Jul. 18th, 2017


Who: Chase and Sion
Setting: The Monorail Station

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Jun. 27th, 2017


PM to Chase

Hey. Everything okay? Are you at home?
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May. 26th, 2017



Who: Zeke and Chase
Where: Zeke's pod
Warnings: NSFW

It had been a strangely quiet walk back to Zeke’s place, and some of that was because Zeke didn’t know what to say. He couldn’t seem to get past his worrying about why Chase had gone weird on him earlier. This was hard, and it made his stomach hurt; absently, he placed one hand beneath the front of his t-shirt as if to soothe it. Sometimes, in the deepest reaches of his mind, he wondered if he was some kind of alien, or maybe that his brain was because he didn’t seem to understand some things the way others did. It was bound to be his upbringing, all the things that had happened to him growing up, and he did his best not to let himself think about it. What good did it do?

They made the turn into his neighborhood, and he took a deep, silent breath and then exhaled it just as silently.

everyone should want you like this )
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May. 7th, 2017


Getting Pampered...Woohoo...

Who: Chase and Mazie
Where: The Spa

Mazie wasn’t really a spa person. Even after all that Anja and Chase had said about it, she wasn’t really looking forward to going. She was standing outside the spa, hands tucked into the oversized, drawstring harem pants she wore and long, grungy blonde hair hanging down around her shoulders.

She had no idea who this Chase guy was but he’d better show up soon or she was going in without him. She had a reputation to uphold and standing outside of a spa wasn’t really in her vocabulary.

Why do they have to wash my hair? )
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May. 1st, 2017


Pool Party: group scene

As MABEL promised, from midafternoon, a party begins by the outdoor pool in the spa zone. A robot-manned grill fires up cooking steaks, burgers, ribs, corn etc and alongside are the usual accompaniments. There is also a fully stocked bar. The music is upbeat and the whole area is lit beautifully with tiny, multi-colored lights. It also feels warmer than New Eden usually does - definitely the kind of weather for hanging out in not very much.

The party is going until late into the night.

There is a grand and spectacular fireworks display at 10pm.

[Open scene for any smaller threads people want to put up]

Apr. 28th, 2017


[Forum] Spa...Ok

So I guess I have these spa tickets, which means I guess I'm going to the spa? I am not a spa person, though, so if anyone here is and doesn't have a ticket...you can have all of mine.
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Mar. 28th, 2017


Net post

This may not be a popular opinion, certainly not with the person or persons that desecrated several homes last night, but - does it really matter?

Apparently, there are people among us that, under their skin, are actually robots. Seemingly their disguise is good enough that not only are we not able to tell that they are human, but they themselves may not even know.

Surely that brings up a whole host of arguments about what makes someone human.

So - does it really matter, what they are? And, if it does - can someone explain to me why is matters?

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Mar. 17th, 2017


Something New

Who: Zeke and Chase
Where: Chase's pod

When Chase had found out he was staying for longer than the length of the convention, he’d gone out and bought things. While his pod looked like Zeke’s, he’d bought a new down comforter, a stack of throw pillows, including two that were fuzzy for zero reason at all, and a couple of extra pillow pillows. He got the thing a mattress pad as well, making the bed squishier in general. Everything was whites and pale blues, with the hint of silver and his bedroom looked far more inviting than it had when he’d moved in originally. (Not that it had looked bad. It had just looked utilitarian.)

He led Zeke from the party back to his pod, tucked under his arm the whole way. Once they were inside he started for the stairs assuming that Zeke would follow without protest. That was the whole point wasn’t it? To not have to sleep alone? Or was there something else? Chase wasn’t sure.

you okay? )
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Mar. 6th, 2017


Fat Tuesday! Mardi Gras Party!

Who: Open to all!
Where: The Park

By the time all the decorations were up, the park had been transformed into a piece of Bourbon Street, complete with crowds of people looking to party. Lights were strung between the trees with the occasional banner indicating a drink stand or a food cart, adding to the atmosphere. There was even a dance floor in one corner with music piped in from unseen speakers. The only things missing were the balconies to throw beads from, but that didn’t stop beads from being handed out or the occasional flash to earn them. It was as close to New Orleans as they were going to get, but they didn’t need the parades to make it a party.

Feb. 26th, 2017


A Familiar Face

Who: Sage and Chase
Where: Shopping Store

Meeting Olivia was wonderful, but Chase was still getting his mind around the place he was in. He wandered through the shops then got himself lost in the giant department store, amazed that it had like everything. What kind of place was this?

He wandered out of the clothes into what appeared to be a music section, guitars, pianos, a variety of instruments and records, all sorts of things. It was insane. Just next to skinny jeans was electric guitars. There were a million options. He could stay in this place for days.

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Feb. 17th, 2017


[Net Post] Mardi Gras Party!

Anyone up for a Mardi Gras party in the park?

Plan to be there on Fat Tuesday, February 28th!


PM To Zeke

Um, so, we might have a problem....
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The Boy Next Door

Who: Sion and Chase
Where: Eagle

Sion had gotten out early to go running; he was trying to get on more of a schedule since he’d be starting class soon. No more sleeping half the day and doing things when he felt like it. He thought it would be good for him to have more of a routine. He’d spent an hour running - he had to work off the pie from yesterday somehow - and by the time he got back to Eagle he was moving a lot more slowly. Time to cool down and stretch out, and he decided to do it right outside his pod since it didn’t look like there was anyone around. Putting his back to Christian’s place deliberately, he began to stretch, bending double to place his palms on the ground. There were only a couple of things that felt better than stretching out after a workout.

After he’d done a few stretches that way, he sat down and extended his legs in front of him, then lifted his head to take a deep breath, glancing idly at the house on the other side of his… and hey. He saw a flash of blond hair and bare skin, although a quick glance didn’t tell him how bare. There’d been people in every house except for this one; he thought someone had lived here for a very short while and then cleared out. Now he seemed to have a next door neighbor again. Did they not understand that the walls were glass? Sion stole another quick peek.

hello neighbor )
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