Jul. 19th, 2016


net post - holy shit this place is awesome!

I just got here, and this place is awesome! It looks amazing and incredible and I really want to go to that amusement park I saw up there! Who's with me? I'll buy them a beer.... beer. It's good. You want some. You ALL want some!

Also Hi, I'm Bear, coming to you for your paramedic needs and if anything's on fire, call. Peace!

Jul. 6th, 2016


[Net Post] Attendance is REQUIRED?

I want to speak to the people in charge of this place.

You cannot make me do anything.

...Even if I do like these charms.

Jul. 4th, 2016


we're not in Kansas anymore

Who: Jaime and Christian
Setting: Entering The Nest when the power went out

First things first- he was now inside of a dome. Second thing- he was now underground. What the fuck was going on? All of this would be really cool if he wasn't in the mood that he was currently in. Right now a pill or two to give him a mellow of a high would be really helpful, but alas, he had none whatsoever and had to resort to the cigarettes he kept in the backpack he had on him. For the moment, though, his surroundings were keeping him occupied and ignoring the man next to him that had been breathing down his neck ever since they got on the ship. His luggage may have been taken once they got off the ship, but his mini iPod was still on him, well hidden in the pocket of his faded jeans with the headphones tucked under his shirt so wires were not seen. Eric could obviously see the earbuds nestled in Jaime's ears and that was the whole point to it. He wanted to be left alone until they got to wherever it was they were supposed to be headed.

A new love, a new drug, a new me, a new you )