
Posts Tagged: 'character:+rhett+wyatt'

May. 13th, 2018



flash reactionary: power outage

It’s been storming all day. Thunder. Lightning. The Farmer’s Market was cancelled in the morning. Some businesses closed early, others, like Carson’s, have been surprisingly busy, with people wanting to stock up as there seems to be no end to the rain in sight, particularly with the heavy winds and the thunder and lightning.

At exactly 9:00 PM, a powerline goes down, taking several others with it. The town goes dark, save for a small, small handful of places who have generators that kick in.

If you call your power company, there is a recorded message saying that they are aware of the issue and are working on it. Conditions are currently unsafe. Please don’t approach any downed power lines, along with a reminder that because of the storm, patchy service is likely even worse.

Wayne King will be driving around in his truck (and would encourage Jackson and Bishop to do the same), passing out candles and flashlights to anyone who might need it as well as helping out with anything that the people might need.

Here is the original plotting post, should you wish to use it!

May. 11th, 2018



WHO: Rhett and Elvera
WHEN: Saturday April 14, April 18th, Friday April 27, Monday, April 30th
WHERE: The Bellowes, The Auction, Seattle
SUMMARY: A series of Rhett/Elvera snippets, including the 20K date.

I-- must admit, I feel completely out of my depth, here. )




Filming will resume at THE MANSION SET in 1 HOUR in reference to script pages 16, 17, 31, 35-38. Extra lighting requested as this will be a later night than usual. My radio is set to channel 2 for contact. Thank you all for your cooperation.

Ms. Kim - I apologize for the short notice but your presence is appreciated on set today.


SOS please help me in checking through the script and filming notes to find a scene focused on Hugh and/or Rhett at an indoor location. We cannot fall behind schedule.


please be flexible today - filming location and scene are TBD due to rain and extenuating circumstances. report as usual and we will figure it out ASAP. bring your scripts as needed for on-the-fly changes. thank you for your cooperation. contact me with questions/concerns.


are you on wig duty? what happened??


SOS please be flexible, filming location and scene is TBD today. all hands on deck to move equipment and set up as necessary. Eliza - PLEASE BRING COFFEE.

May. 8th, 2018



CALL SHEET - for May 9th filming )

13th filming day IC/OOC )



It's been ages since I played the piano for an audience. It was like being in high school all over again, playing at the nursing home for community service credits. What a superb experience.

I heard two things about the Rose Room today. The first thing is that it's hideous. Ask me what the interesting and additionally very sad thing is.

As I suspected, the cops want to come around and check things out. I told them that it's cool and they can do their thing and I absolutely hope they find something in my room that helps them but it can't be THAT THING 😉. Would you mind sticking THAT THING 😉 under the seat of your car or in the glovebox or something until they're done?

You're my only friend with a car who can be trusted with this right now, Rhett.

May. 5th, 2018



WHO: Rhett, Eva, and Lochan.
WHEN: Monday, April 16th
WHERE: Lochan's psychic shop.
SUMMARY: Eva is showing Rhett around town and takes him to the psychic shop.

And this is Lochan's psychic shop, )



Delivered to Xo Valdez-Munroe )



WHO: Rhett Wyatt and Xo Valdez
WHEN: backdated to Monday, April 30th
WHERE: Coffee shop
SUMMARY: Rhett and Xo run into each other and it is super awkward.
WARNINGS: I can't think of any besides the awkwardness.

I’d hate to give you a reason to not tune into the evening news. )



TO: Rhett 🔥🔥🔥
FROM: Unknown Number 13235551128 (Jess)
[1] Hi Rhett!
[2] There's something I wanted to talk to you about but you're busy, I'm busy, I never found the opportunity. Saw your number on a contact sheet and thought this might work best. I hope you don't mind.
[3] This is Jess, by the way.



flash reactionary

This morning, there was a formal announcement and several news pieces about Rhett Wyatt's intention to donate his entire salary from Lightning Bugs to Timberline Academy and The Fall City Library once the movie is released.



flash reactionary; Caturday at Bellowes Inn

around 9:00am; third floor
A black and white tuxedo cat can be seen near the top of the stairs directly across from the Pink Room. When Lauren approaches him, he will hightail it down the stairs.

during the 10:00am hour; second floor
A black and white tuxedo cat will be seen sitting in front of the door of the Rose Room, crouched down, and staring intently at the bottom of the door. His tail will be twitching significantly, and he will not be easily startled from this position. However he will also not be caught so if anyone tries, he will dart. When/if they leave he'll return to his watch.

around 11:45am; front porch
A black and white Tuxedo Cat is sunning on the front porch of the Inn. Gene sees him and (choose your own adventure!):
  1. calls somebody
  2. tries to approach him
  3. offers him food

May. 4th, 2018



I'm so looking forward to this talent show. I can do so much more than be bitten by ants and I can't wait to prove it. 😊😊😊

Good morning. You looked so beautiful as you slept! 😜😜😜

There was no evidence of an intrusion in my room last night and nothing on either camera. We'll keep them going for now. I think what we need to do is identify the second voice. We know The Screamer is Moira but WHO IS THAT GUY? I don't know, I assume you don't know, but someone knows. How do we find that someone? By being very discriminate!

This LOCAL must be:
- Well socialized. Knows a lot of people. Knows a lot of VOICES.
- Would not be offended by inquiries into the ghostly presences of the Marches.
- Would not possibly use the goings on in the recording to make Moira (and all of us with her) look shitty.

So basically we need a local we can trust. Do you have any of those? I do not have any of those.

May. 3rd, 2018







Flash Reactionary: Bellowes Inn (May 3rd)

We are posting this for a player so that they can retain anonymity. A few things will be going on at the Bellowes Inn today when most (if not all) of the film crew is on set! Here’s a rough little timeline, please feel free to leave your characters reactions in the comments/work out any plotting related to this that you might like to do!

This plot kicks off with Eva Marple noticing in the morning that her master key is missing (although it returns to her a few hours later). When the film crew returns from shooting for the day the following things are noticed as off:

Moira finds the mat in her bathroom to be sopping wet. The shower and sink are dry.

Rhett will find a light scattering of ash on the pillow on the right side of the bed.

Brenna finds a string of paper pumpkins strung on the dresser in her room.

Savannah, Harrison, and Eliza find their bathroom smells heavily of perfume. A smart nose would recognize it as White Diamonds.

Jess has a battered tape recorder in the middle of her bed. If she plays it the cassette is mostly static. However there is a small snippet of voices that sound familiar.

“Oh! I know that fragrance [ … ] why do I …”

“It’s Cora’s perfume.”

“How would you two know what perfume she wore?”


“It’s her. Cora! How can we best tell your story? What can we do? What do you want the world to know?”
The snippet ends in a scream.

Eugene has a box of matches strew across her room. All of them are snapped in half.
Please feel free to work out character reactions here! Or if you have questions, just let us know! <3

May. 2nd, 2018



What is with this fascination with my fire ant encounter? Fun Fact: Fire ants hate literally everybody. I am just a humble nobody who sat in the wrong place at the wrong time. Wait for the ants to launch an unmotivated surprise attack on Rhett Wyatt if you want something worth writing about.

Gene, Camila
I have a friend who thinks we should go to the cops with our creepy notes. My friend said Hugh already took his to the cops. I would vote on handling this internally but the ball's already rolling. Where are we taking this from here, if anywhere? Should we all go to the cops? Should we just let Cecelia know and let it go?

I think it's clearly someone just trying to push us out. I think it's creepy but I don't think it's a big deal.

[...] Rhett Wyatt
I got your back if the ants launch an unmotivated surprised attack. Don't worry.

Apr. 29th, 2018



thank you to all the people who have been super concerned for me, it was totally sweet of you! i probably won't starve, i think ramen is like $1?? i do have a job, so i'll be fine, but if you want to buy me dinner or something i won't say no! it was totally worth it to give back to the community, because our police are the best. :)

I know you have a totally busy schedule, so please let me know when you're free for our date! I don't want to interfere with your work or anything.

so when i figure out this date thing with rhett wyatt, you have to come over ahead of time and help me look EXTRA AMAZING so that he falls all over himself for me. you're the only person whose judgment i can trust.

hey dad, can i borrow some money? pretty pretty please?



I bought the last peach cobbler at the stand today and they said they wouldn't be getting any more until at least Wednesday. If you'd like a little slice, let me know!

I brought this up yesterday, but I just wanted to remind you all that I'll be working from 5 AM to 12 PM tomorrow. Rhett My cell will be on if you need me!
Thanks again! I'm so n
Hello! Hello. Hello! :-) I just wanted to make sure that we were still on for tomorrow at three.

Apr. 28th, 2018



Fall City Charity Fun Run )

Apr. 27th, 2018



bidding results! )

Apr. 26th, 2018



At approximately 6:30pm on April 26th, 2018, Hunter Tyler managed to sleepwalk his way over to the Lynch farm. He opened the gate pen holding back their dairy cows and let them free. He stood there for a while in a daze and then laid down in the grass. :(

Anyone over by the Lynch farm is welcome to have seen him headed that way or noticed that he was out of it, whatever you want.

The cows, however, have been roaming. They are headed for downtown Fall City. Some have scattered, some have stuck together, whatever cows do--they're doing it.

This resulted in a call to the police department. Someone has to round up the cows and figure out who let them out in the first place.

Sucks to be you, Tony.

Side note: this idea is definitely the brain child of Patty and Nae; I'm just making it happen.