Mission Atlantis In Character Community

June 2024

Mission Atlantis is a game continuing the story of [info]saveatlantis with a space twist! You do not need to have been a former member of [info]saveatlantis to play here.


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Mission Atlantis In Character Community

June 2024

Mission Atlantis is a game continuing the story of [info]saveatlantis with a space twist! You do not need to have been a former member of [info]saveatlantis to play here.


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Posts Tagged: 'c:+mara+jade'

Apr. 20th, 2024



net: Reyna

[Nico & Nico & Bianca]
Consider this me checking in on all of you. Everything okay? Nothing too crazy on the ship?

[Mara & Tony]
Hopefully the kids aren't being too much trouble at playdates. Let me know if they are.

Mar. 28th, 2024



Netpost | Natatasha Romanoff

Space, huh?

I'll take it over being dead.

Mar. 26th, 2024



Netpost; Courtney Whitmore

Hi, Poseidon people!

I'm Courtney and I've been here since Saturday but I had to take a couple of days to adjust to the whole being in space thing. Thank you to Mara and Cassian for putting up with all my questions and letting me hang out with their family for the past few days.

I look forward to meeting everyone here, going to lessons at space school and learning the ropes in Morale.

Mar. 21st, 2024



netpost: reyna

Hopefully everyone's adjusted back now post-Weststar. I know we've had a lot of shake ups in terms of people and positions. This is just your general reminder that we offer training classes at the armory & weapons operations on all types of weapons from knives, swords, and spears to much more elaborate things. (Though some weapons have prerequisites).

It never hurts to know how to use a weapon, even if you never want to have to do it.

Playdate for the kids soon?

Welcome to the parents club. Any chance your kid would be interested in a playdate? My Helena is four (and a half) and Leo is two and change.

[Nicos & Bianca]
Family dinner this weekend as an early birthday thing. We can cook or order from one of the restaurants. I'm good either way.

Mar. 4th, 2024



Net Post: Mara Jade

I know everyone is in shock right now but having been through this before, I'd be happy to listen if you need to talk about it. You'll make it through this, I promise.


You are not allowed to be dead. Even if it wasn't you, it still feels like it was. I know we can't predict the future but losing you isn't something I want to go through for a very long time. Or ever but I know that's impossible. I don't feel like I say it enough but I love you.

[Obi-Wan and Meetra]

I never knew my family but now I have a new one. I'm adopting you both and you also get a cute kid in the bargain.

[Jaina and Jacen]

How are you both doing?



Netpost | Rey Skywalker

I feel like I just woke up from a very strange weird dream.

[Filtered To Force Users]

I feel like I never got a change to introduce myself before. I'm Rey Skywalker. I can sense that there are several of us of here. I haven't met very many Jedi back at home, so I would love to get to know any of you here.

[Filtered To Jacen Solo and Bucky Barnes]

I know it wasn't real, but it was nice, being your sister. I grew up without a family, so having one, even if it was only temporary, was nice.

Feb. 29th, 2024



weststar net post

Have you lost anything recently? Consider that a too clever for his own good, bored large orange cat with lock picking skills might have made off with it sometime in the last two weeks and I've just found his latest cache!

Things My Cat Literally Dragged In
  • What appears to be four small chunks of solidified lava
  • Five rolls of washi tape
  • Floor tiles
  • A single rook from a chess set that has also been lightly chewed on by a small to medium sized dog (probably, it doesn't look like it was a human or a cat)
  • Someone's tiny pet tarantula, still in its travel habitat
  • A bottle of hot sauce
  • Silver mens' house slippers, size 44
  • Resin and porcelain 8" figurine of the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz
  • Toilet paper rolls
  • Sixteen individual Lego bricks
  • Strawberry lemonade lip balm, unopened
  • Foam darts
  • Pastel hair ties
  • What appears to be very fancy hot chocolate mix
  • A little notebook labeled "Passwords" (which I hope does not contain passwords)

Any of the above belong to you? Please claim it. If you're not sure, please ask clarifying questions. If your cat is one of the other cats in Crookshanks' theft ring, I'm sorry.

Jan. 30th, 2024



Morning of 1/29

Filtered to Jennie Hawkins (Jyn Erso)
I’ve a reservation for a nice dinner since it’s our last day on Elysium. Hopefully you don’t mind the surprise too much.

Rojas Family
Tonight’s the night. I know this is a long time coming, but I’ve booked a nice dinner reservation and I’ve got the ring, so it’s happening. Why am I so nervous?

Jan. 23rd, 2024



AU Net Bridget Rojas (Mara Jade)

For anyone who is planning on going down to the planet tomorrow and would like to leave their kiddos at the Daycare Center, we'll be open until 9PM to give you time to enjoy yourselves. If there is enough interest, I'm thinking of stayin open 24 hours for those of you who might want to stay on Elysium overnight. If there is enough interest, I'll work on arrangements but there will be limited spots available so let me know as soon as you can.

Jan. 8th, 2024



Met Post: Mara Jade

I was on my way to get some lunch today and found a booth set up where people were teaching knitting. I always though knitting looked like fun so I watched for a bit. I even started working on something but I'm not entirely sure what it's going to be. It's supposed to be a hat but right now? It's just a strangely shaped ball of yarn.

Jan. 7th, 2024



netpost -> Obi-Wan Kenobi

The trivia is a bit much today. At least our quarters don't have that many doorways. Glad I didn't have to work today.

Want to meet in the park later today? We should talk about the mask and then we can meditate. At least there are no doorways there.

How are you settling in? I found it started to feel more real after a couple weeks.

I am sorry I haven't been able to see you properly. How are you? I haven't actually met you (yet) but I know much about you.

Mara Jade
I hope Jeron is not affected by the trivia doors.

Force users
I have sensed we have some new Force users. Hello to you. With our current numbers, would anyone be interested in joining in group meditation by the lake in the future?

Jan. 2nd, 2024



net post: jacen solo

Jedi, Family, Friends
It feels as though we've lost some of our number.

Check in, let me know you're still here, if you would.

Where are you?

Dec. 28th, 2023



Net Post: Mara Jade

That was the strangest thing. I saw someone this afternoon when I was on Level Four and I had a weird feeling. It's been a while since I've had a feeling like that but then it was gone and I can't remember who or what I saw.

Maybe I'm just overtired from the holidays.

Dec. 15th, 2023



[No Subject]

Commanders, Department Heads, Friends of Rose Ward
Rose Ward is one of the people affected by what is happening to some others. Any questions or concerns you would normally present to her should be brought to me until she recovers.

Science and magic leads, I would like you to collaborate with medical on solutions. This includes creative labs, too. I’d like to see a team of one or two from each team research this. Report any findings directly to me and Abby Griffin.

Dec. 14th, 2023



[No Subject]

[voice post from Reyna's four year old daughter Helena]

Mama's fallen and we can't wake her up. Uncle Nico? Uncle/Cousin Nico? Auntie Mara? Uncle Cassian? Anyone?

Dec. 10th, 2023



[No Subject]

Keep an eye on your people. Looks like with all the new faces, some of ours still got sent home.

filtered messages to sam winchester, loki, & kid loki (+ the alligator?)  )

Dec. 8th, 2023



open net: anthony bridgertion

This method of transportation leads quite a bit to be desired. If this is the future, I'm not entirely sure I like it much. Everything is very different from what I am used to.

Still, I am in possession of my own manners. My name is Anthony Bridgerton.

Dec. 9th, 2023



Voicepost; Dustin Henderson (NPC)

This is a CODE RED! I repeat! A CODE RED!

Damn, mistletoe. [muffled sounds of struggling]

... This is Gold Leader requesting backup!

Dec. 6th, 2023



Net Post: Mara Jade

Definition of a good husband. One who takes your toddler to the partk so you can spend an hour soaking in the rub with one of the bath bombs you got in your admvent calendar today. Guess which scent I picked first?

Dec. 4th, 2023



[No Subject]

I don't mean to interrupt all the reunions, but if you were tripped by an overeager astromech droid recently, I apologize. Artoo can be very enthusiastic, and there's really no stopping him when he wants to explore a new place. Half the time, I lose track of him, which is how we get so many head-on collisions.

For now, I'd suggest keeping an eye on any speeding droids. I promise he's harmless mostly.

leia organa solo.
How late am I? Are the others with -