Mission Atlantis In Character Community

June 2024

Mission Atlantis is a game continuing the story of [info]saveatlantis with a space twist! You do not need to have been a former member of [info]saveatlantis to play here.


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Mission Atlantis In Character Community

June 2024

Mission Atlantis is a game continuing the story of [info]saveatlantis with a space twist! You do not need to have been a former member of [info]saveatlantis to play here.


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Posts Tagged: 'player:+mercy'

Jun. 9th, 2024



[No Subject]

I realized two things yesterday. 1) Harry and I got married and didn't do anything to celebrate. 2) we're on a planet full of beaches, and there's a rumor there are some wild horses that roam on one of them which is a thing I must see.

So, friends and family, we're disappearing for two weeks for an almost six months late honeymoon. I'll bring you back some souvenirs. And check in periodically. Maybe. You know how it is.

(ooc: Sarah is on vacation, I am drowning in work stuff. We felt the need to explain away their absence, but they shall return. :))



Netpost; Jason Todd

Is anyone missing some cards from their tarot decks? I found Death, Knight of Swords, and Justice. No idea what they mean but they look cool.

Beach party was fun. Now to check out what else this place has to offer.

Jun. 8th, 2024



Network: Torunn

Who wants to go hiking?

[FILTER: Theo]

Thanks for looking out for me at the party.

Jun. 6th, 2024



Network: Lizzie McGuire

Oh my God! I met Oscar the Grouch! He yelled at me for being too close to his garbage can and it was wonderful!

Jun. 5th, 2024



6 June | Pietro Maximoff

Normally I wouldn't mind being showered with gifts and praises for my birthday, but without Wanda, it's not the same. So I think I'd just rather skip it this year.

But hey, shore leave sounds fun.

Scratch that first bit, Alicia talked me into doing a dinner on the 19th.

Jun. 4th, 2024



Anonymous Typed Letter to Sylvia Tilly

Anonymous Typed Letter to Sylvia Tilly )

Jun. 3rd, 2024



June 3 Network | Jacen Solo

I'm already learning a lot just shadowing Nurse Chapel in medical so far. We don't have nurses, exactly, in my galaxy, so much as medics and medical droids, but I can definitely see what a valuable and important job it is. It's nice to have the chance to learn new skills and spend time in other areas of the ship, especially when I've been considering a job change already.



Network: Mike Corner

Olives are tasty, but why is this bloody ship throwing them at me?

{The vents on the ship start throwing olives at ONE CHARACTER EACH }

Jun. 2nd, 2024



Network Post :: Terry Boot

Although I don't use a lot of digital things at home, this place has been very good at learning on the fly. Which I believe will be useful in spending this week in data analysis. And I think it works well with research, even if it's specifically magical research. Both sound like they'd go hand in hand.

I'm also excited about seeing another new (to me) planet. I'm curious to see how this one compares with the others. Unless the ones on that bonkers not-cruise were fake But I'm not sure if it's good or bad that we won't be on the planet for my birth But I might have to say no to the off the grid hiking. The forest trail halls on the ship today might be tipping me over my yearly quota for suspicious nature.

Jun. 1st, 2024



Network: Lily Potter

I think I've got my bearings about this place. Never a dull day, is there?

[FILTER: Harry Potter]

How are you, sweetheart?

[FILTER: Teddy Lupin]

Still settling alright?

[FILTER: Remus Lupin & Sirius Black]

I want to know what happened after I died. The little I've heard sounds terrible and I don't want to ask Harry to relive that.

May. 31st, 2024



[No Subject]

Filter: Team 2 (Nate Heywood, Dick Grayson, Jaina Solo, Mara Jade Andor & Peter Parker)]
Oi, the ship has made it difficult to get any practices in, but it's time. We recently lost our co-captain, and Katie left it up to me to decide which of you can fill those shoes. And with the loss of our co-captain, we have an open chaser position to fill. We also need a team name. Team 2 is just unacceptable and boring.

I'd like to meet soon so we can clear the three of these up and move on to the fun. Suggestions on when and where are welcome.

Filter: Teddy Lupin
I know that it might be too much, but I have an open chaser position on my Quidditch team. Any interest in joining?

May. 30th, 2024



[No Subject]

Now accepting nominations for a birthday celebration that isn't a copy of Tony Stark's.

... nothing against him, mind, but.

No duplicates.

May. 29th, 2024



29 May | Emmeline Vance

What's weird about coming from 1987 is catching up on all the music that I've missed. So many good albums have come out, new bands, and a lot of heartbreaking losses. We aren't talking about those, that was a hard day for me.

Anyway, I learned Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes.

Filtered to Tommy McConnel
How many rounds do I need to bribe you with for you to be my co-captain?

May. 28th, 2024



Network: Tony Stark

[FILTER: Avengers, Friends, & Family]

My birthday is tomorrow. I'd love to have dinner at The Gerard with all of you.

May. 24th, 2024



Network Post :: Peter Parker

So space is cool, and traveling to different places is pretty awesome. Being here is a really fun adventure! But sometimes I miss home, you know? Bodegas, bodega cats, the subway, the pizza, the bagels, Delmar’s, the renovated Statue of Liberty, (although maybe not exactly the street entertainment, the people. Sometimes the ridiculous stuff like giving a tourist directions or overhearing phone conversations from those people who always use speaker phone. Don’t miss being a crim Hanging out with friends even if Ned and MJ were here, but MJ didn’t know me, and Ned and watching movies or getting coffee or building with Lego (which, fun fact, the plural of Lego is Lego!). May always Ned and I

That’s what I’m doing today. Building with Lego. No one else is in this house right now, so it seems like a good time to spend the day building the ultimate Lego fort. A good thing about this place is these replicators make it a lot easier to get a whole bunch of Lego! Including technic and power functions. Not sure what I’m going to do with them just yet, but I’m excited to see what happens!

May. 20th, 2024



Netpost; Derek Hale

Most likely to end up on Broadway? At least the picture is decent.

Did anyone else spot themselves on the wall today?

May. 19th, 2024



19 May | Darcy Lewis

What is it with this week and the last? First I get notes tapped to my door with all my so-called "tropes" and funny sidekick? Really? Way to pop that ego balloon. I did appreciate the charming & sarcastic one, I can't argue with that.

But now what's up with the newspapers? Anyone else find it weird they're coming up with something from my life that I don't remember? Or vaguely do. Now that they point it out, my first time putting on skates does seem familiar. I was seven and hey, Brink! was a hit movie that convinced me I could be a pro-skater.

Filtered to Katie Bell
Sooo you might be seeing Hot Doctor around here more often.

May. 16th, 2024



Netpost; Ray Palmer

I didn’t expect a free mimosa with my late breakfast today, but apparently the ship’s restaurants are having a mimosa day.

I’m going to appoint Darcy Lewis as my second in science if that is okay by you and the command team?

May. 14th, 2024



14 May | Su Li

This ship is so science fiction, but like deus ex machina where everything we need is right here. Is there an Infinite Improbability Drive button? Am I going to turn into a bowl of petunias?

Are we allowed to decorate our bedrooms?

Filtered to Morag MacDougal, Terry Boot & Michael Corner
Mac? Michael? Terry told me the two of you were here. I'm living with him, Leanne, and Astoria.

May. 13th, 2024



Netpost; Starbuck

Quite the ship you have, much bigger than I'm used to, but with less armaments. I guess that comes from not having a war raging for a thousand yahrens.

Name's Starbuck, I'll be one of your pilots. I have nothing to do with the Earth coffee houses, before you ask. Never even had a coffee... hot bean juice sounds awful.

Are there usually so many daggits— dogs running around?