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Mar. 26th, 2017


Well...this is going to be interesting... I.. good graffiti I guess
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For Darcy and Sage, before the event
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Mar. 6th, 2017


Fat Tuesday! Mardi Gras Party!

Who: Open to all!
Where: The Park

By the time all the decorations were up, the park had been transformed into a piece of Bourbon Street, complete with crowds of people looking to party. Lights were strung between the trees with the occasional banner indicating a drink stand or a food cart, adding to the atmosphere. There was even a dance floor in one corner with music piped in from unseen speakers. The only things missing were the balconies to throw beads from, but that didn’t stop beads from being handed out or the occasional flash to earn them. It was as close to New Orleans as they were going to get, but they didn’t need the parades to make it a party.

Feb. 26th, 2017


A Familiar Face

Who: Sage and Chase
Where: Shopping Store

Meeting Olivia was wonderful, but Chase was still getting his mind around the place he was in. He wandered through the shops then got himself lost in the giant department store, amazed that it had like everything. What kind of place was this?

He wandered out of the clothes into what appeared to be a music section, guitars, pianos, a variety of instruments and records, all sorts of things. It was insane. Just next to skinny jeans was electric guitars. There were a million options. He could stay in this place for days.

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Feb. 17th, 2017


[Net Post] Mardi Gras Party!

Anyone up for a Mardi Gras party in the park?

Plan to be there on Fat Tuesday, February 28th!

Feb. 3rd, 2017



Who: Sage and Cade
Where: Sage's Pod

Hot damn! Sage was here! Cade had found him pretty much right away. Riven’s help with the communicator thing had given him the perfect way of finding him without doing a door to door search. And he was in Merlin, the same part where he was. How about that?

He’d found a burger place and ordered a couple of burgers for himself and Sage and some fries and onion rings and then was swiftly on his way back to Merlin. A private PM to Sage told him which pod was actually Sage’s, which was practically next door to his. How sweet was that? They’d have their own space, but be close. He could dig that.

Cade didn’t bother to knock on the door. He knew Sage wouldn’t mind. Instead he pushed it open, stepped inside and called out. “Sage? I’m here!” He strode to a couch, plopped down and started digging through the bag of food. “Bring the beer!”

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Jan. 31st, 2017


net post - private to Sage and Olivia

I need a little help, guys. :( Advice, or something. I don't know.
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Jan. 11th, 2017


Follow Up Visit

Who: Micah and Sage
Setting: the hospital, getting Sage's cast off

I promise, I'm boring )
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Who: Sage, Olivia, and Thea
Where: A Bar

Sage was always looking for a reason to get out of the house, so he’d jumped at the chance to have drinks with Olivia and Thea. In fact, he was early for once, mostly because he’d expected it to take him so much longer to get to the bar on crutches than it actually had. Finding them a table, he ordered himself a drink and began to watch for the girls, not entirely sure they’d spot him. He’d gotten bored and changed his hair from red to dark blue, one of his favorites and slower to fade than the red.

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Jan. 9th, 2017


[Net Post] Casino? Casi-YES

Ok, who is coming to the casino with me?

It had better be most of you.



MABEL alerts all citizens of New Eden that for one night only, there will be a casino in the town center. One of the larger bars has been entirely converted, red carpet running through the front doors, welcoming people inside. Bright lights, loud music - the works.

Run entirely by robots, it looks like something straight out of Vegas. Everything from gaudy slot machines, to high end blackjack and roulette tables. There is even a show playing throughout the night in one of the back rooms. It's really quite something.

Dec. 24th, 2016


Meeting New Friends

Who: Annie and Sage
Where: The Park

Annie needed a break from being alone. How ironic that statement was, to be needing a break from being alone. Most often people were needing a break to be alone. Annie, however, was constantly alone and she wasn't liking it a whole lot. In L.A. she was constantly around people, day in and day out. Wherever you went there were people. In New Eden? Not so much. In L.A. the shop was constantly busy. In New Eden...again, not so much.

She needed people. Something. Anything.

Instead of finding people, she was finding herself in the park sitting atop a picnic table with an iced latte sitting beside her. In her lap, she had pine cones in which she kept tossing at a nearby robot.

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Dec. 20th, 2016


Camaraderie and Conspiracies

Who: Sage and Mazie
Where: The park

Despite the amount of work it took to lug a guitar to the park while on crutches, Sage had somehow managed. He'd strapped the guitar to his back, then slowly made his way there, needing to be out of the house more than anything else. He'd packed in his notebook, just in case he got to writing something new, but the real goal was socialization. Going into town was too much work, but if he didn't talk to someone soon he was going to go crazy. Locating the tree he'd fallen out of, he plopped himself down beneath it and started to play.

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Nov. 24th, 2016


Thanksgiving dinner

Who: Everybody
Where: Noms

The dining room at Noms had been transformed for the feast….. )

Nov. 22nd, 2016


Hey everybody. For those I don't know, I'm Zalan, the new chef at Noms. We're doing something different at Noms this Thursday for Thanksgiving. The whole menu is going to be Thanksgiving dinner, and it will all be person-made, by me. Nothing against robot cooking, but I don't think Thanksgiving should be done that way. There will be turkey, a few types of potatoes, stuffing, cranberry relish, some vegetable side dishes, and pumpkin pie. Feel free to make specific requests and I'll do my best to oblige.

The place will be decorated up for the day and the football games will be on the screens, so you won't miss that either. Please come and bring your family and friends. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Nov. 21st, 2016


Strictly Professional

Who: Sage and Micah
Where: The Hospital

Sage laid back on the hospital bed, impatiently tapping at the side rail as he stared at the ceiling. He'd have never made it to the hospital without Thea. The nurses had been impressed with her handmade split of branches and fabric, but that didn't prevent the damage he'd already done. Apparently he'd done more than roll his ankle, something he'd been worried about when he'd been unable to put any pressure on it at all without a spike of pain shooting up his body. It wasn't even the good kind of pain, but the kind that sent him crumbling to the ground with a curse. It felt like forever since he arrived, since they'd poked at his ribs and ankle, then performed x-rays. Another bad sign, he decided, but he'd have to wait and see what the doctor had to say.

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a perk of falling from a tree

Who: Sage and Thea
Where: The park

Sage couldn't sit still. This wasn't anything new, but being bored alone was always worse than being bored with company, and he'd gone out of his way to find something to entertain himself. That was how he found himself up a tree in the first place, for no particular reason other than that he could be and there was no one around to tell him not to. It was a fine idea, and gave him a great view, until he slipped, cursing loudly and falling several feet before catching himself on the lowest branch, the lower half of his body dangling towards the ground.

meeting new friends )
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Oct. 29th, 2016


PM to Ethan

I forgot the candy, and flowers, and the teddy bear. Because I didn't realize I was going out with your Olivia. Please don't kill me ;)
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Oct. 27th, 2016


Making the best of a bad situation

Who: Olivia and Sage
Where: A fancy restaurant

Olivia felt strange about this whole matchmaker thing. Aside from what was going on with her and Jacob, she was still reeling from Ryker’s death and a part of her, some crazy, illogical part, was actually sort of scared for Sage. What if she was a bad omen or something? What if she was cursed? What if Sage got hurt or died next?

Feeling absurd and out of sorts, Olivia opted for a dress and heels. If she didn’t feel right about this, she could at least put some effort into looking like her old self. So for a long time, she stared at herself in the mirror, running her hands over the skirt of the dress, testing her heels on the floor, checking the pink in her hair; essentially just getting her courage up to do this thing.

Cheers! )
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Oct. 16th, 2016


#net post: well that decides that

I'm letting a computer pick my dates from here on out. I had a blast! How'd everyone else do?
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