Jun. 30th, 2016


net post

I do hope this reaches everyone before the power goes out again. It isn't the greatest at the church, but the offer is still open for anyone who wishes to spend their time at the church. We have food, beds and blankets, as well as some board games. I'll be here, making sure things run smoothly.

And if anyone wishes to see me, please don't hesitate to ask.

Jun. 27th, 2016


The Scooby Gang Tries to Turn On the Lights

Who:Jayci, Mickey, and Mazi
Where: Their pod

When the lights flickered, Mickey had gone looking for a flashlight. It took longer than he would have liked, but he did eventually find one, buried in his toolbox, pleased to see the batteries still worked. He set it within reach and went back to listening to the storm. There was a television he could turn on, but he hadn’t had cable in ages, the memories of watching endless daytime television in hospital waiting rooms too raw, even after all these years.


Jun. 6th, 2016


so all of that was weird, are you okay?

Who: Mickey and Jayci
Setting: his place, right after this, so a while ago, folks

Mickey stormed back to his pod, pulling off his jacket and tossing it back on the couch. Then he went to the kitchen rummaging in cabinets until he found the first aid kit. He grabbed it tossing it on the counter angrily before shoving his arm under the faucet, spraying cool water on it. It stung, making him wince, but at least it took the sting out.
let's have some fun )
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May. 8th, 2016


Who's the Dream and Who's Not?

Who: Mickey and Jayci
Setting: Ramen Stand, Restaurant area of the city

Jayci had not been even kind of prepared for what wound up being the reality of this place. It was insane. Literally insane. It was also the best, most interesting place she’d ever been in her life, so that was cool, but still, it was nuts! She didn’t officially start work until Monday, so she was spending time wandering around. She’d gone to the place with the restaurants and all that noise.

She’d gone to a small ramen stand, and tried to place an order, but the automaton behind the counter seemed to be glitching. So, in true Jayci fashion, she hopped the counter and started looking it over, to see if she could fix it. She didn’t have proper tools at the moment, but she used what was lying around, and she had the back of it open, as she tried to get it’s gears to thread right.

It was officially the coolest day ever.

Read more... )
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