Nov. 3rd, 2016


Bored at Work

Who: Micah and Keegan
Setting: The hospital / elsewhere TBD (before their scheduled dates)

Haru was right in thinking that Micah was crazy for finding work when there was none. The only problem was, Micah had officially run out of things to do. He'd checked the stock of every cabinet, realizing that the nurses on staff did a find job of maintaining it, he'd gone through every chart, made every notation needed, then gone through them again. He'd done two set of rounds, but they had barely any patients that were staying long time, and one seemed to be more sleeping off a hangover than in need of medical attention.

With a sigh he dropped into a chair at the nurses station of the ER, carding his fingers in his hair and wondering what the hell he was going to do for the rest of his shift. Or if he even had a shift considering he was pretty sure Keegan was puttering around herself. It was so, so, so different from being at the ER in Chicago, somewhere always busy, always full of patients. There was never enough staff to cover it and now it felt like he had too much staff.
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Oct. 15th, 2016


pm to Keegan

So, apparently we have a date to go on...
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Oct. 2nd, 2016


The rest of the quiz... )

So, how do you know we aren't lying on these? Does it matter?
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Sep. 29th, 2016


Net Post: Expedition Project

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Dean Conway and I have been tasked with ensuring the architectural stability of the city. Which is a flowery way of saying that I've been brought here to make sure that it stays standing.

Given that New Eden seems to have been constructed to a far higher spec than most modern cities, I don't think that is going to be much of an issue, but there are a couple of things that I want to bring up.

Firstly, after the somewhat unexpected robot attack the other day, if people have damage to their pods, could they let me know and I'll ensure that everything is fixed.

Secondly, I'm looking for volunteers to help me on an exploratory mission - I want to go down from the islands (main and residential) to investigate how they're held up from the lake below. I'm looking for people with useful skills - climbing, abseiling, construction - we will be going over the side and I don't have the time or the skill set myself to be able to teach people unless it's absolutely necessary. I would also prefer this to be a manned expedition. I do not want to be reliant on robot assistance for this. We need to know what's down there.

Let me know if you're interested.

Sep. 25th, 2016


[sent to Mazie after attack of the bots]

You ok? I hope Gizmo behaved himself because some of his friends are real assholes.
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Sep. 11th, 2016


[net post] Help in Magpie?

Anyone with doctory experience, we could use your help over in Magpie. Got a pretty nasty bike spill we need help with.


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Sep. 8th, 2016


Bad way to start a day

Who: Cillian and Open to Keegan and Gareth
Where: Wren

Cillian had arrived so late the night before that he hadn't had the chance to do much more than find his pod and fall into bed. It was where he'd planned on staying for at least the next twelve hours, considering this the start of his vacation, or at least a day of relaxation before his internship started. The last thing he expected was blaring sirens and flashing lights before the sunrise.

Sliding out of bed, he pulled on a pair of sweatpants and slowly wandered outside, blinking sleepily at the chaos. Everything around him sounded like a reason to panic, except that he couldn't pinpoint the actual threat, at least until he saw the robots. "Shit," he muttered and jogged towards the pod being attacked, finally starting to wake up.

Sep. 1st, 2016


Text to Bear

How'd you get the nickname Bear anyway? Because I know your parents didn't name you that. ;)
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Aug. 16th, 2016


Shh, It's a Secret!

setting: Ethan's Pod - Puffin

Ethan had gone all out for the party, with the help of some all too friendly robots. One was manning a bar in his kitchen, pouring strong cocktails and beers, another was in charge of music. The whole pod was decorated in hanging exposed bulbs, golds and silvers, banners and bunting. It hardly looked like one of the pods that everyone lived in. There were signs stuck in the grass on the way in, with easy riddles for the password and guests expected to knock and give the password to whoever opened the door.

Aug. 14th, 2016


Net Post - Party Time!

Speakeasy party won!

Costumes have been delivered to my place if you don't already have something. Party's tomorrow night, my pod in Puffin. Be there or be sober.

Aug. 3rd, 2016


'net post; Party Themes!

I need a distraction:

If you could go to a party with a theme, what would it be?

- Speakeasy
- Stoplight
- 1 and 2

Get creative! I need some good ideas.

Aug. 2nd, 2016


Your Friendly Neighborhood Hospital Staff!

who: Bear, Micah, and open to Aisling and Keegan
setting: the hospital

meet the coworkers )


[Net Post]

Oh wow, this place is a trip. Nice change of pace, though.
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