Mission Atlantis In Character Community

June 2024

Mission Atlantis is a game continuing the story of [info]saveatlantis with a space twist! You do not need to have been a former member of [info]saveatlantis to play here.


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Mission Atlantis In Character Community

June 2024

Mission Atlantis is a game continuing the story of [info]saveatlantis with a space twist! You do not need to have been a former member of [info]saveatlantis to play here.


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Posts Tagged: 'plot:+npc'

Feb. 29th, 2024



Cassian & Maarva - backdated like whoa

"He took a breath and told her about where he’d been, how he’d ended up in a prison, how he’d become involved in the rebellion and how his life should have ended on Scarif, had the coin that had brought him to Atlantis not saved him."
Cassian and Maarva Andor
UA Poseidon Medical
Mention of death, rebellion, etc.
NPCs - Maarva is here

Read more... )

Feb. 2nd, 2024



NPC Plot

"You can feel his ego from a few starships away" Jacen & Jaina Solo
Jacen's Place
NPC's arrived

here )

Jan. 12th, 2024



[backdated] log: emmeline & benjy

Emmeline V.
Benjy F.
WHEN December, AU Plot • WHERE Park • WHAT Benjy arrives and Emmeline goes to meet him.

WARNINGS Grief, hints of character death.
"Hey." Read more... )

Jan. 7th, 2024



[No Subject]

WHO: Maverick and Rooster
WHAT: Surprise nephew visit
WHERE: The Elle
WHEN: Shortly after Bradley’s arrival during the NPC plot.

“But you’re 3?” )

Jan. 6th, 2024



Backdated log: Selena & Bruce & Mistletoe

WHO: Bruce Wayne and Selena Kyle
WHEN: Backdated to end of last year
WHERE: Outside the spa
SUMMARY: Selena gets stuck by some mistletoe

Bruce? I need your help. )

Jan. 2nd, 2024



[No Subject]

jaina solo & mention of kyp durron
02 january - Callie's
glimpse of what could have been

WARNINGS Pain NPC Plot Ending
read Read more... )

Dec. 31st, 2023



Log: Kyp and Jaina

December 18
Kyp Durron & Jaina Solo
Holodeck • Lunchtime
PG • Complete
You say it's your birthday )



[No Subject]

For reference, when is a concussion like, really serious?

hawkins filter.
What's the story on like, what you guys want to do? I mean, about staying. I totally get if you want to go back? This shit is crazy too and it's not really like home, but I'm staying.

I guess, what I mean is, I just don't want to be surprised again, you know?

Dec. 28th, 2023



NPC: Siobhan Lahey

Filter: Starfleet
I can't thank you all enough for allowing me to ask you personal questions over the course of this month. If I remember this, I'll make sure that Starfleet's archives are updated to correct any discrepancies I find.

I'd like to host one last dinner before I leave tomorrow and no, Captain Pike, you are not allowed to assist with dinner. This is my gift to all of you.

[OOC: Holidays ate me but please assume that if you spent any amount of time talking with Siobhan that she kind of quizzed you on your life because she wants to make sure that the history books got it all accurate]

Filter: Liam (Visible to Seven)
Getting to spend one last Christmas with my big brother has been such a gift but I think we both know that it's time I go home

Dec. 23rd, 2023



[backdated] 21st December

[ooc: please assume this has already been reported to command and that Katie has keep Phil, Rose & Cassian in the loop, in particular! Probably the heads of magic, science, etc too!]

Hello! For those who don't know me, my name is Katie Bell and I head up the Logistics Division here on the ship!

I am really happy to report that the problem with our intake technology appears to have been resolved. For those of you who don't want to stay aboard the ship, we should be able to send you home. Of course, anyone who wants to stay, is welcome to. There are plenty of jobs to go around and we'd love to have you. If you do want to request a trip back to your home, let me or one of the fine Intake and Arrivals officers know!

Filter: Phil Coulson
Maybe we can start planning that well deserved department fun night now!

Arrivals/Intake + Everyone on the Taskforce to fix this
I want you all to know that I am so proud of everything we've accomplished together this month and I really appreciate the extra hours and hard work all of you have put in! Thank you, sincerely, for all of your efforts! Now take tomorrow and Monday off and have a brilliant holiday!



open net: clarke griffin

It's been a few weeks, but now that we've had time to tell those closest to us, I wanted to officially announce that Oliver has asked me to marry him and I said yes. We haven't set a date yet or really got into the planning stages, but that will be coming soon.

[ooc: close friends and family to either Clarke or Oliver, please assume one or both of them told you about this in person shortly after Alicia woke up from her first (lol) coma!]

Dec. 22nd, 2023



[No Subject]

"Do keep up Kermit"
Will Zimmerman
- Early December
- Park | - None

Read more... )



Net Post: Eloise Bridgerton

Going to be alone for Christmas? Have guests that need entertaining? The Gerard would like to invite you to join our festivities. We will be having a set menu of spiced roast chicken, honey-glazed ham and roasted vegetables, accompanied by eggnog, butterbeer and mulled wine with your choice of pudding for dessert.

[Filtered to Anthony Bridgerton]

I will be working Christmas Eve/Christmas Day but you're welcome to join me, we could use another pair of hands on staff. That is, if you aren't afraid of getting yours dirty.

Dec. 21st, 2023



Everett Ross (NPC)

This ship never ceases to amaze me. I heard there was a holiday market on Deck 7 so I went down there today. There was some pretty amazing stuff, I did a bit of shopping, it was fun.

[Abby Griffin]

How are you doing? I know things were kind of crazy over the weekend so I wanted to check on you. If you're not busy tomorrow night, would you like to have dinner with me?



Xavier House-Mills (NPC)

Hello? I could use some help. I'm in a park but it's not the one I was standing in five minutes ago. Which makes no sense.

My name is Xavier. Xavier House-Mills. I'm very confused.



[npc] death.

Can anyone assist me in convincing my darling brother that the purpose of an advent calendar is to open it?



npc plot — anthony goldstein.

filter: ravenclaws only.

Why do I have this horrible feeling I'm very late?

Dec. 20th, 2023



Netpost | Julia Wicker

Under different circumstances, I might be more impressed by the setup here.

Not that it certainly isn't impressive. I'm just not in the headspace to be in awe of suddenly finding myself in space.

I guess if I'm going to be here awhile, I might as well introduce myself. My name is Julia Wicker. I'm twenty-seven years old, and from New York. I've been told that I'm going to be working as a magic researcher, so at least I'll be able to make myself useful while I'm here.

Dec. 19th, 2023



Pepper Potts Stark (NPC)

Excuse me? Could someone please help me? I was walking out to my roof garden and now I'm on what looks like a spaceship. Am I losing my mind? Don't answer that.



[No Subject]

I guess it's been long enough I ought to poke my head out of the proverbial sand, because showing up and also going what is even going on, sounds right on brand.

Shame 'Bela isn't here, she'd get a kick out of, well, everything.

So hello. My name is Hawke. If you've heard of me from that blasted book, please please just let me correct you. Varric greatly over-exaggerates. If you've not, great! I'm here to help look after any animals that may need it. Happy to walk dogs, watch cats, anything else really. Honestly, they won me over when they said I could do that.