Oct. 30th, 2016


[PM to Sion]

Even if this whole 'date' thing doesn't work out, I'm psyched to try the restaurant. I've heard good things about it.

[PM to Gray]

I've been thinking. Why don't I just move in with you? I mean, unless you got a girlfriend and haven't told me yet. ;)

Oct. 2nd, 2016


Who: Gray and Val Hayes
What: Reunited at last
Where: midway between the Tech Research Center and the pods
When: after this convo

You know I'd walk a thousand miles if I could just see you tonight.. )


Is this absolutely necessary?


Sep. 11th, 2016


[Net Post] Robot Collection

Hello. If anyone has a robot that's not completely destroyed, that you're willing to part with, please let me know. I'm collecting them at my pod in Wren. I've found a wheelbarrow and will come pick them up. My name's Cillian Fitzpaterick and I arrived last night.

Thank you!

Sep. 6th, 2016


Wake Up!

Who: Ethan and OPEN to Puffin
Setting: Puffin

Ethan's first reaction to the alarm was to groan. Olivia set off the fire alarm. Again. He shouted her name and buried his head under a pillow, but the clanging and the flashing brought him fully awake. That wasn't a fire alarm. Olivia didn't live here anymore. He sat up, looking around then grabbing a pair of sweats as he hopped out of bed and hopping out of the house.

The alarms were still going off, but more importantly the robots were going insane. Three were crowded around the newest neighbor's house, the one worked out in the afternoons and Ethan made a point of watching from his couch with popcorn. He was eventually going to meet the guy. Ethan jumped when a loud bang rang out, and he realized it was from the robots at sexy man's house. He bounced twice then turned away, headed right for Ben's pod and pounding on that door. "Ben!"
Read more... )
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