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Aug. 12th, 2017


Who: Blake and Ethan
Setting: Their pod

I love you )
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Jun. 23rd, 2017


Who: Blake and Ethan
Setting: Right after the climb to the top.

You've slowly became my world )
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Jun. 22nd, 2017


PM to Ethan

I'm here. We made it. Where are you?
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Fear, Determination - and a side of Jealousy

Who: Tris, Blake, Adam
Setting: Monorail

Blake didn’t like the idea of people being stuck on top. Especially Ethan. Or people being stuck below. And he not be able to immediately get to Ethan. The message from Tris had him worried, but having talked to Ethan, it seemed as if all was at least least no one was seriously hurt and Ethan and Christian were fine. Anyway, he thought Christian was fine.

He’d grabbed a couple of bags from the station, they would have most everything the two would need to climb plus waters and limited medical gear. He then raced to the pod he shared with Ethan and grabbed the Xanax Ethan had said to grab, and then was on his way to the monorail station to meet up with Tris.

Up There? )
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Jun. 5th, 2017


PM to Blake


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May. 31st, 2017


Texts to Blake and Tris

Who's going to the amusement park with me!? !
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May. 27th, 2017


Domestic Bliss?

Who: Blake and Ethan
Setting: their pod

Ethan was fully aware he was a horrible roommate, but he was also pretty content ignoring the mess on the floor of his and Blake’s now shared bedroom for the comfort of lounging in one of his boyfriend’s t-shirts and his own underwear, reading a trashy romance novel he’d found at the library. Trashy romance wasn’t usually his speed, not one for love or all that muck, but there was something gratifying about happy endings that came with amazing sex.

Blake, on the other hand, was not someone to ignore the messes. He was a more organized type of person and if something were on the floor he picked it up. Which is precisely what he started doing when he entered the room. “What,” he paused as he bent over to pick up some clothing and toss into a hamper. “Are you reading?” He asked, eyebrow raised as he picked something else from the floor.

it's only goof if it's a bit trashy )
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Apr. 30th, 2017


Fancy Mud

Who: Ethan and Blake
Setting: Spa day, mudbaths!!

Ethan lived for this kind of thing. Hard conversations out of the way, he led Tris down to the room where they were doing the mudbaths, let his best friend find his significant other, while Ethan went looking for Blake. He found him after a moment, smiling at the sight and moving in closer. “You ready for this?” he asked, hands already reaching for Blake.

Blake was alone. He knew that Ethan was there with Tris and that soon enough they would be parting ways for Ethan to find him and Tris to find Christian. He was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest as he waited. When Ethan finally showed, he pushed away from the wall and dropped his arms, giving a slight smile. “As ready as I’ll ever be,” he said. “How was your time with Tris?”

volcanic ash, mud, and well...jealousy )
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Apr. 7th, 2017


Who: Blake and Ethan
Setting: After the fire @ the station

Ethan is worried )
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Mar. 26th, 2017


[Net Post - Early Morning] Everoyne - FIRE

There's a FIRE happening in the park. AGAIN. And it looks like there are people being burnt!



Let The Flames Begin

Who: Mazie and OPEN
Where: The Park
When: Early Morning

Mazie didn't really sleep like normal people did, so she'd been up long enough to see her pod's grafitti and decide to take a walk. Mostly it was just to try and focus, to try and clear her head. Normally, she would have taken to her computer, but she'd needed a moment. Maybe Tad was right? Maybe she was the driving force behind this?

If she was, she was determined to find the person responsible and have some very choice words with them. She could understand the outrage, the activism it spawned, but if their words had anything to do with the literal pyres in the park, Mazie wasn't sure words would be enough.

As she got closer to the fire, she realized that there were shapes of bodies inside each pillar of flames. "Holy shit..." Typing furiously on her wrist comm, she darted toward the fire. Maybe she'd instigated this revolution, but this? This? This was a nightmare.


This is just sick! I am not a damn robot, or whatever they called it... Connie...
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Mar. 17th, 2017



Who: Blake and Ethan
Setting: after the Mardi Gras Party, Ethan's pod
Warning: NSFW

something new.... )
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Feb. 15th, 2017


Delivery for Blake

The flowers were a day late, but it wasn't like Ethan was keeping up with what day was what. And maybe they shouldn't have been sent to the fire station, but that was half the fun right? The bouquet was nice though, fragrant peonies in plenty of colors with a note attached.

just thought you should know I'm happy. xoxo
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Jan. 29th, 2017


Family Dinner AKA Meet the Boyfriend

Who: Ethan, Blake, Anja, Tris, Christians, Olivia, and Jacob (and anyone else?)
Setting: Ethan's Pod, a couple of days after the casino night

Ethan ordered too much food. He could tell that looking at the trays set up, the variety of options. But hey, Blake was a tall guy. Maybe he ate a lot. Maybe Jacob did. Tris probably could. Ethan moved things around again, making sure that everything was in the right place, then shifted it all over two inches again. Why wasn't Blake here yet?

Ethan went and grabbed himself a drink, pouring a little too much vodka into a glass and sipping on it, leaning back against the counter. Someone should be here soon. Hopefully they were hungry. Hopefully this wasn't a mess.

Jan. 28th, 2017


PM To Blake

So, dinner with my fam and Tris?
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Jan. 18th, 2017


I'm not the way that you found me

Who: Blake and Riven
Where: Riven's Pod

Blake knew what he had to do. He had to let Riven go. It was going to be difficult. He liked Riven, he could see himself in a relationship with her, but with Ethan in the picture… Ethan had more of his attention, and now that they were a ‘thing’ he needed to give Ethan his full attention.

A part of him wanted to avoid, but he knew that if he did that, it would end up worse than if he just came clean now. So, though he didn’t want to, he had made his way to Riven’s pod unannounced and gave a ring of the bell before stuffing his hands in his pockets.

i'm neither here nor there )
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Jan. 11th, 2017


Why Do People Do This?

Who: Ethan and Blake
Setting: Blake's pod, late, before the event
Warning: NSFW by the end

because feelings hurt )
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Dec. 26th, 2016


Christmas Party!

Who: Cillian and open to friends and friends of friends
Where: Cillian's pod

Christmas had exploded in in Cillian's pod. He had a large tree setup in the center, covered in lights and ornaments and topped with a star. There was a full buffet, plus a bar stocked with spiked eggnog, mulled wine, and cider. He'd put together a gingerbread house station so that people could decorate pre-baked houses, complete with all kinds of candy, chocolate, and icing. All throughout the pod he had Christmas music playing and when he wasn't in conversation with someone he found himself singing along. It was perfect, and hopefully everyone enjoyed themselves, even if they'd rather be home with their families.

Dec. 21st, 2016


PM to Blake

Hey~ Do you have any plans for Christmas? Would you like to get together?
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