Feb. 2nd, 2017


Who: Sion and Guy
Where: around town

Sion had decided that it was time to get himself going again. It was the new year, and he was in a new place; might as well see what he could make of it. He’d gone to the Educational Resource Center to sign up for a couple of classes, looked around to see what all was there and once he was done with that, he’d gone running around, starting at the outer circle and then cutting through once he’d started to get tired. His t-shirt was a little damp in spots, but all in all he thought he’d done pretty well.

As he cooled down, he drank from his water bottle and paced around, gazing into store windows, vaguely thinking of what he might do next.

the first rule is you can't talk about it )
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Jan. 2nd, 2017


a good fit

who: Eily and Guy
setting: his place, a bit back

simple but important things )
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Dec. 26th, 2016


Christmas Party!

Who: Cillian and open to friends and friends of friends
Where: Cillian's pod

Christmas had exploded in in Cillian's pod. He had a large tree setup in the center, covered in lights and ornaments and topped with a star. There was a full buffet, plus a bar stocked with spiked eggnog, mulled wine, and cider. He'd put together a gingerbread house station so that people could decorate pre-baked houses, complete with all kinds of candy, chocolate, and icing. All throughout the pod he had Christmas music playing and when he wasn't in conversation with someone he found himself singing along. It was perfect, and hopefully everyone enjoyed themselves, even if they'd rather be home with their families.

Dec. 16th, 2016


PM to Sion, Clementine, Adam, Blake, Kyle, and Guy

I was thinking of having a Christmas party on Christmas, since a lot of us don't have family here in New Eden. Would ya'll be interested? I was thinking a come and go thing, maybe with a white elephant gift exchange, but really just a festive way to hang out with friends. And friends of friends.

I could also open it up to anyone in the nest, but I've never hosted a party that big before. I've never even hosted a small party before. But I thought it'd be fun! Thoughts?

Nov. 24th, 2016


Thanksgiving dinner

Who: Everybody
Where: Noms

The dining room at Noms had been transformed for the feast….. )

Nov. 22nd, 2016


Hey everybody. For those I don't know, I'm Zalan, the new chef at Noms. We're doing something different at Noms this Thursday for Thanksgiving. The whole menu is going to be Thanksgiving dinner, and it will all be person-made, by me. Nothing against robot cooking, but I don't think Thanksgiving should be done that way. There will be turkey, a few types of potatoes, stuffing, cranberry relish, some vegetable side dishes, and pumpkin pie. Feel free to make specific requests and I'll do my best to oblige.

The place will be decorated up for the day and the football games will be on the screens, so you won't miss that either. Please come and bring your family and friends. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Oct. 31st, 2016


PM To Eily

Hey, remember we talked about dinner? You still interested? I was awake half of last night sure that something was terribly wrong until I wound up turning on the water to a drip just to get rid of the silence.
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Oct. 26th, 2016


Sk8tr Boi (and gal)

Who: Guy and Clementine
Setting: The main park of the nest

see ya later boi )

Oct. 16th, 2016


#net post: well that decides that

I'm letting a computer pick my dates from here on out. I had a blast! How'd everyone else do?
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