Mission Atlantis In Character Community

June 2024

Mission Atlantis is a game continuing the story of [info]saveatlantis with a space twist! You do not need to have been a former member of [info]saveatlantis to play here.


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Mission Atlantis In Character Community

June 2024

Mission Atlantis is a game continuing the story of [info]saveatlantis with a space twist! You do not need to have been a former member of [info]saveatlantis to play here.


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Posts Tagged: '%7Eex-char:+rey+skywalker'

Mar. 11th, 2024



Net Post: Ezra Bridger

If you haven't been by Gerard's today, they're having a special on waffles and I have to say they're pretty tasty.

[Julia Wicker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Emeline Vance]

Hi, I'm Ezra and looks like we're going to be housemates. I'm easy to get along with, I promise not to leave my dirty clothes lying around or have loud parties. Or any parties for that matter. Anyway, hello.


So Hey. How's it going?

Mar. 5th, 2024



[No Subject]


Mar. 4th, 2024



Netpost | Rey Skywalker

I feel like I just woke up from a very strange weird dream.

[Filtered To Force Users]

I feel like I never got a change to introduce myself before. I'm Rey Skywalker. I can sense that there are several of us of here. I haven't met very many Jedi back at home, so I would love to get to know any of you here.

[Filtered To Jacen Solo and Bucky Barnes]

I know it wasn't real, but it was nice, being your sister. I grew up without a family, so having one, even if it was only temporary, was nice.

Mar. 2nd, 2024



Net Post :Jyn Erso

Well, at least the headache is gone and the weird dreams make sense now. Regardless, that was quite the trip.


On a scale of 1-10, how awkward is this going to be? I've overheard that for some people this has happened before, did it happen to you and Mara? I ask because I really don't want her coming for me with her lightsaber.


Two alternate lives in just a few months. Who would have ever thought it? At least we ended up together in the first one. Let's stick with that ending. Gwennie misses you, so do I now that I know what I'm missing.

Feb. 21st, 2024



Weststar AU Netpost | Louise Barnes (Rey Skywalker)

I tried one of the mediation retreats on Blissoria today.

I was so relaxed, I fell asleep. I woke up and one of the instructors had placed a blanket over me, and had instructed the rest of the class to leave me to sleep.

While I was a little embarrassed that I fell asleep, it was nice of them to let me sleep for a bit.

I do feel very refreshed, though, now.

Would anyone like to join me for a run? I have an excess of energy now.

Feb. 20th, 2024



ashley brenner (katie bell) - feb. 20th

I'm been feeling really restless today. Does anyone feel like a quick game of... I don't even know. I just need to blow off some steam.

Feb. 17th, 2024



Open Net - Jacen Barnes (Solo)

Does anyone else ever have the feeling that they don't belong



I guess that 2am pizza was a bad idea.

Feb. 15th, 2024



open net - max waddington

The piano bar set for tonight sounds very good. If anyone else is planning to check it out, I wouldn’t say no to some company.

Feb. 11th, 2024



wanda maximoff | network

[...] No

Edenia might just be my favorite stop we've had so far, and it'll hard to top. If you haven't taken time to explore and hike up to some of the beautiful waterfalls, be sure to before the ship moves on soon. You're missing out.

[ Jonas (Oliver Queen) ]
What do you say to one last hike.. or two before the ship leaves on Wednesday. We still have a couple we haven't made it out to yet.

[ Pietro ]


Are you I hope you've been visited the planet while we've been docked.

Feb. 8th, 2024



Network Post: Edward Grey (Edward Teach/Blackbeard)

This might be a weird thing to confess but I think talking to animals is just as cool as talking to other people so whatever. I keep finding myself talking to this lil bird and I keep getting the feeling they're talking back.

Jan. 30th, 2024



weststar au net: edith wyndham-beckford, architect

If I hadn't been doing this on a cruise I wouldn't be doing it at all, so I guess this part was a good idea

Crowdsourcing my biggest wedding planning challenge to date: tell me your favorite mocktails with interesting names. Whether or not you include the recipe.

Or, to make it a game, name a mocktail that doesn't exist and others can make up the recipe. Those others probably wouldn't be me, though, but that doesn't mean I will not be utterly pleased at seeing the results. They may or may not then be featured at my wedding.

Jan. 28th, 2024



Weststar AU: Stede as Steve

This place is incredible! I found a spa that also had a boutique attached and said to make me look like an international spy but make it a bit extra. They hit the mark!

Has anyone else had any interesting makeovers or discoveries while on this marvelous planet?



Netpost | Alucard Maresh (Alucard Emery)

It's almost time to travel to the next destination. That being said, hello, I am Alucard and I'm the stage manager on board the Weststar. I'd like to point you to the list of quality entertainment we have for you [here]. Our stage show, Jesus Christ Superstar is very good if I do say so myself. There are many other options on board as well, or try to see them all!

Jan. 18th, 2024



Weststar AU| Maryana Michaels (Hawke)

Now that we're more settled, allow me to re-iterate the welcome and remind people of our services. So if you'd like to pamper your pets, us here at the Pet Salon are happy to be of service. My staff and I are highly skilled and trained with all sorts of animals, and we'll make sure your furry children come out feeling and looking their absolute best.

With the upcoming tour of Elysium, we'd also like to remind you we do boarding, and we'll make sure the animals don't miss out on any fun. And if they're coming with you, we'll be happy to ensure they look their best. So do visit us!

[Pet Spa Crew]
Let me know when you guys want to visit the new location, I'll make sure I schedule clients around it. If anyone fusses about Dane, just call me.

Family time is a good time, so let's meet up on the new location? Either dinner or an excursion, you pick. We should catch up.

(*Morag, Morgan, Niklaus, Emmeline (if I missed anyone let me know))

Jan. 17th, 2024



— james hook (killian jones) | weststar au

Anyone fancy a tour? Take it from a humble bellhop: I've sailed on plenty of ships, and none compare to the finery and vastness of the Weststar Cruise Line. Emphasis on vast. She's easy to get lost in, but all you have to do is find your sea legs — and as luck would have it, helping utterly charming guests such as yourselves navigate their way through this magnificent ship is one of my many jobs.

Let's all meet, say, on the deck at high noon. Tell me what you're looking forward to and I'll steer us that way.

weststar crew.
Care for a wager, lovelies? First one to collect the least amount of tips by tonight buys drinks for the lot of us. And I'd get cracking if I were you. I've already filled three pockets.