Mission Atlantis In Character Community

June 2024

Mission Atlantis is a game continuing the story of [info]saveatlantis with a space twist! You do not need to have been a former member of [info]saveatlantis to play here.


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Mission Atlantis In Character Community

June 2024

Mission Atlantis is a game continuing the story of [info]saveatlantis with a space twist! You do not need to have been a former member of [info]saveatlantis to play here.


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Posts Tagged: 'c:+leonard+mccoy'

May. 26th, 2024



26 May | La'an Noonien-Singh

I didn't know Wanda well and I only knew Bucky a little. He seemed a decent one and a good sparing partner. I'm sorry to those who are struggling with these departures.

Filtered to Starfleet
I had a [...] interesting dream last night. I'm probably making a big deal out of nothing but [...] it was Khan. I dreamed about him.

May. 5th, 2024



[No Subject]

5 May 24
Evening • Partum Park
A date - TBD
In Progress
*** )

May. 2nd, 2024



flower delievery

Flower Delievery for Katie B. )

Flower Delievery for Thor O. )

Flower Delivery for Leonard M. )

🌻 - Wild Flowers start popping up all over the ship in the hallways. So much so that ONE CHARACTER EACH has the urge to pick some and send a bouquet to someone (romantic or not!)

Apr. 23rd, 2024



Netpost: Seven of Nine

Filter: Starfleet, Roommates + Friends
[ooc: ask if you need to but feel free to assume cause it's likely you are]
Dinner this evening? I'll cook.

I know that Chris often hosts these, but with him away from the ship, I've taken it upon myself to offer.

Perhaps a dish with mushrooms?

Filter: Sylvia Tilly
Name your price

Apr. 20th, 2024



netpost: tilly (apr 20)

[ooc: ☘️ - Seven of Nine, Leonard McCoy & CHARACTER 39 all wake up high, yes, from cannabis. The three of you get together and experience your high together!]

Pretty sure there was something in the water or the brownies today. Because I'm pretty sure that's the only explanation for what I saw.

Captain Seven? Doctor McCoy? Are you two feeling... better/more yourselves yet?

How's the mission going mom Captain? Do you have all those lawmen eating out of your hand

[Ben Reilly]
What do you say to dinner tonight? One of our brownstones? Or a picnic in the park?

Apr. 6th, 2024



[No Subject]

Do you think this means anything specific, anything more than I have great legs? I know I have some Polish ancestry, but nothing beyond that. Celtic ancestry would be cool too.

Photo )

Apr. 5th, 2024



netpost: chris pike

PSA: Yes, the lifts on the ships are down. No, we don't know when they'll be fixed. We're working on it.

[Senior Crew / Department Leads]
Obviously, fixing the lifts is a priority. Engineering, let us know what you need from the rest of us in terms of assistance

If my dates are correct, today is the anniversary of what my world celebrates as First contact day - when Vulcans first made their presence known to humans on earth in 2063. Of course, humans had several theories about aliens for a long time before that, but it's always been a bit of a celebration in Starfleet.

Drinks on me tonight and I've made some of my favorite intergalatic desserts. Everyone's welcome.

Alright, Poseidon, I'm curious: What's your favorite holiday? Either from home or something you've read about or discovered.

Mar. 14th, 2024



14 March | Darcy Lewis

Happy Pi-Day! Now, I am on the hunt for some good Strawberry Rhubarb and ice cream.

Filtered to Thor
I'm sorry Loki's gone.

Filtered to Bones
Hey, Doc. You know, the last time this happened to me, I was in the circus as an escape artist, so this time went infinitely better.

Mar. 9th, 2024



netpost: chris pike

[Montgomery 25 - Kara, Marty, Nikolai]
So I love to cook and tend to do it enough. Let me know if there's any favorite foods you have? Or things you don't like. Happy to accommodate.

Also, how do folks feeling about me hosting dinner parties? And starting an herb garden on the deck?

So, we've had some changes in our crew here. How do folks feel about dinner? Happy to cook. (Although help is always welcome.) Figure it might be good to have a space for us to get to know one another, especially after everything.

[Jaina, Brad, Derek, Ginny]
Dinner tomorrow? I'll cook.

[Rose Ward]
You still overworking yourself? I've got a wine cellar that could use some sampling.



Jan. 21st, 2024



Log: Bones & Pike - backdated to when Chapel went home

Backdated to when Chapel went home
Medical & then McCoy's quarters

Leonard McCoy & CHRIS PIKE
"Mint juleps are for watching the ponies. Too sweet for right now."
Pike gets dragged to medical after falling off a barstool; McCoy ends up sharing his bourbon
Read more... )



netpost; ethan drake (bones mccoy)

Ice sculpting demonstration sounds like it could be fun.

Dangerous too if there's chainsaw throwing involved. They going to make a liquor luge?

Dec. 31st, 2023



Net Post: Brad Boimler

Oh my god, okay it's happening again. I uh...no remain calm Brad, calm is good.

So uh, hi. Lieutenant Junior Grade Brad Boimler here and I seem to be lost in time again? Weird that it's happened more than once. I swear I wasn't doing anything that caused this to happen.

[Filter to Chris Pike]

I AM SO SORRY, I didn't mean for this to happen and uh...maybe I should just shut up? Right, shutting up.

Dec. 29th, 2023



[No Subject]

It has come to my attention that my ability to make decisions has been compromised. Therefore, I have a query for those who have served on this ship for an extended period of time: where do you turn when your own internal logic fails you? I am aware this issue is likely to resolve itself in time. That is unacceptable. I have a responsibility to my work and my colleagues in this moment.

OCE — Can't make up their mind today. In fact it is so bad they can't even figure out who to ask to help them!

Dec. 28th, 2023



NPC: Siobhan Lahey

Filter: Starfleet
I can't thank you all enough for allowing me to ask you personal questions over the course of this month. If I remember this, I'll make sure that Starfleet's archives are updated to correct any discrepancies I find.

I'd like to host one last dinner before I leave tomorrow and no, Captain Pike, you are not allowed to assist with dinner. This is my gift to all of you.

[OOC: Holidays ate me but please assume that if you spent any amount of time talking with Siobhan that she kind of quizzed you on your life because she wants to make sure that the history books got it all accurate]

Filter: Liam (Visible to Seven)
Getting to spend one last Christmas with my big brother has been such a gift but I think we both know that it's time I go home

Dec. 2nd, 2023



[No Subject]


Family/Starfleet dinner tonight, 1800, my quarters. Plus ones allowed. Liam, bring Siobhan.

I'm taking requests for what we're eating and volunteers for dish duty.

Doing a dinner for Starfleet & company tonight in our quarters. You're definitely invited if you'd like to stay, but I won't be too offended if you want something saner for your Saturday night.



Network: Jim Kirk (NPC)

Now that La'an has brought me up to speed and I've taken a tour of this fine ship, I thought I might introduce myself.

Name's Kirk. Jim Kirk. I'm used to being in space, but this ship is something else entirely.

Nov. 23rd, 2023



Net Post: Liam Shaw

I am so glad to be back on the ship, time travel takes a lot out of you. What weird shit did I miss while I was gone?

Filter to Chris Pike [failed filter]

Still in one piece, Captain?

Nov. 20th, 2023



[No Subject]

Sent right after this
A friend of mine just arrived who is the best Nurse I know. Care to join us for dinner?

Nov. 18th, 2023



Net Post: Christine Chapel

Hi, I'm Christine and this place is amazing. The whole housing setup is worth being kidnapped from the Enterprise. I'm glad that I have a week to settle in before I have to start work because there is a lot I want to see.

I was told there were some other people from Starfleet here?



18 November | Ashleigh Howard

It's so weird not to think about college now that I'm here! I have no idea what's going on at ZBZ and it's driving me INSANE! I need a new project! Outside of Morale, of course, and I do love to toot our own horn, but we are DOING FANTASTIC!

There is a lot that happens on the ship, so I was thinking about starting a scrapbook of everything here on the ship! Just think! If my best friend/sister/platonic soulmate, Casey ever shows up, I need a fun and organized way to show her everything that's been going on.

Would anyone like to join me?

Filtered to Bones
Hey, roomie! I was thinking about picking something up from the Gerard restaurant and bringing it back to the boat house. Do you want me to bring you anything? You've eaten, right? Please tell me you're not one of those "workaholic-I barely make time for myself" types.