2017


PM to Cillian


So, I have found myself in possession of four spa tickets for the day (apparently all paid for, all inclusive) and I was wondering if you would like one of them.

Let me know.

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PM to Riven

So, girlie - I have free spa tickets. One of them has your name on it, if you want it...

You know you want it!
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Safe Harbor

Who: Adam, Kyle, Riven
Setting: Adam's pod, morning

well, you're lucky I like you a little )
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Apr. 8th, 2017


This is bullshit

Are you fucking kidding me?! I'm done. I'm done with this place. With the fear-mongering. With the destruction. With everything.

I'm leaving. Anyone that wants to come with me, let me know.

Apr. 3rd, 2017


PM to Sion, Adam, Kyle, and Christian

Everyone okay? Just wanted to check in.

Mar. 27th, 2017


A safe space

Who: Adam and Kyle
Setting: Kyle's pod, early morning

are you asking me to run away with you )
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Mar. 25th, 2017


Riven and Kyle

Who: Riven and Kyle
Setting: Kyle's Pod

Kyle might have done more than a little prep work before he’d sent the message to Riven. His pod was spotless, for a start. Or, well, clean at least. And he’d tidied up the worst of his messes. His art supplies were still all over the place, but now they were neatly all over the place.

He really obvious fact about his pod though was that Kyle was prolific. It was like someone had taken the chains off him and all he’d done since then was work. Canvasses were stacked against every wall, large and small. He’d experimented with different mediums and colour palettes. The only major constant was that the majority of Kyle’s work was abstract. He liked dealing with emotion and feelings, rather than reality. Even when a subject was identifiable, the piece would have a dreamlike quality to it.

Of Boys and Art )
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Mar. 23rd, 2017


Message to Riven

So... remember when you said that you wouldn't mind coming over to look over some of my work and tell me if it was any good? I have a pitcher of iced tea and a batch of cookies I made this morning if you might be free today. Tempted?

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Mar. 6th, 2017


Fat Tuesday! Mardi Gras Party!

Who: Open to all!
Where: The Park

By the time all the decorations were up, the park had been transformed into a piece of Bourbon Street, complete with crowds of people looking to party. Lights were strung between the trees with the occasional banner indicating a drink stand or a food cart, adding to the atmosphere. There was even a dance floor in one corner with music piped in from unseen speakers. The only things missing were the balconies to throw beads from, but that didn’t stop beads from being handed out or the occasional flash to earn them. It was as close to New Orleans as they were going to get, but they didn’t need the parades to make it a party.


All Or Nothing

Who: Riven and Kyle
Where: Riven's Pod

Riven’s pod had become her art studio and, as a result, it was a complete disaster. She had a slew of paintings in one corner, some finished, some not, waiting for her to return to them. She had the sculpture that she was working on for the park on the other side of the room, abandoned since her breakup with Blake. And in the center of the room, her current project, were the masks for the Mardi Gras party, along with the supplies for Kyle’s wings. Paper mache had taken over the kitchen. Riven sat in the middle of it all, putting the finishing touches on a beautiful blue and turquoise peacock mask. She thought she had more glitter on her hands than the mask, but that always seemed to be the case when working with glitter.

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Feb. 19th, 2017


What you mean and what you do

Who: Adam and Kyle
Setting: Just after this scene

Kyle only had two parcels of rocky road left when he got to Adam’s house. So far, all of his gifts had been just left on the doorstep, but Kyle had a soft spot. He couldn’t just leave Riley’s gift for him to find, he wanted to give it in person.

Wicker basket looped over one arm, Kyle knocked on the door to Adam’s pod, peering inside the dome to see if he could see the pair inside.

Riley was coloring in the living room while Adam worked at making sandwiches for lunch, trying his best to do the whole parent thing without messing anyone up outright. He looked up at the knock, laughing at the way Riley ran for the door, already waving at Kyle through the glass. He pushed at the door to let Kyle in, grinning up at him.

I come bearing gifts, but don't call me baby )
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