Mission Atlantis In Character Community

June 2024

Mission Atlantis is a game continuing the story of [info]saveatlantis with a space twist! You do not need to have been a former member of [info]saveatlantis to play here.


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Mission Atlantis In Character Community

June 2024

Mission Atlantis is a game continuing the story of [info]saveatlantis with a space twist! You do not need to have been a former member of [info]saveatlantis to play here.


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Posts Tagged: 'player:+allie'

Mar. 28th, 2024



Netpost | Natatasha Romanoff

Space, huh?

I'll take it over being dead.

Mar. 27th, 2024



netpost: chris pike [ & ic/ooc? ]

Alright, even as someone who usually runs off to be by myself for today, I have to admit, it wasn't the worst thing to get dragged out for drinks, dancing, and karaoke. Although I feel like I should have cooked...

[ooc: Handwaving that folks dragged Pike out to the bar to celebrate his birthday. I think all of the Starfleet peeps would know it's Pike's birthday since according to SNW/LowerDecks crossover, it's a cough*holiday*cough in the future. So says Boimler. And Boimler knows all. Pike's crew would probably know he's not big on celebrating for reasons, so he wouldn't throw a party, but if folks dragged him to a bar to celebrate, he wouldn't put up a fuss.

Feel free to have your char - starfleet or otherwise - know / be involved in shenanigans. ]



[No Subject]

Without getting into details -- this week and next week are difficult for me, and I'm in need of a distraction.

I know Easter is like one of those holidays that you only care about it your religious -- I'm not, for the record -- but in the UK it's also just a massive thing where you are meant to spend time with your family. Sadly, my only family that's still here, aside from Harry, are those that I've chosen to become so, which I think is the case for a lot of us.

So here's my proposition: everyone who wants to participate, let's get together in the park on Sunday and have a huge dinner. I'll even bribe Harry into helping me make a magical Easter egg hunt for afterward. Though no idea what that actually entails yet. I just made it up. But it sounds fun, right?

Mar. 26th, 2024



[No Subject]

I'm still not convinced this isn't some witch's hallucination spell. I have a whole floor to myself, which is just perfect.

Fine. I'll play along, for now.

Filtered to Christine Chapel
I was told to reach out to you. It looks like I'll be working as a nurse while I'm here.



[No Subject]

Considering that I never thought I would have a pet when I was younger, I am surprised at how much I miss Nevermore. Are there any animals on board that I could care for?



Netpost; Courtney Whitmore

Hi, Poseidon people!

I'm Courtney and I've been here since Saturday but I had to take a couple of days to adjust to the whole being in space thing. Thank you to Mara and Cassian for putting up with all my questions and letting me hang out with their family for the past few days.

I look forward to meeting everyone here, going to lessons at space school and learning the ropes in Morale.



Netpost | Kamala Khan

I didn't expect to find myself in space again anytime soon.

But this is space in a different universe so it's like, extra cool.

Hello Poseidon! I'm Kamala Khan.



[No Subject]

I miss practicing my archery. Would anyone like to practice with me? It was always more fun with the other hunters.



Netpost; Dustin Henderson

Never thought I would say this but I think I'm done with ice cream for a while. Still sucks that the guys aren't here.

Mar. 24th, 2024



Net Post: Sam Wilson

Can't say that visiting space was on my Bingo Card for this year but it was on my bucket list so there's that.

I'm Sam Wilson, I'm going to be working in Medical as a counselor. I'd say I'm happy to be here but I'm not sure yet since I just got here.



[No Subject]

I suppose I should just accept that Loki is gone and make a life here for myself. Perhaps, I should get out more. Any suggestions?



Net Post: Piper Halliwell

Things happen for a reason, I believe that, I'm not sure what the reason is for me being here though.

They say I'm not in danger that's new but usually when I get sent somewhere it is because I need to learn something, I wonder what the lesson is here.

their timing is terrible

Introductions, right? My name is Piper Halliwell. No idea what I'm doing here but I guess I am here for the foreseeable future.

Mar. 22nd, 2024



Net Post: Leanne Smythe

Today is World Otter Day!!! This is a day set aside to celebrate otters everwhere. Otters are cute and cuddly and so much fun to watch. Here is an example. You can also celebrate by reading a book about otters or perhaps watching a nature documentary about otters. However you choose to celebrate, have a happy one!

[Mar 22 - OCE has the urge to create their own holiday today, what is it? How should it be celebrated?]

Mar. 21st, 2024



netpost: reyna

Hopefully everyone's adjusted back now post-Weststar. I know we've had a lot of shake ups in terms of people and positions. This is just your general reminder that we offer training classes at the armory & weapons operations on all types of weapons from knives, swords, and spears to much more elaborate things. (Though some weapons have prerequisites).

It never hurts to know how to use a weapon, even if you never want to have to do it.

Playdate for the kids soon?

Welcome to the parents club. Any chance your kid would be interested in a playdate? My Helena is four (and a half) and Leo is two and change.

[Nicos & Bianca]
Family dinner this weekend as an early birthday thing. We can cook or order from one of the restaurants. I'm good either way.

Mar. 20th, 2024



Network Post: Nate Heywood

Okay...okay there might be a possibility that I'm still high on Lyorge root because where even am I? This place is amazing and huge and I'm going to need a rundown of what is going on here.

So hi, Nate Heywood at your service. I'm a historian (And a superhero) and I'm going to be here doing uh..historian stuff? Sounds like a normal day to me.

Mar. 19th, 2024



Network Post :: Lydia Martin

Because I'm trying to form some type of normalcy here

In an attempt to froget this is the first time I've not celebrated with my mom

Important question: Does this place do any little things for birthdays? At home, Starbucks offers you a drink, and other places will do free treats. (And then there are the restaurants that will bring out a dessert and sing to you while the entire restaurant stares, which has its pros and cons. Humongous con if it's a place the demands a performance of some type from the birthday person. Also a con if they force you into a ridiculous hat. I didn't spend an hour on my hair to mess it up with a pointed paper hat, thank you.)

If there's nothing, that's fine. I can make due with a cupcake from the bakery.

Unless they're all gone for the day. Then I'll just make my own celebration.



Netpost | Edward Teach/Blackbeard

"Earl Grey Tasting Day" could mean anything. I thought we were tasting Earls and thought that sounded suspicious but the tea isn't half bad.

Mar. 18th, 2024



[No Subject]

Who the hell sent me this.

It's tiny.



[No Subject]

[Filtered away from Clarke and Oliver, but open to literally everyone else]

So uh.

What do you get your adoptive parents for a gift when they are finally getting married?



Netpost; Jason Todd

Well, that was a lot of fun. Maybe I should venture into The Gerard more often.

[Hope Mikaelson]
Next time, no beer.

And let's leave the scowling guy trying to incinerate me with his glare of doom at home.